Hidden Talents

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"Woah, Storm can cook!" I say in awe as he expertly cooks Emma and I breakfast.
"Who knew, right?" Emma stares, jaw dropped, awestruck.
"You've really been holding out on us! All those times you've made me throw together lunches of food that doesn't involve cooking while you're practically a pro," I cross my arms. It's no secret that I always burn everything I try to cook. It's like my magic and I are a living pun, right?
"Sorry I didn't cater all your lunches," Storm glared over his shoulder. He's definitely not been appreciative of our commentary. Not by a long shot.
Emma just laughs at him. "It's okay, Storm, we'll find it in our hearts to forgive you."
"Maybe," I shrug. "Making it up to us with food would help sway the vote, though."
"Guess you'll just have to stay mad," He smirks as he sets several dishes down in front of us.
There's steaming plates of eggs, bacon, and even waffles. I'm in heaven. I meet Emma's brown eyes with my own and we grin. Next thing you know, we're scarfing down food like crazy.
"Geez, you guys eat like you're actual dragons. Hey! Slow down, I cooked this meal and I'd like to eat it too!" Storm rushes around to a seat and frantically piles food onto his plate, while there's still some left.
What can I say? I burn a lot of calories training, so I need to eat.
"So," Emma says, once we finish eating. "Storm can cook, what about you, Nashi?"
"You know I can't cook," I look at her oddly.
"No, I meant to ask you what your secret special skill is," She smiles mischievously.
I think for a minute. The only one I can come up with isn't something I want to share. "Don't have one," I shrug and act as convincing as possible.
"Liar," Emma whips out several sheets of paper. My story.
"Emma, don't you dare!" I shriek.
"No, I'm curious too," Storm walks to read over Emma's shoulder. "Let's just have a look."
"What?! Not you too! You hate reading!" I attempt to grab the pages out of their hands.
Emma merely creates a couple of iron bars that she sends wrapping around my wrists. I try melting them, but with the way my hands are stuck, I can't use my magic. I grunt as I struggle against my bindings, all while they sit and thoughtfully read each page. I'm still thrashing when they finish.
"That was really good, Nashi," Emma smiles as she removes the iron bars.
"Yeah, it was probably the only good book that I've read." Storm comments.
"Ha ha, I know it's very hilarious to make fun of me." I glare at them.
"We're not kidding, Nashi! You have some serious talent!" Emma grins. "You could totally do something with this, like professionally."
"Write? Yeah, with who? Sorcerer Weekly?" I crack up.
"You could be the first person to be featured as a wizard and a writer," Emma looks at me, on the brink of laughing.
I cringe, thinking of the one time I let the others convince me to be in Sorcerer Weekly. That type of thing isn't my style. I blush, completely embarrassed, "I probably wouldn't be the first, and I really DON'T want to do that."
"Well, you could be a writer, just saying," Storm shrugs.
I look at the ground and decide a change of topic is definitely in order.
"Emma, what about you? Talents your keeping a secret from us?" I ask her, transitioning the conversation as smoothly as I can.
She bites her lip before giggling a little. "Actually, yeah," She smiles. "I can sing and play guitar pretty well."
"Huh," I nod while I think about it. "That does make sense, I guess, since your dad is Mr. Shoo Be Doo Ba."
"Ugh, don't remind me," Emma cringes and laughs.
"Well, I cooked and we forcefully read Nashi's book, are you going to sing or something?" Storm crosses his arms.
Emma nods and clears her throat before she opens her mouth. Instantly, words flow out in a soft melody. Storm and I's jaws drop to the floor. She really can sing, like really really well. We both stare at her for the next few minutes as she finishes her song.
"What'd you think?" She asks, once she's done.
Storm and I respond with clapping and cheering.
"You'll have to do a duet with Nova sometime," I grin at her. Nova can sing, too.
"Yeah, maybe I will," She chuckles.
"You definitely should!" I poke her arm.
Then, a knock sounds on the door. We all go silent as Storm goes to open it.
Standing outside is Nova, with Reiki in tow. She has a dark look on her face. "We need you all to come to the guild,"
Storm, Emma, and I stand there with confused looks on our faces.
"Now." She says in a demanding voice. "This is really important."

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