The Guild Master

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I'm the reason? That doesn't make any sense. None of this makes sense.
Celesta grabs me by the arm and hurls me at the wall of the bubble. "You're the reason I've done all this, Nashi! It's your fault!" She calls, sounding well past insanity.
I bite down a scream as she kicks my rib cage with all her might. "If you weren't such a prodigy, I wouldn't have to prove myself!" She shouts angrily.
What is she talking about? I try to stand up, but she merely pushes me back down with her boot.
"Everyone talked about Fairy Tail's famous young Dragon Slayer, who happened to be the child of two of some of the strongest wizards in the guild. From the start, you were strong. But that's the whole problem here."
She lands another kick to my stomach and I hold in a strangled cry.
"You see, I've always been a strong mage. The other kids at school thought I was really cool, when I was younger. They did until the news of you spread life wildfire. Yeah, I was strong, but you were the same age as me and stronger. I became nothing!"
She grabs my neck and pulls me up, but she's not squeezing hard enough to choke me.
"But then imagine finding out the prodigy has little prodigy friends. Your entire guild is full of power! You became the scale everyone compared skill to. They'd repeatedly tell you that 'you're strong, but not Fairy Tail strong', and it drove me crazy!" Celesta stares me dead in the eyes.
"All I need is to defeat your guild, then I'll finally get the respect I deserve."
She slams her fist into my cheek and I go flying backward. I let out a small cry at the blow, but nothing more. I have to get up and win this. Especially because this girl is insane and needs to be stopped. I mean, prodigy? No one ever called me that.
"Are you serious?" I laugh weakly as I slowly push my myself up onto my elbows.
"What?" Celesta raises an eyebrow.
"Are you serious? All that was enough to make you do all this?" I stand up shakily, chuckling under my breath.
"Is this funny?" She growls angrily.
"Ironic is more like it." I notice her start to focus on my words instead of the fact that I'm standing. "You talk about wanting to be strong, but you're weak enough to let others opinions of you bother you! You've decided to spend your life trying to defeat our guild because you're insecure!"
"Really? That's what you think?" Celesta laughs, but I sense doubt in her voice.
"Yeah, it is. If you're a strong wizard, then do something productive! Don't spend your time tearing other guilds down, help tear down the actual villains!" I shout.
She seems to consider everything for a minute. She then suddenly waves her hand and the bubble disappears. My feet land on solid ground, and I think I've never been happier.
"How about I prove to you how strong I actually am? I'll even get rid of the gravity bubble," Celesta grins wildly.
"Fine, we can handle it this way," I ignite my hands into flames.
Celesta clenches her hands into fists and lunges at me. I duck away from her and slam my flaming fist into her side. She cries out, but recovers quickly. Before I can react, she lands a punch to my stomach. The wind is knocked out of me, but I can't quit now.
"Fire Dragon Roar!" I yell, shooting flame hurtling towards her.
Thankfully, my attack hits its mark and Celesta is flung backwards. I almost forget about her magic, but then she removes the gravity on herself and bounces up. She floats up toward the ceiling and then pushes off it. She launches herself towards me, an attack ready.
"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" I meet her attack with my own.
Both of us attack each other rapidly, determination fueling our fight. Around us, the others are still fighting. We are literally surrounded by battle. But I can see their fights winding down. They're ending their fights, and I need to also.
This whole situation has gone on long enough. Venom Rose has captured my guild, tortured my family, and put everyone through heck. I'm done with them.
"What's wrong? Getting tired?" Celesta taunts.
"No, just bored," I smirk.
"Let's finish this," Celesta snarls.
She increases the gravity behind her punch, so that it has more force. But that's not going to work, not if I can help it.
"With the flames of my right hand...and the flames of my left... put them together...Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" I yell and attack with all of my might. This is for my guild, for my friends, and for my family.
I roar as my spell is sent rocketing at her punch. The attacks connect, and a fiery explosion booms throughout the guild. Everything goes white with light, and when the dust clears I'm on the ground. Fortunately, she is too. There's one difference between us, though.
I get back up.
Emma, Storm, Nova, and Reiki walk up behind me. I scan the room to find that all the other mages are unconscious. A grin spreads across my face, a truly happy one for once.
"We did it," I smile, happy and exhausted all at once.
"Yeah, now let's go get our guild mates," Emma grins back.

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