We need your help

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Brad's P.O.V

I woke up to a thump sound and then someone moaning. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes,

"What happened?" I mumbled running a hand through my hair

"I fell off the bed" Connor sleeply mumbled as he struggled to his feet

"You idiot" I laughed lying back down in my bed

"It's not my fault you're beds are so small" He said flopping back on his bed

"Looks like you got the crappy spare bed" I laughed

"Why me" He moaned

"My mum set them up, blame her" I said pulling my covers over my head so I could get back to sleep. There was a silcence for a bit and I thought I might be able to get back to sleep.

"Wake up!" Connor yelled jumping on me

"Get off!" I moaned trying to push him off me

"Not until you get up" He smirked still jumping on my bed. I moaned before shoving him off the bed and on to the floor. I started laughing and then got up

"You really need to stop falling on the floor" I laughed before stepping over him

"So do you" Connor said and quickly grabbed one of my legs making me fall flat on my face so I was half in and half out my room

"What are you two doing out here" Tristan moaned coming out of his and James room rubbing his eyes. He looked down at his feet where Connor and I were laying on a pile in the floor. We both smiled up and him before quickly getting back up

"Sorry, were we a bit loud?" Connor asked as we got up

"Yeah, just a bit" He said before walking back in to their room. I looked over at Connor and we both laughed before following tris in to their room,

"Morning James, how are you feeling?" Connor asked as he sat down on the end of his bed. Tris was already back in his bed so I went and got in his bed with him,

"Better, it doesn't hurt so much to move anymore, it's just bruises now" he said sitting up slowly

"That's good, so you think you'll be ok to walk?" Connor asked

"Yeah I recon I'll be..." James started, "look at you two!" He laughed turning to see me and tris snuggled up in bed together. Tris had his arms wrapped around me and we were both just watch James and Connor

"What!" We laughed

"You two so weird" Connor laughed

"You love it" I winked at him

"You're just jealous that we're cuddling and you two aren't" Tristan smiled

"You know what, I think we're ok" James laughed and I looked over my shoulder at Tristan. He gave me an evil smiled and I nodded. Then we both jumped out on bed and flew on to James bed.

"Ugh go back to your skany bed" James moaned as we all crowed on the bed. All the boys had single beds where as I had a double so it was a bit of a squash on the bed!

"Hey! My beds not skany" Tris said in defence

"Sorry, your smelly bed, better?" James smiled

"Good to know my James is back" I laughed from down the bottom on the bed, I was lying across Connors lap and Tristan was flopped across me with his feet by my face

"Will you two stop dissing my bed! I've only slept in it one night" he said

"Let's be honest, that's all you need" Connor laughed, which resulted in James and I joining in

"Oh you think that's funny do you" Tristan said looking back at me

"Yes it is" I laughed at him and he pushed one of his feet in to my face, "ugh get it away from me"

"That's what you get for laughing" He laughed rubbing his foot in my face still

"Well tell your foot to piss off" I laughed finally getting it out of my face

"Wow so this is what you do in your spare time" Someone said from the door, I knew it was Charlie instantly but I still looked up with shock over my face like the rest of the boys

"Hey Charlie" I smiled once I remembered it was what she usually did when she came over. My whole family knows Charlie like family so she just walks in to the house, yells hey to my mum and dad if they are here then runs up the stairs to find me!

"Dude, I think she broke in to your house" Connor whispered

"Don't be stupid" I laughed

"Yeah, I know where they key is, as far as I know that's not breaking in" she winked coming to join us on the bed. We all sat up properly so she could fit on and James moved over so she could fit next to him

"So how are you this morning?" She asked James

"I'm a lot better, just bruises now" he smiled

"Not at these lot have been much help I bet" she laughed

"These two, left me in here last night, ON MY OWN, to get in changed for bed!" Tristan said pointing at me and Connor

"What! We knew you wouldn't need our help" I said ruffling his hair

"That does sound like Brad" Charlie said

"What, because he 'believed' in me" Tris asked

"Oh, no! The fact that he dodged the work" She laughed

"That was a good one" James laughed and high fived her

"Hey! Stop siding with her, your my friend!" I said

"Looks like I've converted him against you now" Charlie winked

"Yeah, he'll get bored of you soon" I smirked

"Doubt it" Charlie smiled and th boys 'oohed'

"Oh yeah, bring it!" I laughed and she kicked my causing me to fall off the end of the bed

