Ch.27: The Shock

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Emerald's POV:
It's been three weeks since my dad came here. I told Jason Potter to tell his parents. He hasn't done it yet.

"Hey, Malfoy girl." J. Potter said. "What do you want Potter," I told him. "Why don't you go away, young Potter," Dad said. "Why should I listen to a younger version of Draco Malfoy." He told us.

They are also in the great hall.) "Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say, Potter." Ethan said in rage. My eyes widen. "Don't you dare," I told him.

"What that you and-. He said but before he could finish I punched him right in the face. "Ms. Malfoy what is the meaning of this." Professor McGonagall asked walking over here.

"You really think a punch would stop me from saying it." He told everyone including me.

Hermione's POV:
As I see Harry's son on the floor with a bloody nose from Emerald who punched him. "If you say it I'm going to punch you till you are nocked out Potter," Emerald told him.

"Em don't do it, he's not worth it," Chase told her. "Yes, he is, he was about to say who my father married you moron." She yells at him. Jason Potter then kicks her in the leg.

"Ahh." She did falling on the ground.

Draco's POV:
I'm so furious right now Potter's son just kicked my daughter. "Uncle Draco no don't, she's got this," Chase told me.

"Fine," I said calming down.

She then gets up. "You bloody no good fuckin moron you could have injured my fuckin leg." She yells at him. "Like I care Malfoy." He tells her.

Ethan's POV:
I can't take it anymore. I thought.

I then walk up to potter and punch him in his face and stomach.

"Ethan," Em yells. "Oh, you saw it coming Emerald," I yell at her.

I then feel something hit my stomach. I then clench my stomach from the pain.

"Ha, now you know how I feel mini Malfoy." He yells.

Hermione's POV:
"Ha, now you know how it feels mini Malfoy," J.potter yells at him.

The whole then grasps.

"Did he just call my son mini Malfoy," I said in shock. "I think he just did," Draco said.

We then look at each other.

Our eyes widen.

"You two got married in the future!" Blaise yells. "So that means Hermione's name is going to be Hermione Jean Malfoy née Zabini after you two get married," Pansy says in shock.

I and Draco just sit there in shock.

Emerald's POV:
"That's it you died," I yell going after him. "Yeah, me too," Ethan said.

"Emerald Susan Malfoy and Ethan Jones Malfoy, you better stay right, where you are, right now, or I swear, I will do what I did last month." Future dad yells. "Dad."I and Ethan said.

"What are you doing here," I asked. "I'm not the only one who came." He told us.

Then the doors open revealing my mom, uncle Blaise, auntie Pansy, Harry Potter, and Ginny Potter.

The whole hall grasp. "Mom." Ethan and I said at the same time again.

"JASON CONER POTTER, HOW DARE YOU, TELL EVERYONE IN THIS HALL THAT HERMIONE AND DRACO ARE MARRIED NOW!!!" Mrs. Potter yells at him. "What were you thinking son." Mr. Potter said.

Past Blaise's POV:
As we see our future selfs yelling at Jason Potter I was in shock at how I look.

"YOU MISTER, ARE GROUNDED, UNTIL THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!!!" Future Ginny yells. "Ok, gin I think he gets it." Future Harry said.

"Why did you tell everyone." Future Draco asked. He then glares at Emerald. "Your daughter punched me." He told him.

I see future Hermione glare at him. "I can see why, she punched you, cause you mister cheated on my daughter, plus I can actually see Ethan, punching you, cause you broke his big sister's heart." She told him.

"I wish I never dated you in the first place," Emerald yells at him. "If I had known, you would have done that, to my sister, I when you two started dating, I would have stopped her right there, and then, and punch the living c*** out of you, Potter," Ethan yells at him.

"Uh, no a fence Mr. and Mrs. Potter." He adds.
"Oh don't worry Ethan, if I had known, my own son would do this to my best friends daughter, who is like a sister to me, I would have let you, and anyone do it to him, but I think he has learned his lessons." Future Ginny told him.

Past Harry's POV:
"We're married." I and Ginny said. "You married my sister," Ron yells.

"Yeah, she is dad, and you started dating Lavender Brown after you figured out that Uncle Draco was dating auntie mione," Lilian told him.

"You shouldn't have said that," Ginny told her. I could see the rage in his eyes.

He then gets up and starts walking to He Slytherins table.

Past Draco's POV:
As I see myself and the others talking to Jason Potter I see weaselbee walking over here with a very mad face.

"What do you want weasel," I asked. "Nothing just this." He stated. But before I could react he punches me hard in the face.

The whole hall grasp.

"Draco. Hermione said. "I'm fine don't worry."
I reassured her.

Future Hermione's POV:
As I see past Ron, punched the past Draco, I see myself fall next to past Draco.

"Oh, I remember this," Blaise said. I faceplate. "You are an idiot," Draco said. I see he rolls his eyes. "Oh, Blaise, shut it," Pansy tells him.

"I'm not the one, who is has a big ego, still," Blaise said. "Blaise Thomas Zabini, shut your pie hole, right now, or I swear to Merlin's beard, I will curse you when we get back home," I yell at him. He then goes quiet.

"Seriously what am I going to do with you," Draco says. "I have no idea honey," I told him.

"You all really have grown up maturely as you leave Hogwarts I see," Minerva said with a smile. "Yeah, we have, well most of us," I said looking at Blaise.

"Hey." He said. "Oh stop acting like an eight-year-old Blaise." I to him. I hear pans and gin giggle.

Past Hermione's POV:
As we see our future selfs argue I heal Draco's nose.

"Ahh, bloody hell, that bloody hurt." He said holding his nose. I giggle. "It was supposed to hurt dragon," I told him.

"You bloody, no good idiot, why would you bloody punch, my best mates face, weasel," Blaise yells at weasel. "He figures out, from Lilian, that he was dating Lavender Brown, after figuring out that auntie mione and Uncle Draco were dating in this time." Nigel Weasley said.

"This is hilarious." Future Blaise said laughing. I then see myself hit him in the head. "Shut up you idiot." My future self told him. "Hey, it's funny, though." Future Blaise told her.

"We best get back our timeline now, we have a lot of explaining to do when we get back." Future Harry told them. "Why is that dad." Macy Potter asked.

"Well, because we went to the past,  to oh I don't know, come here to yell at your older brother, for telling the whole great hall, that Hermione, and Draco, are married, not to mention they were enemies back then." Future Harry told her.

"Not to mention I punched him in our third year." My future self told them Ethan and Emerald yells. "why did you punch, dad in the face for mom." Ethan ask. "Well, Draco, was a jerk," I told him.

"Hey." Both Draco said. "Oh, shut your pie holes,  you two." Me and future me said to them.

Then The others laugh including our past self.

"That was weird." Future Blaise.

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