Together Again

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"What happened to you!" My mother shrieks as I enter the guild with Storm, looking like I've run into a tree. Repeatedly.
"Um, there was a fight," I meet Storm's nervous glance with my own.
"A fight? Who did you two fight?" Her eyes widen.
"Each....other..." I mumble quietly.
"Ha, I knew my kid was tougher than Ice Princess's!" My dad appears and begin laughing.
My mom sees him and shoots him her angriest glare.
"What, Luce?" He asks cluelessly.
She ignores him and puts a hand on my cheek.
"Look at these cuts and bruises," She sighs. "You're going to be the death of me, Nashi."
"Love you, Mom," I smile.
Then she turns to both Storm and I. "Do I need to ask how this whole fight started? I already know who started it." She gives me a pointed glare.
"We've made up," I put a hand on Storm's shoulder.
"I'm glad the happy couple is back together," Nova materializes almost instantly.
I jump back immediately, removing my hand from his shoulder and turn to Nova red faced. "We're not a couple! Why do you keep saying stuff like that?!" I shriek.
Storm silently walks away from us both after my outburst. I raise an eyebrow in confusion and turn back to Nova.
"What was that?" I ask her.
"I don't know," She shrugs, but something in her face tells me she does.
I brush the whole thing off, deciding that it probably isn't anything.
"Well, I'm gonna go get my food because I'm starving." I call over my shoulder as I walk to the bar. I end up having to buy another order because in the fight the one got pulverized.
Minutes later, Mira sets my plate in front of my with a smile. I'm happy that today we get to see Mirajane and not Satan Soul. I thank her and the start scarfing my food down. It's always so delicious here.
"Slow down, Nashi! You're going to eat the plate by accident!" Emma slides into the stool to my right.
"Nope, I won't. Cause I'm already done!" I hold up my sparkling clean plate with a grin.
"You're like a freaking animal," Storm slides into the stool to my left. Gone is the weird expression from earlier when Nova cornered us. I guess it was nothing.
"Speaking of animal, what happened to you two?" Emma crosses her arms.
"Well, you see, there was a fight." I quickly retell the whole story one last time, or at least I hope it's the last time.
Emma's face flies from confused to shocked to furious.
"I leave you two alone for a minute and you try to kill each other?" She growls.
"We talked everything out, no more fighting," Storm explains nervously.
"Yeah, we fixed it," I nod rapidly.
Emma stares us both down until she can see that we're telling the truth.
"I wish you two could just show affection like normal people." She mutters under her breath.
Thankfully, Storm doesn't hear it, so I shoot her a silent evil look. She grins at me with a sly look in her eyes. I swear, between her and Nova, Storm is bound to hear their little comments. If he does, then things will be weird between us and probably won't talk to me anymore. The last thing I need right now is to be avoided and ignored.
"Hm?" I blink and look up at Emma.
"I asked if you wanted to go training with my dad and me tomorrow." Emma stares at me like I've lost my mind. She's actually not too far off.
"I don't think I can," My eyes dart to the floor. "I doubt my parents would let me leave the main areas in Magnolia."
She puts a hand on my shoulder. "I get it, everything is a little high-stress right now, but it'll be over soon. The Thunder Legion left yesterday to go get our siblings back. They're like monsters, and surely no one can beat them."
I look at Emma for a second. I'd forgotten all about that. Much to our parents' dismay, Master sent out another team to go on a rescue mission. And trust me, the Thunder Legion is not to be messed with. "Yeah, you're right as always, Em," I smile.
"Hey," Storm leans over towards me and Emma. "Let's see if we can all train at the field together. I know we're not allowed to go far, so let's see if we can convince our parents."
My heart leaps and my eyes light up. "That actually sounds perfect," I grin.
"I'm in, if I can get my parents on board!" Emma says excitedly.
"It's a plan, then!" I stand up and start to walk towards my family. I quickly turn around and shout, "See you tomorrow morning, eight o'clock sharp!"
"Eight o'clock," Storm grumbles.
"Don't get all whiny, just be there." I call over my shoulder after I turn around again.
"You're lucky we're friends, Dragneel!" I hear him call as I exit the guild with my parents. And he's right. I am lucky to have them both as friends.

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