Let's try this then

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"Guy's I'm starting to think this isn't a such a good idea anymore..." I mumbled as we all got ready to go out to try and get Theo on camera

"No, come on, you've gotta at least try! Charlies already out with Mia, if we don't do it now we never will" Connor said opening the door 

"You can do this Brad, I'll protect you if he gets to violent" Tris said hugging me from behind 

"You two really need to stop being so gay together!" James laughed as we walked out, Tristan still hugging me 

"Maybe we don't want to" Tris said before pretending to kiss my check and then ran off. We walked to the park and James and Connor hid round the corner waiting to get Theo on Camera. 

"Tris you don't have to do it with me, I'll be fine on my own" I said to him as we walked in to the park 

"No way, this shit bag isn't hurting my boy" He growlled, as soon as we stepped in to the park Theos gan all turned round 

"Oh look who it is" Theo laughed walking over to us, "Didn't get enough yesterday?" 

"Oh no we did, but you didn't" Tris winked at him 

"Like you guys could take me no" He laughed, "Look at you" he picked up my arm and shook it around 

"Get off" I said pulling it back, unforuantly he was right and I'm not very strong and he twisted my arm and locked in behind my back. I shut my eye tight from the pain but didn't show Theo any sign that it hurt

"You know Mia won't stay with you forever" I hissed 

"Oh yeah, why's that" He laughed in my ear 

"She'll she what a dick you are soon enough" I said and he twisted my arm back further, this time I hissed in pain 

"Want to take back what you said?" Theo laughed at my pain 

"No, Mia doesn't love you, she never has and never will" I said slowly trying to keep my breath from the pain 

"Whatever, Mia's ok but nothing special, I can have any girl I want and she would never know" He shrugged 

"Oh that's it" Tris said and threw this fist at Theos face. It hit Theo pretty hard and with enough force to get him to let go of my arm. I sighed and as my arm came lose,

"You're so stupid" Theo laughed as he turned back round

"No, I'm sticking up for my mate, something you'll never have" Tris hissed at him 

"Look around you dick head, everyone here will do what I say, you two are going to be stay well away from me and MY girl after this" He smiled as he turned around and walked away. James and Connor walked in to the park now

"You're not going to have a girl after we show her this" Connor said as he held his camera with everything recorded on 

"And look who's coming in right now to watch it" James smirked as Mia and Charlie walked in to the park. Theos eyes went wide,

"Mia, we've got something for you to watch" Connor yelled over to Mia and Charlie and they nodded before walking over

"Why is Mia here?" I whispered to James

"Charlie said Mia wanted to come to the park to see Theo so we had to show her the video now" James whispered back and then qickly added on something else, which I told Tris as well.

"Mia! I missed you" Theo said walking over to her and bringing her in to a big hug

"I missed you too, but can you wait a minute I've got to watch something" Mia smiled at him 

"Sorry babe, but I've got a date all planned for us and if we don't go now then we'll miss it" He said pulling her away 

"Theo it will take like 2 minutes" She said trying to pull back 

"Theo just let her watch the video" Charlie smirked, "It's not like it's anything bad" 

"I care what's on the fucking video, Mia and I have to leave" He hissed before pulling her out of the park 

"Shit" I moaned and kicked the ground, "We'll just have to show her late" 

"No you won't, Theo want's that video distroyed" One of his 'followers' said 

"What are you, one of his robots?" Charlie asked looking him up and down 

"No, I'm Theos best friend" He said like she was stupid 

"Phf believe me it's not that fun" I laughed putting my hands in my pockets

"Well it wasn't for you, ever since you joined this band you always but Theo last" The boy said 

"That is not true! Everyday I wasn't with the band I was with him, Mia and Charlie, they were my best friends, I never left them" I shouted at him 

"Um 'were'?" Charlie questioned 

"Sorry, Charlie and Mia still are" I said putting an arm round Charlie

"Thank you" She smiled 

"Whatever, either way, you're not leaving with that tape" He said nodding towards Connor's hand with the tape in 

"James, take Charlie home" I said looking Theo's new best friend in the eye 

"I'm not leaving" Charlie said to James as he tried to get her to leave 

"Charlie I will carry you out, and seeing as I am in pain from yesterday still, it's going to cause even more pain for me" James said to her

"No, Brad I'm not leaving, you can't make.." She started but I cut her off

"Charlie go back to the house with James! We will be there just after you" I said turning to her and giving her a hug 

"Fine" She sighed and walked out with James after letting go of me. I turned back to the guy waiting for the tape. Tris, Connor and I all stood in a line looking at all of the people who followed what Theo said.

"You want the tape, have it" Connor said throwing the camera to him 

"We don't need it anyway, Mia will work out for herself soon enough that Theo's a pile of crap" Tris smiled as the guy caught the camera

"Well, that was easier than I thought it was going to be" He smiled and then threw the camera against the tree. It smashed in to millions of pieces. That was it, there was nothing we could do now.... I just hope we get to Mia before Theo hurts her.

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now