Ch.24: Going back again

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Emerald's POV:
"Ethan Jones Malfoy and Emerald Susan Malfoy get down here, right now, so you can leave." I could hear my dad yell. "Ok," I yelled back before leaving my room and went downstairs. When I got down Ethan was already down.

"Be safe, in that timeline, ok." Mom said. "Of course, mum," Ethan said. "Remember," Dad said.

"We know, dad, don't get in trouble, while we're there," I said. He smiles. "Good, now off, you two go," Dad said before making a portal.

Then Ethan and I go throw.

1997- In The Great Hall-

Blaise's POV:
"Oh, come on, mate, it's not that hard," I said talking to Draco. He rolls his eyes. "Oh, come on dragon, at least do it for me," Mia said. "Oh, all right," Draco said.

He then casts a spell, of parchment, and a quail, and started writing.

"Oh, this is going to be funny," Chase said. "Yeah, it is." Pans said.

Then he stopped writing and appeared it in front of weaselbee. He then opens it.

As we see him open it his eyes go wide then go to anger.

Pans, Mia, Draco, Chase, I start laughing.

Ron's POV:
"I'm so going to kill, that Malfoy," I said. "Why, Ron," Harry asked.

"Cause, he sent me, and a letter saying, that mione is on there side now, and how he's dating her, and that she will never come to our house again," I told them with pure anger.

I then look over at the Slytherins table and see them laughing.

"What! Really." Ginny said surprised. "Yeah," I said.

Harry's POV:
"Yeah," Ron said. "Mate, are you ok, you look mad," I asked.

"What, why would, I be mad." He asked. "Well, you just stabbed your fork, into the table," I told him.

I then look at the Slytherins table seeing that Zabini's, Malfoy, Parkinson, and mione are laughing.

The next I knew, Ron was walking to the Slytherins table looking really angry.

"Oh, Godric." I aid before getting up and ran after him while Ginny does the same.

Draco's POV:
I'm laughing right now with my two best friends and girlfriend.

"Man, his face, was priceless," Blaise said. "Uh guys, he's coming over here, and he looks mad," Mia told us.

We look at weasel and sure enough, he looked mad. He looks madder at me than the others.

"Malfoy, how dare you, still her, from me." He said. "I don't know, what you're talking about, weasel," I said. "Yes, you do Malfoy, and you're going to regret saying those to me." He told us. "Oh, and why is that weasel," I said.

He then points his wand at me and says, "Stupefy" he said. "Ahh," I said. "Draco." I could hear the others before everything went black.

Hermione's POV:
"Draco" Blaise, pans, Chase, I say at the same time.

I then look at weasel with our anger.

"How dare, you hurt my boyfriend, you no good bloody, evil little cockroach," I said pointing my wand at him. "He's, not your boyfriend," Weasel said. "Yes, he is weasel," I said glaring at him.

Emerald's POV:
Ethan and I just stepped out of the portal when we stopped at what we saw. I put my hands to my mouth.

"Dad," I said running up to his body that was on the great hall flours. "Em," Chase said. "Chase, what happened," I said anger in my voice.

He then looks over at my mom. She has her wand pointing at the weasel. "Weasel here hurt Draco." Uncle Blaise told me. "What!" I yelled." "Uh-oh, dad, you shouldn't have said that. Chas said. "Weasel!!!" I yell.

Then everyone looks at me but I don't care. "How, how dare you, hurt my father, how dare you," I yell before transforming into what looks like a veela but I'm not one, I have white wings but my eyes are now blue instead of grey like always are.

Ethan's POV:
"Oh, Salazar," I said.

Then a portal opens revealing the adult Draco. Everyone grasp.

"I know, I shouldn't have done it," Dad said. "Wow, your an older Draco." Uncle Blaise. "Yeah," Dad said awkwardly.

"Uncle Draco, Em, got mad," Chase told him.

"Dear Salazar, I hope your mother, doesn't kill me, after this," Dad said before doing a spell to calm down Emerald.
She then drops down on the flour.

"Uh, what happened." She said. "Uncle Draco, calmed you down, before you, could hurt weasel, Em," Chase told her. "Dad." She said in surprise.

"Yes, well, I just got a letter, from headmaster here, that you were in you transformed," Dad explained. "What, it's not my fault, weasel, here hurt you, well younger you, but still." She told him. He then sighs.

"I know that Emerald, I lived in a long time ago." He told her. "Oh, yeah, forgot." She said.

I then couldn't help but laugh. I then see that dad gives me a glare to stop me from laughing at her. I then stop. I then see him shack he's head.

"Seriously, what am I going to do, with you guys, when you get back." He said. "We don't know," Chase said. "Exactly, no one knows, yet that is," Dad said.

His phone then rings. He rolls his eyes. "I best get back, before your mother, kills me," Dad said before answering his phone. "Yeah, what's up," Dad said. Before grabbing his wand and teleported back to our timeline.

"Wow, that was an older Draco. Mom said in surprise. "Yeah, I wonder, who he's married to," Pansy said.

"Yeah," I said trailed off.

Mrs. Malfoy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora