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Charlie's P.O.V

"Are you happy to be home" I smiled to James. I was currently sat in bed with a cup of hot chocolate on FaceTime with James.

"Yeah it's great, I love coming home"

"Aren't you going to miss them if you live in London?"

"Yeah but let's face it, I'm hardly ever at home anyway, so this way I can just have a place to go when we're in London for longer periods"

"I suppose, I need to find somewhere to stay in London, everywhere's so expensive"

"I'm sure you'll find somewhere, I'm really sorry but I should go I need to finish unpacking and packing! Tell brad and Mia I'm happy for them if you see them" he smiled back to me.

"I will, I guess I'll see you at some point" I said

"When are you moving up to London?"

"Probably the end of this month so a bit after you guys, as long as in can find a place"

"Well, we will see each other soon! I love you" he smiled

"Love you too" I smiled back before we both hung up. I know it may seem like this relationship is going really fast but we have known each other for a long time and I've always liked him.. It's not like he's asking me to move in with him!

Brad's P.O.V

"Why can you ask her to move in with you?" I moaned while I was lying across the sofa.

"Because, she's say no" 

"Why? She's your girlfriend" 

"Yeah, but hasn't been for very long" 

"What if she ask her to be your room mate as a friend?" 

"Dude, please" 

"Fine, I will ask her to move in with me" I sighed, "I am doing this for you though!" 

"Thank you" we had a quickly talk before saying goodbye and hanging up. Mia should be here in a minute so I need to get dressed. I ran upstairs and put  some jeans on. The door bell rang and I picked up a shirt and put it on while running down the stairs. 

"Hey" I smiled opening the door to Mia and Charlie.

"Someone's only just got dressed" Charlie laughed as they walked in.

"What?" I said raising an eyebrow. 

"Your shirts inside out" Mia winked as she walked past me. I looked down and sure enough it was! I pulled it off and turned in back round the right way as I followed them in to the living room. 

"How come your here then?" I asked Charlie as I put my shirt on the right way this time. 

"Because James went home and you two are my only friends" She smiled

"Have you spoken to him much?" I asked sitting down by Mia on the sofa.

"Yeah this morning, we were talking about when we were going to see each other and like moving to London" 

"So he asked you to move in with him?" I asked a bit confused

"No" She said slowly, "Is he going to?"

"No" I quickly said

"Brad" She said 

"He's not, but I thought you could move with me to London" I smiled and Mia gave me a strange look.

"And what made you think this?" She laughed

"James" I mumbled sinking in to the sofa

"Look, it's very nice of you but I don't need you to take me in, if I can't find a place in London I'll just have to do a lot of travelling I guess" She shrugged

"Why won't you move in with James?" I asked not really understanding this

"Because we've only been going out for what, 4 weeks?" She said 

"And? You like each other?" 

"Yeah but that's not the point"

"Brad Charlie's right, you can't move in with a guy you've only been dating for a month" Mia joined in

"So if I asked you to move to London with me you'd say no" I asked her 

"Well, no I guess not..." She said thinking about it, "But this is different, we've known each other for a long time" 

"And, Charlie's known James for like a year" I said 

"I am not moving in with James Brad, I want to earn my stuff, not get given it because I have a boyfriend in a  band" 

"Ok fine" I sighed finally giving in. We spent the afternoon catching up with each other and things like that. It got to about 5 and charlie decided she was going to go home. 

"So, would you move to London with me if I asked you?" I asked Mia as we walked through to the kitchen.

"Why, do you want me to?" She laughed turning round to face me. 

"All I know is that all I want to do is be with you all the time" I smiled leaning down and kissing her. 

"Well then I'd definantly think about it" She smiled as I pulled away. 

"I feel like this relationship started a long time ago, and we're further in to it than we think" I said pushing some hair behind her ear.

"I think it might be too" She agreed 

"Mia, please move to London with me" 

"I guess I could" She winked, "I need to get away from this place, there's too much past here" 

"Thank you" I smiled before kissing her again. Whatever people think about this relationship going fast doesn't matter to me, all that matters is MIia.

"I also have an idea of how to get Charlie to move to London, and I'm going to need Joe's number" 

"Should I be worried?" I asked 



"She want's to earn her way in live, just let her do this on her own" I said down the phone to James 

"I know, I just thought it would help a bit" 

"However Mia said she had a plan but she won't tell me what it is" 

"Well, tell her thanks from me for whatever she's doing" 

"Also I have knews" 

"And that would be?"

"Mia's moving to London with me" 

"Seriously? What, in your place?"

"Yes, she said she wants to get away from brimingham and I want her by my side" 

"I guess that makes sence"

"Look I should go, and you should talk to Charlie"

"Yeah, she's facetiming me now"

"See you in a few days" 


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