You're the only one who can't see

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Charlie's P.O.V

"I can't believe you're all still asleep" I said walking in to James and Tristan's room, I've just been in to Brad and Connors and they both gave me tired looks as I woke them up 

"Hey I'm awake" Tris said looking up from his laptop 

"Alright, but the rest of you lazy boys are" I said sitting on James bed beside him

"Well we need our sleep" James mumbled 

"Yeah, and I'm bored, so get your sleepy arse out of bed and dressed" I smiled 

"And then what?"

"And then we'll find something to do, all of us!" 

"All of us?" 

"Yes, you anti-social moreon" I smirked 

"Hey that wasn't very nice" He pouted 

"Sorry" I smiled 

"Not good enough" he mumbled so I leaned across and kissed him 

"Wil that do?" 

"I supose" He smiled 

"Ugh you two are gross" Tristan moaned 

"Oops forgot you were here" I laughed getting up

"Well I'm leaving before I have to sit through anymore of that" Tris said getting up 

"Wait I'm coming with you, you get dressed" and then I walked downstairs with Tristan 

"What shall we do while they get ready then?" I asked Tristan 

"Another lesson?" He suggested 

"Yeah let's do it" I smiled and we walked over to the drums


"Now look who we're waiting for" Brad said. I turned around and he was stood in the door way 

"Yeah but I am doing something constructive, not sleeping" I laughed

"Alright, well come on, you got us all up, what are we doing?" we walked in to the kitchen to join everyone else

"I don't know" I shrugged 

"You got us all up, and you don't even have something for us to do?" James laughed

"Nope" She smiled

"Oh my god, I'm going back to bed" Connor said starting to walk out the door

"No, come on, we should do something together" Brad said 

"Yeah but what?" Tris asked, we all sat in thought until Brads phone went off. He looked down at it and smiled,

"Sorry guys but I gotta go" He said before starting to walk off

"Oh no, you agreed with her on this whole thing, you've gotta see it through" Connor said 

"Sorry but someone want's to see me" He said and continued to walk out the kitchen

"Mia" we all said and then smiled 


Brad's P.O.V

"I'm glad you came" Mia smiled as I arrived in the coffee shop

"I'm glad you asked me to" I smiled back, "Are you ok?"

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