"Colby, I think your overreacting a little bit." Corey says.

"I'm over Kaylee bitching me around all the time."

"Just give me a second." I give Sam a fake smile, and storm away. I walk towards Colby, and I grab his collar of his shirt.

"Call me a bitch one more fuckin time. I dare you."

"Kaylee. Don't start." Jake groans.

"Got it?" I say through my teeth.

"I got it. Bitch-" I grab onto his shirt tighter, and I push him against my car.

"I'm really sick of your shit Colby. Tell me what the fuck I did."

"Figure it out."

"Colby. I recommend you don't talk to Kaylee like that cuz you know what happens." Brennen warns, and I haven't kept my eyes off of Colby's. He still hasn't made eye contact with me though.

"Kaylee. Don't fuckin touch me."

"Oh. Don't touch you? I've never heard you say that before." I tilt my head, and give him a fake sarcastic smile. Sam "ooo"s, and Colby rolls his eyes.

"Your lucky were in public." I push him against the car, and walk away but he decides to talk again.

"That never seems to stop you." When he says this I turn back towards him, and I grab his shoulders. I knee him in the balls, and he bends over, and groans in pain.

"Kaylee!" Corey yells while laughing.

"I warned you Colby." Brennen says, and chuckles.

"Get that tent in the car." I open the door, and get in the drivers seat.

"Move your shit cuz I'm not sitting on Colby's lap." I start the car, and wait.

"Why couldn't you just tell her what she did?" Sam asks, and Colby hasn't said a word.

Sam puts the tent, and they all get in the car. I notice that the only spot left is next to me, and Colby isn't in the car yet.

"Someone else sit up here."

"No." They all day, and I take a deep breath.


"Nope." They day, and I roll my eyes, and roll down the window.

"Get your ass in here Colby." I say, and he surprisingly listens.

"Thankyou." I pull out of the campsite, and checkout before leaving.

"Who thought going on a trip was a good idea?" Sam say, and everyone gives him a weird look.

"You!" We all say.

"Oh yeah." He chuckles.

"I mean, I got to meet some new people so that was fun." I say, trying to make light of the situation, but Colby shakes his head.

"Have something to say?" I ask, and he shakes his head again.

"Can he speak?" I ask, and Jake chuckles.

"Are you fuckin kidding me? I couldn't have done anything that bad."

"You kneed me in the balls!"

"Oh! He speaks!" I say, and he glares at me.

"I'm talking about at the party Colby."

"You were just being a complete bitch."


"Remember when you were about to strip infront of everyone?" He asks, and my eyes widen.


"Well, and stopped you, and carried you away. Then when I tried to take you back to Elton's you yelled at me, and told me that I can't boss you around."

"That's it?" I ask, and raise an eyebrow.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I say, and laugh.

"What do you mean!?" He yells, and I shake my head.

"Your mad because I told you that you can't boss me around?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says, just over a whisper.

"Damn, your even more sensitive than I thought." I laugh, and he's still glaring at me.

"You glare too much." I say.

"Says you!"

"Not as much as you!"

"Guys! Quit fighting over stupid shit!" Sam yells, and I shut up.

"I just wanna get home." I lay my head back, and Colby quickly takes the wheel.

"Eyes on the road!"

"I know how to drive Colby." I giggle, and he takes his hands off.

"God this is going to be a long drive." Jake groans.


We've been driving for 3 hours, and me and Colby switched spots with Sam, and Brennen.

I haven't spoken to Colby at all.

My phone goes off, and I pick it up. It's a number I don't recognize.


UNKNOWN: hey Kaylee. You still in Cali?

KAYLEE: Sorry, but who's this?

UNKNOWN: oh sorry. This is adym ;)

KAYLEE: Oh my god! Hey


I see Colby looking at my phone from the corner of my eye, and I roll my eyes.

"Yes?" I ask, and he looks away.

"You gunna drive back to Cali so you can hook up with him aren't you?" He ask, just to get on my nerves. I slap him in the arm, and he chuckles.

"How do you even know who Adym is?" I ask, and he laughs.

I hardly even remember him. I just remember dancing with him.

"Ha, You were grinding on him all night. How would I not know?" He ask, and my jaw drops.

"Shut the hell up."

I lean over so I can sit as far away from Colby as I can, and I continue to text Adym.


Authors note: Sorry about the longggg boring chapter😂

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