New beginnings

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Brad's P.O.V

"This is our apartment?" Mia asked as Mia, Charlie and I all walked in. 

"Yes, you did see Joe give me the keys right" I laughed as she looked around the place.

"It's so cool" She smiled. Charlie had come up with us to 'help us unpack' but that means, go find James and spend the day with him. 

"This is pretty cool" Charlie agreed looking round the apartment.

"And it's all ours" Mia smiled walking over and hugging me.

"Knock, Knock" Someone said and I looked up at the door to see Tristan.

"Tris" I smiled running over to him and jumping up hugging him. I wrapped my legs round his waste and we spun around the living room.

"Do I have some compeition?" Mia laughed as Tris dropped me on the sofa. 

"Sorry babe, Tris is my number one" I said and he smiled

"No one can beat me!" He laughed walking over and hugging Mia and Charlie, "I'm glad you finally made this little guy happy"

"Any chance Jame's is with you?" Charlie asked

"No sorry, but Connor is" He said and on cue Connor ran in the apartment.

"I hear two people are living together!" Connor said 

"How did you know?" I asked 

"Know what? This little guys living with me" He said pulling out a toy bearded dragon.

"Right" We all said giving him a weird look.

"Where's the two love brids then?" Someone else asked walking in 

"James" Charlie smiled walking over to him and hugging him.

"Hey you" He laughed wrapping his arms around Charlie.

"I missed you" 

"I missed you too" He smiled

"We're reunited!" Connor said, "Band hug" all four of us pulled each other in to a big hug and the girls were laughing at us.

"Come on, we need to unpack" James said as we all let go. We spent the rest of the day unpacking everyones apartments. Once Mia and I were done we crashed out on the sofa. 

"I can't believe this is real" I smiled looking down at Mia.

"I can't believe I came with you" She laughed, "This isn't like me" 

"If you stay with me, everything will be alright" I whiserped "And this is the new you, well no, the old you coming back" 

"I've missed the old/new me"

"Me too" 

"So what happens now I'm here" She asks getting up and walking to the kitchen

"Well, you come with me, you want to travel with me right?" I asked following her

"Yeah why wouldn't I?" She pulled out a glass from the cupboard and got some water.

"Well, I guess you can be our groupie"

"Yeah but I can't make money off that" She laughed before taking a sip

"But you don't need to make money, I have a job" 

"Yeah but...."

"All we need is each other right?" I asked walking closer to her

"Yes" She smiled

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now