Breakfast Crisis

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The light of morning jolts me awake to face reality. I squint in the bright light coming from the window. I bring a hand up to my face and rub my eyes. Slowly, I try to sit up until I realize what's happened. I fell asleep on the couch. Correction, I fell asleep on Storm's shoulder while on the couch. And his arm fell down from the top of the couch, so now it's sort of wrapped around me.
My heart rate begins racing as I panic about our current situation. He's still asleep, and if I'm careful, he will remain that way. This would be so much easier if it wasn't for his arm. My mind flies through ways that I could just slip out from under his arm, but then he moves. Crap, he's waking up. I'm only able to think of one thing to do: pretend to still be asleep.
My eyes fly shut just as he shifts enough to tell me he's awake now. I feel him turn his head to look in Emma's direction. I'm guessing she's still asleep. "Nashi?" He whispers so quietly I can barely hear.
Frozen in fear, I make no move whatsoever.
"Hey," He whispers again, still quiet.
Move, dang it, move, I mentally scream at myself. Of course, myself ignores me and I continue "sleeping" quietly.
"Okay," He whispers quietly, but to himself this time.
I feel him settle back down and he lets me sleep for a few more minutes. Well, he lets me sit there until I can I muster up the nerve to pretend to wake up. Anyway, I finally manage to.
I groggily sit up and rub my eyes as I yawn. "Hey, good morning," I use my best sleepy voice.
"Morning," He replies casually.
I guess he's not going to acknowledge what happened, which works for me.
"Emma's still out, huh?" I subtly scoot away from Storm.
"Yeah, she's out, but that makes sense after all the work she did yesterday." He leans back in his seat.
"I don't know if I'd call reading all day working," I chuckle at him.
"I would," He grins at me.
"I know." I smirk back at him.
A rustling comes from Emma's direction and we both look over at her. She sits up, rubs her eyes, and then brushes her long, spiky black hair out of her face. Her purple headband is twisted around all wonky.
"Hey, guys," She grins.
"Hey," We chorus back to her.
"Nashi, do you have food?" Emma asks.
"Um," I chuckle nervously, "Unless you want to go shopping now, we're going out for breakfast."
"I'm cool with that," Storm nods.
"Well, let's go! I'm starving!" She hops up, instantly ready to go.
Soon after, we're walking together towards our favorite cafe to eat. I eye the shops and apartments while we walk. Some of them I'd never even seen before. Of course, I'm usually on a job or at the guild. Maybe when this Venom Rose situation is over I'll take time to visit some of these places. Suddenly, I catch Storm looking at me as if he can read the thoughts off of my face.
"What?" I raise an eyebrow at him.
"You're walking around like a stranger in your own town, I know you're thinking about how little you know you're neighborhood." He shoves his hands down in his pockets.
"That's guild life for ya, though," Emma looks back at us and says. "Usually busy with jobs or hanging at the guild hall,"
"Yeah, you're both right," I look back at the street and buildings.
"Someday we'll take time to actually look at these places," Storm looks out at the shops.
"Yep," Emma nods.
"Sounds good," I grin.
We all agree before we keep walking down to the cafe. But there's one teensy problem. A huge red closed sign is posted of the door to the small cafe. There goes our breakfast plans. We could always go back to my house and split the last slice of bread. Definitely not going to happen.
Emma lets out a disappointed "No!" as she reads the sign.
"Well, now what should we do?" I turn to look at both of them.
"We could go to the guild to eat?" Emma suggests.
"No," Storm says bluntly.
Emma and I look at him, shocked. He's usually pretty laidback and easygoing. Who is this Storm that actually seems adamant for once. I guess there's always a time for anything, and if this it then oh well.
"I mean, how about we go to my place instead. I've got food." He looks away from us in a way that almost seems embarrassed.
"Uh, okay," I shrug.
"Alright," Emma agrees.
We then change direction to go to Storm's house.

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