Team Natsu

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"That was really great guys, wanna try another round?" Emma pants as we all stand in the field, exhausted.
We've been able to do group training sessions for the past couple of weeks. It's helped to be with both of my friends who are dealing with the same thing as I am. It gives us people to talk to so that we don't replay the fight Storm and I had in the guild hall.
The downside of being out here for this many weeks is that it means our guild mates still haven't been rescued. That's right, guild mates. It's not just our siblings that have been taken, but about half of the guild. Everyone is tense these days. Venom Rose, whoever they actually are, is out for Fairy Tail and no one knows when they'll quit.
"Yeah, let's go again," I nod.
"Iron Dragon Lance!" Emma yells, her arms transforming into long iron poles. She swings them at Storm and I's feet.
Quickly, I jump and out of the corner of my eye I see Storm do the same. After we've dodged her attack, I waste no time in returning the favor.
"Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" I slam my flaming hands together. A blazing explosion bursts from my hands and rockets straight toward them. The fire engulfs them, and I wait for it to go out to see the results of my attack.
Unfortunately, left in the ashes is my two best friends seemingly unharmed. Emma stands in the same spot as before, but she's covered herself in iron scales. Storm hasn't moved either, using his Water Body magic to turn him to water.
"Water Nebula!" Storm shouts as two streams of water helix around each other and race toward us.
"Fire Dragon Roar!" I shoot out fire that turns the water to steam.
It goes on like this for a while, attacking and dodging and defending. At last, however, we tire ourselves out. My magic power needs to replenish itself anyway. The three of us plop down against a fallen tree.
"Are we going to do this again tomorrow?" Emma turns to us.
"Sure, I still need more training, I'm not strong enough yet." I cross my arms.
"It's official, my best friends are monsters. You guys are insanely strong already. More training and you might explode," Storm chuckles.
"Monsters? That's harsh," I fake glare at him.
"Yeah, Storm," Emma reaches over and playfully punches his shoulder.
"Okay, okay, calm down," He waves his hands. "You're not monsters, you're just terrifying,"
"I'll take it," I laugh.
"Agreed," Emma giggles.
Suddenly, a loud boom sounds across the field. We jump up and look towards the source of the sound. It came from the guild.
As the three of us race toward our guild, none of us can guess what caused that noise. Has Venom Rose attacked us again? Did something explode? We're totally lost.
Soon enough we skid to a stop and fling open the guild's doors. We step inside and I freeze. There are burn marks on the woods floors, some of which are still smoldering. Bits of metal and ice cover the floor, too. I think I know who did this.
Our dads stand in front of a picture of all the guild members who were sent out. My breath catches in my throat when I see it. All of our guild members are bound and bruised like my siblings. They look bad, really bad.
"Dad," I whisper as I grab his arm.
At my touch, his gaze seems to focus again and he snaps back to his senses. He looks at me and the ruffles my pink hair. "Hey, Kid,"
"Hi, Dad," I smile at him sadly.
"I need you to stay here, and I need you to stay safe. Okay?" He turns deadly serious.
"Um, sure, but why?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Because I need you to be here and okay when I bring your brother back."
I freeze. "How, Gramps won't let-" I start before he interrupts me.
"Gramps is going to have to let me go this time. I'm not taking no for an answer," He says firmly.
He turns away from me sharply and then yells, "Ya hear that, Gramps?! I'm going to get my kid and you're not gonna stop me this time!"
Gramps steps up onto the the bar and sighs. "I know, Child, and I won't try to."
My dad nods and then begins to storm out of the guild before a chorus of voices start.
"Not without me, Flamebrain!" Gray walks towards him.
"Or me, Salamander!" Gajeel has a menacing look plastered on his face.
"I want to get my son back, too." My mom steps forward, determined.
"Juvia is coming, too!" Juvia stands up.
"Don't count me out!" Levy walks up to stand next to her husband.
My dad looks at each one of them, his eyes softening ever so slightly when they pass over my mom, and then he grins wildly. "Let's go get our family back!" He shouts.
Our family. Not just my brother, but all of the others, because Fairy Tail is a family.
They all take off out the doors and leave on a mission. This is it, I think as I watch them walk out, they're going to bring them back. I smile hopefully for the first time in what feels like forever. A quick glance at the rest of the guild and I can tell they're doing the same thing as I am. We're all watching them fade into the distance knowing that they can bring our family back together.

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