I was scared

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Brad's P.O.V

I woke up and felt someone lying on my arm. I turned my head and saw Mia lying next to me, memories of last night flooding back. We'd gone further than I'd thought we ever would.. I smiled as I looked at her asleep in my arms. I could have staked there all day but I needed a drink. I slowly removed my arm from behind her without waking her and then went downstairs. I went in to the kitchen and ran the tap to get some water,

"Oh shit what did you do" James said walking in to the kitchen. I was confused about what he was talking about until I looked down to see I was just in my boxers

"Oh" I mumbled before feeling my face turn pink

"You didn't"

"Maybe" I put my drink down and sat down at the island

"She's still got a boyfriend" he laughed joining me

"Oh shit I forgot" I moaned

"Hey, you were pretty drunk" he shrugged

"So was she, I don't know what she's going to say, what if she never wanted this" I moaned putting my head in my hands

"Dude she wasn't drunk last night" He said

"She told me she was" I said arching my eyebrow

"I bought all the drinks last night, she didn't have a single one" He said

"Then why would she.." I started but Tristan walked in

"What's happening" He asked leaning on the other side of the island

"Brad did it" James winked

"Last night?!" Tristan asked shocked and rather loudly

"Shh" I said

"At least James kept it in his pants" Tristan laughed

"Fuck off" I laughed but him and James just burst out laughing even more

"If I were you I'd be there when she wakes up" James said after they finished laughing

"Don't worry, we'll fill Connor and Charlie in on your big night" Tristan winked as I got up. I just shock my head and kicked him as I walked past. I could hear him and James laughing as I left but just went back upstairs to Mia. I pushed the door opened and sat down on the edge of the bed with my back to Mia. I sat there for about 2 minutes before I felt her move, I turned round to see her waking up.

"Morning" I smiled as she sat up

"Morning" she smiled back

"How did you sleep?"

"Amazing, you?"

"The best I've slept in a while" I admitted

"Last night was..." She started but I stopped her

"Why did you lie to me"


"I know you weren't drunk, I was freaking out this morning that you would regret this and then James told me you didn't drink a single thing last night"

"I.." She started but couldn't finish

"I don't get, are you just bored of Theo?"

"Brad it's not like that"

"Then what is it like?" I shouted

"I was scared" she yelled back, "that, you would get put off of me from my bruises, from everything he's done to me"

"Mia, I like you, everything about you" I said moving closer to her

"I know, after what you said last night I knew I didn't have anything to worry about"

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad Simpsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن