The Plan

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"Are we ready?" I look around at everyone as we crouch behind a huge boulder outside the Venom Rose guild. They all nod back. "Then let's go,"
Emma, Nova, and I sneak out from behind the boulder and walk in the path heading straight for the guild.
The Venom Rose guild hall is a few miles out of the nearby town of Redloch. We still managed to find it, even though it's in the middle of nowhere. Once we saw the building, it wasn't hard to figure out what it was. The large stone structure was surrounded by the same roses that covered our guild that one day.
"We got this, Ladies," Nova whispers as we get into formation.
The three of us line up and put our acting skills to work. I know, this plan isn't the most dignified, but it's the best we could come up with on short notice. We plaster scared looks on our faces and do our best to look vulnerable.
Trust me, it's not easy.
We stop a good few yards away from the door and three wizards step outside. There are two guys and a girl, and there's something off about them. All three are really good looking, almost to an inhuman level, but there's something else. Their beauty masks the menacing looks they each possess nearly completely. I hold in my groan. The guild members are human versions of venomous roses, beautiful and deadly.
One of the guys, the one with emerald hair, steps forward and smiles coldly. "Are you Fairies here for your other members?" He asks, sounding extremely condescending.
It's Nova who speaks first.
"W-well, we jus-just wanted to talk to see if, um, you'd consider letting them go." Her voice trembles and she almost looks like she's shaking. Dang, she's good.
The guy paces closer to Nova. He tilts her her chin up with a tanned hand and speaks quietly. "Listen, Lovely," Nova bites back her snarl as he talks. "Letting people go without a fight isn't really our style. You have to win your guild back,"
For a split second, Nova catches my eye. It's time.
"That's fair," She says in her normal, confident voice. She transforms at lightning speed, no pun intended, and sends a bolt of electricity at the wizard still holding her chin.
He collapses on the ground, twitching like crazy. Nova smirks at him in her preferred transformation, Lightning Demon Soul.
"You electrocuted Adam, you pathetic Fairy!" The girl with purple hair spits.
"I guess I'm not as pathetic as Adam, considering that I beat him," Nova shrugs.
"Oh, really?" Growls the blond guy.
They all get into fighting stances, directed toward Nova.
"Boys, I gave the signal, care to follow the plan?" Nova says irritatedly.
There's a rustling noise as Storm and Reiki step out.
"Oh, alright," Storm rolls his eyes.
"We're here, Nova," Reiki walks up next to her.
Nova turns to us and nods toward the guild hall.
Reiki and Nova stay back to fight the two mages while Storm, Emma, and I race toward the guild doors.
"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" I scream as I blast through the wooden doors.
Storm and Emma rush into the guild behind me. We look around frantically for our guild members, but they're not here. Inside, there are four mages with evil sneers on their faces.
I stop in my tracks and snarl, "Where are they?"
One mage, a girl that looks about our age, stands up from her chair. She flips her maroon hair over her shoulder and smiles viciously at us. "I see they've sent more little mages. This is the last chance they get, so they send teenagers? Do they even care what happens to their guild members?" She laughs.
The three mages around her cackle with her. My anger levels skyrocket. Talking about us like we're not here and like we're helpless?
"Enough talking, can we just get this over with?" I roll my eyes.
"Do you want me to handle her for you, Celesta?" A short, brunette wizard asks the red head.
"No," Celesta grins wickedly. "I'll handle this one, but you three can have them,"
The three wizards jump up and battle breaks out immediately amongst them and Storm and Emma. Good, let's finish this once and for all. I want my family back.
I get ready cast my first spell, when I'm stopped in my tracks. I literally cannot move. A confused look shows up on my face and Celesta laughs.
I meet her poisonous green eyes as she chuckles. "Oh, did you think it would be so easy?"

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