"Good enough?" She asked leaning over the edge to see my lying on my face

"This is not over miss!" I said pushing myself back up and getting back on the bed

"I think it is" She said

"Charlie win's" Connor laughed

"Hey! Just remember who's house you're staying at!" I said pointing him

"And I am starting to think it was a draw" Connor quickly said

"Yeah I thought so" I laughed

"So what are you boys doing today?" Charlie asked

"Well I'm hoping eating because I am starving" Tris mumbled

"Have you not fed them yet?" Charlie asked me shocked

"Sorry, we were having cuddle time" I said in defence

"Cuddle time? Wow you boys are cool" She laughed, "Help James get downstairs and I start your breakfast" and with that she got off the bed and walked downstairs

"You two are like brother and sister" James laughed as we all got up

"Well let's face it, she is his only friend" Tris jokingly said

"H.." I started but stopped, "Ok that's kinda true" I shrugged and continued getting up. I walked back in to my room and quickly grabbed a shirt and threw one to Connor before helping James get downstairs. He was better this morning and didn't need much support

"Whooh! James can walk!" Connor cheered as we walked in to the kitchen

"Well that's good" Charlied laughed as we sat down by the breakfast bar/counter

"What are you cooking?" James asked

"Pancakes" Charlie said

"Do you want me to get you heathly stuff out?" I asked James

"It's not called... Never mind, yes please" He said, laughing the last part. I walked over to the cuboards and got out the stuff James usaully has when he's here. We had stuff left from last time,

"Here you go mate" I smiled sitting back down at the counter

"Thank you" He smiled and Charlie laied a pancake out infront of each of us. Connor, Tris and I covered them in sugar and lemon where as James put some heathly stuff on his which no one else ate!

"Thank you Charlie" I smiled with my mouth full of food

"Brad! Please don't talk with your mouth open" She moaned and I quickly swallowed what was in my mouth

"Sorry" I smiled and Charlie lent on the other side of the counter facing us all

"Come on, give me some" she smiled before opening her mouth for me to give me some of my pancake

"There you go greedy" I laughed cutting more of my pancake

"Hey! I made them" she laughed, hitting my arm, after she'd swallowed. I laughed before turning to the boys to see them giving us both a strange look

"So what are you boys up to today?" She asked going back to making another round of pancakes

"Well, I guess planning our 'Save Mia' plan" Connor said finishing the last of his pancake

"All for another pancake yeah?" Charlie quickly asked and we all nodded, "what's the save Mia plan?" She asked going back to cooking

"Well, we're going to show Mia how evil Theo is by filming him beating up Brad" Tris smiled

"Aw, so Brad can finally get with Mia" Charlie winked as she gave James his second pancake

"What" I said trying to act like I didn't know what she was talking about. How did she even know about me liking Mia....

"Oh come on Brad! I'm not stupid" She said finishing another pancake and giving it to Connor

"God Brad! She's not stupid!" Connor smirked while raising his eye brows and nodding his head up as he said stupid. This resulted in James and Tris laughing and Charlie just shaking her head as she made the third pancake.

"Anyway! Surly getting beaten up isn't the way to go" She said looking worried as she gave Tris his pancake

"Nah it's fine, we'll jump I'm if he needs help" Connor said

"Ok you guys can't do this, did you not see what happened to James! I don't want you all going through that, and I don't want James to have to go through it AGAIN!" She said waving her arms around. Unfortunately my pancake was in her hand in the pan which ended up on the floor...

"Gee thanks" I mumbled as we all looked at my pancake, which was now being eaten up by Jess, "Well I'm glad you enjoyed it!" I yelled after her as she ran out of the room

"Sorry" she laughed, "I just don't want you boys to keep getting hurt"

"We know that we may end up in pain again, but we talked about it last night, and we want to do this for Brad, even if it means not being able to walk for a week" James said

"Ugh, you boys are so annoying" she moaned giving me my new pancake

"Why?" Tris asked

"Because you're all so adorable with the whole 'wanting to help your friend' thing" she sighed pushing herself up on to the kitchen counter to sit

"We know" James winked and we all laughed

"Well I guess there's not much I can do to stop you" Charlie sighed

"But there is something you can do to help" I said hoping she wouldn't say no

"Ok what is it?" She asked

"Keep Mia busy while, we do this?" I asked hopefully, she thought about it for a moment and then took a deep breath

"I guess so" She smiled and a course of 'Yes's' came from us before we finished out pancakes.

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now