The Unbreakable Bond

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It's on the 18th of June. Today's the day. The day that Harry and I have our bonding ceremony. We've been planning this for months. It's nothing big of course, but it still took a lot of planning. I've been sitting in the dressing room staring at myself for an unhealthy amount of time, but I was trying to look perfect for the wedding. And now I had another factor to make look presentable. My wings. Speaking of which, I had to have my robes tailored so that I could have my wings out without having to go shirtless. Harry was most excited about that. He loves my wings and I think it's adorable. "Drayyyyyy!" I was taken out of my thoughts by the squealing sound of Pansy's voice coming towards me. I turned around and almost fell over by Pansy's aggressive hug. "Pans! Merlin, you're not supposed to be here for another hour and a half. What are you doing?" She looked at me like she was shocked that I asked. "Well, Mr. Malfoy soon to be Potter, (yes I'm taking Harry's last name) you didn't expect me not to help you with makeup did you?" I rolled my eyes and turned back to the mirror that I had been staring down for the last hour and watched as Pansy took out a bag that I could only guess, contained makeup. "Pansy. You really expect me to let you put that stuff on my face? I might be gay but I don't want to look like a woman." She looked at me incredulously and conjured herself a chair. She plopped herself down and put her makeup bag on the counter. "Well, Draco. I'll have you know that I wasn't going to make you look like a woman, but that might just be a good idea. You know? You could be the bride and I could be your bridesmaid." She laughed at me and then started to take out her powders and brushes. She was a Slytherin, so I didn't really know what to expect. I could really only hope for the best. I let her beat my face with her brushes for what seemed like hours before she finally put everything back in her bag and zipped it up. "Done! What do you think?" She stood up behind me and put her arms on my shoulders as she admired her work. I looked at myself with astonishment. "I'll be honest Pans, I was really terrified of what you were going to do to me, but I think this turned out really nicely." I really did look good. She made me look a little bit paler but covered up any blemishes that I had and contoured my face so that my jaw looked sharper. Those were the major things that she did, but if you looked closely, you could see a bit of eyeshadow and blush. "Are you going to go and do Harry's makeup now?" I chuckled, thinking of her beating Harry's face. She rolled her eyes looking annoyed. "No. Hermione is. She says that since she's his best friend, he's in her best interest and would be better at doing his makeup. Like she even knows how to do makeup." She finished with a huff and then walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. The ceremony started soon and I could hear the few people we invited settling into their seats. Just as I was about to get up to see if it was time to go, Hermione came rushing in, with her newborn baby in her hands. She and Ron had named her Rose Granger-Weasley. She was super cute and shared Ron's bright red hair. "Draco! How are you?" I smiled down at Rose and let her hold my finger which she was reaching out for. "I'm good, Mione. I'm a little nervous, but I'm definitely ready. How's Harry? I haven't been allowed to see him all day. Some stupid muggle tradition." She smiled and rolled her eyes playfully, knowing that the muggle tradition was her idea. "He's good. He looks good too. So do you. Both of you look great." I chuckled at her. "Thanks," I walked back towards the mirror, just to look into it once more before the ceremony started. "Well, I better go. It's gonna start any second now. Good luck!" Hermione quickly ran from the room and out into the seats. I heard the traditional Veela bonding music come on and knew that it had started. Finally, I walked out and met Harry under the bonding vail. I know it sounds stupid, but it's the only way that the bond will actually be complete. There was also a podium for the Veela that would bond us. The music stopped and everyone went silent as the Veela walked up and stood next to us. He smiled and politely nodded his head. Harry and I looked at each other with joyful tears in our eyes and smiled happily. "Mr. Malfoy. Mr. Potter. We are gathered here today for one of the most important days in your life. Your bonding ceremony." The veela smiled at us and continued. "If you could please take one another's hands, I may continue," he waited as Harry and I quickly joined hands and closed our eyes. "Ok, I will now recite the bonding spell. Silence would be much appreciated." I could feel that Harry's palms were sweaty and I squeezed them to give him reassurance. He looked up from the ground and smiled at me. I smiled back and waited to hear the spell. The veela pulled out his wand and moved it in an infinity like pattern and while whispering the spell over and over again. "Tu foedere indissolubili sociavit. Amor tuum usque in sempiternum." I felt heat pour over me and knew that the bond was complete. A slight golden glow, that only those with good eyes would see, engulfed us. I looked back at Harry who was still staring at me and smiled. I whispered so that only he could hear, "It's done. We're bonded." He smiled the happiest and cutest smile I have ever seen and then squeezed my hands. Once again, the Veela man spoke. "You may now kiss the groom." Once I heard those words, I pulled Harry in close to me and enveloped him in my wings. I put his face in my hands and kissed him with as much passion as I could muster up. He kissed me back vigorously and slowly led his hands up to my hair, pulling me closer to him. My tongue trailed over his bottom lip and he opened his mouth to me. I dragged my tongue over every part of his mouth and our tongues danced in a passionate dance that only a lover could produce. We only let go of each other when we were out of breath. We finished, panting, and I took my wings away from our bodies so that everyone else could see us. With my wings out of the way, I could hear the applauds of the few people who had come to our wedding and I smiled even wider. I rested my forehead on Harry's and pulled his torso close to me. We stood there for a few moments just enjoying being so close to one another while everyone exited the venue and headed to Harry and I's house for the party. Harry and I finally released each other. I glanced around and swept my hand over the room to make sure it was clean for whoever wanted to use it next.

The Unbreakable Bond (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now