R.I.P Cameron Boyce

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7/6/19 - died
5/28/99 - born

I don't know a lot about him, but I would like to say that he was an amazing actor and was fun to watch him play in Jessie and both Descendants movies. He was such an awesome acter and I hope people in the near future will remember him as an amazing person, acter, and many more. He was such a funny after when he playing luke Ross and Carlos De'vel. I love how he brought both these two characters to light. He will live on in our hearts and souls. We will see him one day, but for now, we all just have to try to move on the best we can. Even if it will be hard for many of us. I hope that his family and friends will be ok after such a terrible death. I hope all can get over this in time, I know that things like this don't go away over time, we have others to lean on and talk about this and hope it all will go away in time. It will take many people who know him as a son, co-worker, friend, and many others. I know that once we all come to terms that he died as a great person, I think a lot of us will feel better knowing he's in a better place now and knowing that he is ok. I think that's all we want, is to know that he is ok, that he's in a wonderful place where he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. I just want to tell everyone that you sound to spend more time with your family and friends more if you don't know, cause there might come a day when this type of thing will happen to the person you deeply care about. Just let them know at least you are there for them when they really need it. I do hope the family of Cameron is ok, and that they know that there are many people all over the world that will be there for the family as they deal with his sudden and heartbreaking death. I hope everyone has a great day, and please, take what I say to heart.


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