Living the Library Life

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"Okay, I'm officially exhausted," Storm plops down.
"No, you're not," I walk over to him and pull on his arm. "Come on, stand up, we're not finished here." My feet skid across the floor as I continue trying my hardest to pull him up.
"Don't want to, so I don't think I will," He mumbles.
"Storm! You want to save our guild, right?" I drop his arm and stare him dead in the eyes.
"I guess so, but does it have to involve reading?" He groans and looks at me miserably.
My thoughts slip for a second and go to the following place: Even when he's whining, he's still hot. As soon as the thought appears, I mentally slap myself and focus again.
"Emma," I call up to her as she stands on the bookshelf library. "Help me deal with this."
Emma looks down at me and smiles. "Sorry, Nashi, but he's all yours."
I mutter some frustrated words under my breath before resigning myself. Fine, he can stay there, but I'm going to get something productive done.
Today we, and by "we" I mean Emma and I, decided to check the guild's library in attempt to find information on Venom Rose. Our parents left yesterday, and there's been no news regarding them since. I just want to be prepared in case we need a backup plan. But so far, we've not had much luck. We can't find anything about a founder, members, or a motive of why they're doing this at all. Like I said, no luck.
As I shuffle through book after book, I feel the sensation of eyes burning a hole in me. I whip my head around at Storm. "Hey!" I shout angrily. "Stop staring and get to work!"
"I wasn't, listen, I uh, never mind," Storm fumbles for words in a manner that might be flustered. I've never seen him act this way, but that's what he gets when he gets caught being lazy. He finally stands up and begins looking through some shelves.
"Thank you," I say, exasperated.
After a couple more hours of rooting through the library, we decide to stop. We still haven't found anything on Venom Rose. I guess they're as new of a guild as we've heard.
Emma and I chatter incessantly as we walk down the street, Storm following close behind. We've all been staying at my house since our parents left. Though we won't admit it, we don't want to be alone. Sylvia is staying with Rosemary Fernandes, so Storm is left alone, too. That's why we let him stay with us, but we do make him sleep on the couch while Emma and I share my bed. There's no way we'd let him share the bed, too.
We soon arrive at my door and I unlock it quickly. After locking it immediately behind us, we settle in for the night. I didn't realize it had gotten so late since we were inside the library all day.
"You wanna eat?" I ask them both.
"Sure," Storm shrugs.
"Sounds great, Nashi," Emma smiles.
I go into the kitchen and check the food situation. I meant to go pick up some groceries today, but obviously that didn't happen. All I have is some lunch meat, bread, and chips.
"Sandwiches it is then" I mutter to myself.
I throw some sandwiches together and set the bag of chips on the table. After shouting for them to come eat they run like they're starved animals. We all scarf the food down in silence, no one really saving time to talk in between bites. Oh well, I'm starving so it doesn't really matter.
We ate off of paper plates, a girl's best friend for minimal cleanup, so we toss our trash and leave the kitchen.
Storm walks into the living room and flops down on the couch. Emma heads over to the desk and starts digging around for something. Something most likely being my book I've been writing in my free time. I hid it a from her a while ago, and I haven't touched it since. Free time has been scarce with all that's happened with my brother.
"Nashi," Emma calls sweetly. "Where might a girl friend a certain story?"
"Not telling." I cross my arms defiantly.
"Please?" She pouts.
"Same answer as yesterday, no way." I shake my head.
"Ugh, I'll find it someday, just you wait," she grins with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
She strolls over to the armchair and sits down. That only leaves one spot, and it's the one next to Storm. I stride over and slide down into the couch beside him.
"Do you guys wanna go-?" I speak, but am interrupted with a yawn. My own yawn.
I look around at my best friends, both of whom have already fallen asleep. My eyelids begin to feel heavy, and I decide to head to bed. Unfortunately, I fall asleep before I even get off the couch.

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