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I couldn't believe it. I sat with my head in my hands, how could someone do that to someone else...

"Brad" Mia said

"Get changed" I said and walked out, I know I shouldn't react like this but I can't help it... I walked downstairs and Con and Tris stood up when I walked in

"Anything?" Con asked

"Everything" I said and the both listened to the story I wish I didn't have to re-tell.

Charlie's P.O.V

"So now you know everything about me, when are you taking me out to tell me everything about you?" James winked as we walked back to the car

"This hasn't finished yet, I might decide I don't want to go anywhere with you ever again" I smiled

"Let's face it, we both know that's not going to happen" he smiled and I laughed

"You wish" I laughed and we got back in to the car

"Right, we've gotta pick everything up on the way back through" James said as we started off

"Is it gonna fit?!" I asked looking at the much space we had

"Yeah it will be fine" he shrugged as we pulled up at the first stop. We worked our way out of the woods and back to the house. We arrived home and I helped James unpack everything in to the garage.

"So did you have a nice time?" James asked as we finished putting the last stuff away

"Yes I did" I smiled

"Thank god" he sighed

"Why are you so scared?" I laughed

"Well I really wanted to Impress you" he said as we walked to the door

"Well you did" I smiled

"So, second date anytime soon?" He winked

"Who said this was a date" I smiled before walking inside

"Thank god your home, Mia could really need to right now" Tris said as I walked through the door. And that was the end of mine and James perfect day.

Brad's P.O.V

"I can't believe he would do that to her" Con said shocked

"I can't believe she went along with it" Tris said

"Let's face it she doesn't have much choice, she probably feels trapped" I sighed

"What did you say?" Con asked

"Nothing, I told her to get changed" I mumbled

"Brad! She trusts you, she just told you the one thing she found hardest to tell anyone and all you said was get changed!" Con said

"What do you expect me to say? Oh don't worry people sell themselves all the time, it's totally normal?!" I shouted in a whisper

"She didn't sell herself!" Tris said

"No, she just got wrecked and her boyfriend forced her in to stripping for the whole bloody club" I said

"Whatever she's done or does shouldn't matter, it's the same girl you claim to be in love with and you should be helping her, not making her feel worse about it, she's got a dick head boyfriend who's pressurising her in to doing all this stuff and she needs support!" Con said and I sighed. I looked at the floor and ran a hand through my hair

"You're right, I need to go and help her" I said getting up and jumping up the stairs, "Mia are you changed?" I knocked on the door

"Yeah don't worry, I'm going now" She said and I could tell she had been crying again

"No Mia you don't need to go" I said walking in seeing her trying to gather up her clothes

"Well you really don't need a girl like me here, so I'll just pack up and get out of your way" She said still tears rolling down her face

"Mia, I'm sorry I acted in completely the wrong way, I shouldn't have been like I was" I said walking closer to her

"You were just reacting like anyone else would, lets face it I'm a slut" She said and burst in to tears again dropping all her clothes she had gathered and bringing her hands up to her face

"No Mia, your not" I said going over to her and wrapping my arms around her. I pulled her close to me and sat down on the bed. She moved her arms away from her head and rested it on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry Brad, I will get out of your life, I know I am only making trouble for you" She said her head still buried in my shoulder

"Mia, I don't want you to get out of my life, I love having you in my life, I would hate it if you left" I mumbled in to her hair

"Brad I don't deserve you" She said

"Yes you do" I said

"I really don't, I know your always going to be there for me, whereas I don't even where I am going to be" She said pulling away from our hug

"I don't care where you are as long as I know your ok" I said

"Your a really great friend" She smiled wiping her eyes and then it hit me again, we're just friends, to be honest I had forgotten that she wasn't mine in those few minutes and now remembering that she wasn't made my heart kind of sink...

"Brad" Mia mumbled and I snapped out of my thoughts

"Yeah" I smiled

"You know when you came to my house with a video to show me" She said and I nodded

"Well, when Theo came after you, did he hurt you? Or you know, take the video?" She asked

"No he didn't hurt me, I handed the camera over straight away" I said

"Oh, so the videos gone?" She asked looking down at her feet

"Nope, I look the SD card out before handing the camera over, he wasn't smart enough to check the camera for it!" I smiled and she laughed

"Sounds like him" She let out a slight laugh, "Would I be able to see the video?"

"Yes" I quickly said and she looked slightly shocked, "I'm sorry but I have been waiting to show you for a while" and she relaxed again. We got up and walked downstairs and the boys both looked up,

"Mia are you ok?" Connor asked as we walked in and she nodded

"I sorry but I had to tell them" I said suddenly worried she would be mad at me

"No it's fine, I really appreciate you guys being here for me" She smiled

"Believe, we'll always be here, especially him" Con said gesturing towards me, but right now all I wanted to do was show her that tape.

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now