33~ Never Enough

36 16 45

Note: the updated and edited version of this poetry is now available in my newer poetry collection "When Nature Beckons You". If you want to read the first draft, you are free to ❤️

| words used: 261|


Sat crossed leg

On this steep stone,

The moon shining itself

Within my eyes.


The waves swelled enough

To wisps around my knees and toes,

I, revelling for more of the relief

It stores within...


I almost wish I'd walk on water,

And dive within, lest a single breath,

I'm afraid I'd never get enough

Of the wonders so vividly refreshing...


I'm afraid I'd never get enough,

Of the feel of water gliding past me...

Touch me but not touch me,

Such a smooth calibre.


I'd never get enough

Of sounds it makes,

Colliding, flushing, dripping,

Plenty of voices it drew.


But that's what I sit and wonder,

And that's all I wonder...

It whilst just simply embraces

The cacophony of my thoughts.


Approaching all with calm.

As I stare back at the moon,
I smile,

As if it were my friend...

Who listened to all my silent rambles.


I stood, got down,

Walked the deeper depth...

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