Nothing I can do

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Mia's P.O.V

After Brad and Charlie left I knew what Theo would say...

"Why we're you talking to them?" He asked with an arched eyebrow

"They just came over to say hey, brad is one of our friends and he just got off a really long tour" the truth was I had really missed brad, at first I couldn't believe he had gone, he was my best friend and I know I sounds silly but there was a part of me that wanted more between us... But it knew that would never happen, especially now he was famous! And then Theo was there, we never really connected before but he was so sweet, he is sweet, he loves me and cares about me, I know he would never hurt me. At least not on purpose.

"Yes I know, but it's our time baby, I'm very busy and we don't get to see each other much, you know?" He said relaxing and sitting down by me

"Yeah I know, I love you" I smiled, he was lying there I hardly ever saw caitlin because he wanted to spend time as me and him, which was quite often...

"I love you too, and only want the best for you" he smiled and wrapped an arm around me, "talking about the best for you, I've got a surprise for you"

"You don't need to, I have everything I need" I smiled

"Whatever you say, but your going to love this" He smiled and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket

"What's this?"I asked as he handed it to me

"You know that art program they started for new artists" he started as I fiddled with the paper in my hands

"Yeah" I mumbled, we talked about it before, Theo said I should go for it but I knew I wasn't good enough, they were looking for top art people and I'm just not that interested in it, I enjoy art but don't think I want to do anything in it, so I didn't send in any of my work at that was it.

"Well I know you said you didn't want to enter but your too good not to so I sent in something anyway" he smiled

"THEO! I said I didn't want to go, I already know I'm not good enough with out theses people tell me that too!" I moaned and threw the letter back at him

"Babe, open the letter" he said grabbing my hand and giving me the letter back. I huffed and tore open the letter. I started to skim over it until I was the word 'accepted'.

"WHAT! I GOT IN?!" I squealed jumping up and down

"Of course you did, your amazing, I knew you would get in" he winked at me and picked me up and spun me round before kissing me. I can't believe it, now I don't have to hang around with Theo's 'business' all the time, I can have something to work on for myself!

"Um, hey" someone awkwardly said, we broke apart and I looked up to see brad.

Brad's P.O.V

Something didn't seam right with Mia still, I had to talk to her again, and Theo. I walked back over to where I saw them after saying goodbye to Charlie. I walked over and they were in mid kiss, I awkwardly spoke to get there attention,

"Um, hey" they broke apart and both looked my way

"Bard! Look I got in to this art project going on here" Mia squealed jumping over to me

"Wow that's amazing" I smiled looking over the letter she'd thrown my way

"I know! It's all thanks to Theo, they wouldn't have seen my work if it wasn't for him" she smiled back towards him and he had a smug look on his face

"That's really amazing, why don't you go and tell Charlie, I bet she would love to know" I smiled and she nodded before running off

"Brad" Theo said, "something I can help you with?"

"Yeah, just wondering what happened with you?" I asked stepping closer to him

"Well you left, so someone had to take your place" He smiled

"This is who I was" I said

"Dude, I'm living your perfect life, I am the most popular guy around here, I had my own business AND I have Mia" He smirked, I can't believe he bought her in to this

"1 I don't care about popularity, 2 I have my own business, I'm in a bloody band, I spent the summer touring the country! And 3 I don't want Mia" I said, if I wanted to still spend time with Mia, he had to know I didn't like her, which was a lie but he didn't know that.

"Yeah right, anyway she's mine, so stay away" He hissed

"You can't stop her from talking to me" I scoffed

"Fine, but you lay 1 finger on her and you are dead" He whispered

"Back at 'cha" I said before walking off, I was not going to let him threaten me. I walked back over to Mia and Charlie, when I got there they both looked very happy.

"Hey girls" I smiled sitting down with them

"Brad I can't believe it" Mia squealed again

"Your amazing Mia, who wouldn't want you in their program" I smiled

"Thank you brad" she smiled

"Now do I get a hug for that thank you? Seeing as I missed my usual one for when I come home" I smiled

"Um" Mia started

"If your worried about Theo, he told me he was fine with us hanging out" I said and her face suddenly lit up

"Thank god, I don't know what I would do without you" she smiled throwing her arms around me. I pulled her in to me and held her close. I know Theo said not to touch her but it's not like he's going to know. We held our hug for what seemed like forever until I remembered Charlie was with us and pulled back. We hung out in the park and just talked about their summer and my tour, leaving Theo out of it as much as we can. Then after a while we all deiced to head home.


A/N - sorry if it's short but I am trying to update as much as I can , hope you enjoy it and please comment and vote :)xxx

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