I'm home!

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*End of the summer*

The tours over, yesterday was our last gig and now we’re all finally going home! The boys are going back to their to see their families for a week and then are coming to stay at mine for 3 weeks just so we can get in some good practice and we can work on our album. But today I get to see Mia! The boys and I were talking about going home last night after our gig,

“I can’t wait to see my family and friends again” James smiled

“Yeah me too” I smiled

“So, what are you going to say when you see Mia?” Connor asked

“To be honest I have no idea just yet, but I know that I missed her like crazy and I don’t want it to be like that again” I smiled

“Oh my god, he’s going to ask her out!” Tristan yelled and I laughed

“Yeah I think I am” I laughed

“Finally!” They all cheered.

And today was that day, I am finally going to see Mia after all summer and I can’t wait any longer! Every time I go away for a longish amount of time, when I come back Mia always greets me the same way. I go over to her house, knock on the door and turn around again. I wait until the door opens again until I turn around to see Mia’s smiling face. She smiled and runs in to a hug and then says this,

“Bradley! How’s my amazing guitar player!” and this time I know exactly how I will respond. All I have to do is wait until I get dropped back which is second to last, it’s just me and James left in the car and we’re almost at mine,

“Bye James, I’ll see you in a week for our 3 week sleepover” I joked before getting out of the car

“Haha yeah, see you then mate, and good luck with Mia!” James yelled before I closed the door. I picked up my stuff and walked to the front door; I got out my key and walked in to see my family,

“Brad, you home!” My mum smiled getting up to hug me

“Hey mum, everyone ok?” I asked hugging her back

“Yes, just been missing you” She smiled as she let go of me

“Welcome home son” My dad smiled bringing me in for a hug as well

“Hey dad, good to be home” I smiled; I had lunch with my family and told them about how great our tour was. They had come out to watch a few shows but they don’t really like going round on a tour bus and I don’t blame them, we’re pretty smelly. After lunch I had a quick shower and ran downstairs to go out and see Mia finally,

“Mum I’m going out” I yelled

“Um no you’re not, you haven’t unpacked” Mum yelled back and walked in to the hall

“Please mum, I just want to go and see my friends and then I promise as soon as I get home I will unpack, I will even do my washing and ironing afterwards” I said really fast and my mum started laughing

“Ok ok fine, have fun” She laughed and I kissed her cheek before yelling thanks and leaving. I ran, well jogged, to Mia’s house. I can’t wait to see her, I had it all planned out in my head and it’s going to be perfect! I walked up to her house and knocked on the door and turned around as usual. I heard the door open and I turned around,

“Ella?” I asked looking down at Mia’s 6 year old little sister

“Brad” She smiled; I’d always got on with Ella. Mia and I used to take Ella out on weekends or would pick her up after school to take her shopping or to the park.

“Hey, is Mia in?” I asked crouching down to her level

“No sorry, she’s out with Theo I think” She said

“Ok, do you know where they went?” I asked

“Probably the park, it’s where they’ve been most of the summer” She said looking like she was having trouble remembering

“Ok thank you Ella, it’s good to see you” I smiled ruffling her hair

“That’s ok, did you have fun on your trip” She asked

“Yes I did, very much” I smiled and went to get up

“Wait” She said and ran out and hugged my legs. I laughed and picked her up so I could hug her properly

“I’m glad your back, your nicer than Theo” She smiled as I put her down and then she ran inside. What did she mean by that? She’s always been fine with Theo, I know that I was closer with Mia’s family but Theo’s always been nice as well... I decided to forget about it and started to walk to the park, not knowing what I was about to find...


A/N - Ok I know it's short but I wanted to try and update something, I am going to try and update as much as i can! And thank you for reading :) and the picture on the side if Ella xx

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now