Goodbye/See you later

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Hey I’m brad, I live in Birmingham with my best friends Theo and Charlotte, a.k.a Charlie and Mia. Theo and I have been best friends since we started school, he came up to me on our first day with 2 toy cars and pushed one towards me and we’ve been best friends ever since! Charlie became friends with us in year 1, I saw her crying one day because she fish died and then I bought her over to hang out with me and Theo and then she just stayed with us. And finally Mia... She joined the school in year 3, she didn’t talk to many people and lots of our class thought she was a bit of a loner so Charlie started to talk to her. She found out that Mia have never stayed at a school longer than a month or two before her family would pack and move up so she always thought it was easier not to make friends, plus it made it harder to say goodbye when she left. So we finally convinced Mia to hang out with us and here we are 13 years later, all still best friends and Mia’s still in Birmingham! After her parents thought about moving the suddenly realised that they were all happy here and wanted to stay! I haven’t always been closets to Mia, we just clicked when we met and we can always be ourselves around each other. Charlie and I are close to but Mia’s just different somehow! She’s not always worrying about her hair and makeup, she’s just happy the way she is. Charlie’s not crazy about her hair and make-up but she’s often dragging Mia to the bathroom when we’re out so she can make sure she looks ok!

Every summer the 4 of us to something together every day that we’re not doing anything with our families. It’s been our tradition since we all met, but this year it’s not going to be the same. I’ve always been in to singing and playing instruments and this guy called James got in contact with me and asked if I wanted to join a band with him. He lives in Bournemouth so we have to get the train up and down to practice. Then we found Tristan to play drums for us so he joined in on our train trips to James house or my house. And then finally Connor joined us and we formed the Vamps. I love being part of the band and the guys are great and we get on really well, there definitely my best friends as well now! Anyway we’re going on tour this summer and I won’t be home at all, so this year Theo, Charlie and Mia will have to do our summer tradition without me. I am going to miss them but there’s not much I can do and they can’t come on tour as their parents won’t let them... They would have only been able to come for a few days and we decided that there wasn’t much point. So I am going to go on tour while they have their summer like every other year. There’s only one problem about going away. I don’t want to leave Mia. I know we’re only friends but the thought of leaving her behind worries me, I know she will be fine but I won’t get to see her smile every day or her happy personality saying,

“Don’t be so grumpy” when I am in a bad mood! I’ve always like Mia and the boys in my band keep going on about how they think I like Mia. And to be honest the more I think about it I think they might be right, but Mia and I are friends so I would never do anything to wreck that between us. Anyway, today is the day we go on tour, so I am currently saying goodbye to everyone. The boys are waiting by the car for me,

“Bye Mum” I smiled hugging her

“Be good, and try not to get in any trouble!” She smiled before letting go of me. I moved on to Theo,

“Bye mate” I smiled at him

“Bye Dude, your gonna have a wicked time” He smiled and patted my back and I moved on to Charlie

“Oh My God, I am so jealous of you! I wish I could have come!” She said hugging me

“Yeah I wish you could come to, I’m gonna miss you” I smiled as she hugged me

“Bye” She smiled as we broke apart from our hug and finally I moved on to Mia.

“Bye Mia” I sighed looking at her, she was sat down on the wall outside my house

“It’s not bye, it’s see you later” She said, she was still very funny about goodbyes after she used to leave everywhere she moved very quickly,

“I’m sorry, see you later” I mumbled as I pulled her in to a hug. I didn’t want to let her go; I wish she was coming with me.

“I’ll miss you Bradley” She whispered in my ear before we pulled apart. She liked to call me Bradley as it was my full name!

“I’ll be back at the end of the summer, see you then” I said taking one last look at her before going to pick up my bag

“Brad, we need to go, sorry mate” James said coming up behind me

“Well, I best be off” I smiled and they all smiled back, Mia’s was a very weak smile. I wish I could tell her, there and then, how I felt about her. I just wanted her to know before I left. But I couldn’t do that to her, say I liked her and then leave for the whole summer. So I turned around and started to walk to the car with James.

“Bradley” Mia yelled, I quickly turned round to see her running towards me. She ran in for another hug and I held her even tighter than last time.

“Knock’em dead” She smiled as she pulled away from our hug but kept our hands connected

“Thank you” I smiled

“Ok, now you can go” She smiled and she finally let go of my hands. James pulled me in to the car before someone else stopped me from leaving. And that was it, I was gone and that was it for the whole summer.

“Dude, seriously what’s wrong with you!” Tristan said as the car went off

“What?” I asked confused

“Mia so likes you, why have you not asked her out!” He said

“He is right” James said

“She doesn’t we’re just friends” I said

“Come on, she came back for a second hug!” Connor said

“And, she didn’t let go of your hands after the hug” James smirked and I blushed, I didn’t think anyone could see that...

“Aw, he’s gone red!” Tristan laughed

“Shut up, we’re just friends, and anyway I wouldn’t risk messing up our friend ship” I said


Thank you for reading, means a lot, i hope you like it and will try and upload as often as i can!

If you like one direction I also have a niall fanfic if you would mind having a look at that to?

Thank you :) 

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now