Christmas Eve

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It was the day before Christmas Eve and I woke up again to Draco's warmth. I was hugging his chest and he had his head on top of mine. Draco and I had been sleeping together every night, enjoying each other's comforts and warmth. "Morning sleepy head," Draco grumbled, sleep still heavy in his voice. "Morning Dragon." I don't know when I started calling him that, but it was sometime during the break.

It took us a few minutes but we finally decided to get up and out of bed. I grabbed a warm, Gryffindor colored sweater from my closet and black bottoms and then headed to the shower. I took a nice long shower to get my thoughts together. When I got out I ran my hands through my hair to fix it, although it always looks messy, got dressed and then brushed my teeth. I went out of the bathroom and made my way down to the dining room where Draco and his parents were waiting for me.

"Good morning," I said happily as I sat down next to Draco and started to eat the eggs and bacon that had been placed onto my plate. "Morning Harry," Lucius said as he got up to put his plate away and go to work.

"Hey Cissa, do you think we could go to Diagon Alley today, I would like to do some last minute shopping." She smiled and agreed that that would be a good idea. We ate for a few more minutes and talked about plans for Christmas Eve, which is tomorrow. After a little longer, we had all finished our breakfast and we were all dressed. We went down to the fireplace and flooed into Diagon Alley.

We all wandered around and went to some of the stores to buy some new quills and parchment. We also visited Honeydukes to buy some sweets. After we did all that shopping I snuck away to buy Christmas gifts for everyone. I wanted to make my gift special for Draco since he was my best friend. I got him a necklace made out of silver that was shaped like a dragon and had a diamond on it as the eye. It also had protection charms on it and a special portkey charm that transports the person somewhere safe and can be activated by saying 'ego periculum.' I then bought candy for Ron and new books for Hermione. I also bought a few gifts for Narcissa and Lucius as a thank you for letting me stay at their home. I paid for all of the gifts and found Draco with his mom waiting for me at the floo station.

This is the necklace:

Once we flooed home we ate lunch and then Draco and I decided to go upstairs to get our winter break homework finished

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Once we flooed home we ate lunch and then Draco and I decided to go upstairs to get our winter break homework finished. We had to write an essay for potions and do transfiguration practice. About halfway through our work, Dobby came up with our dinner so we could eat and work at the same time. We finished eating and Draco suggested we study since we were still in a productive mood. I agreed and ended up using Draco's notes since I usually used Hermione's. Draco said that was a bad idea and that I would remember better if I took my own notes, so he made me copy his on my own sheet of parchment.

A few hours later it was time to get ready for bed. Draco and I got ready for bed and went to sleep. We had a big day tomorrow since it was Christmas Eve and all of our friends were coming over to celebrate together. Draco and I quickly fell asleep snuggled up against each other like always enjoying each others warmth.

The next morning Dobby came in to wake up a Draco and me. Draco didn't want to get up, but I finally coaxed him out of bed by telling him it was Christmas Eve. We both got up and grabbed something nice to wear for when our friends came over today. Draco wore a beautiful silver suit that complimented his eyes nicely and had a green undershirt the color of my eyes. I wore a suit almost identical to his. The only difference was that my suit was green and my undershirt was silver. We took about an hour to get ready because of Draco insisting to gel his hair back and then deciding he would do my hair as well. My hair ended up looking pretty good though. It wasn't messy like it usually was, but it looked a little more like Draco's. He had combed it to the side and used a little bit of gel to keep it in one place.

"Goodmorning boys," Lucius greeted us when we got downstairs. "Your friends are supposed to floo in soon if you want to wait by the fireplace for them. Breakfast is being made and should be ready for when they get here," Narcissa chimed in from the other room. Draco and I decided to wait for everyone by the fireplace and one by one they started popping up. First was Blaise, followed by Pansy, Draco's friends, then Ron and Hermione, my friends. We each greeted each other and got along pretty well.

We went to the huge dining room and sat down to eat breakfast. I sat next to Draco while Narcissa and Lucius took the heads of the table and Ron and Hermione sat on the other side of me and Blaise and Pansy sat across for Draco and me. The food got there and was served to all of us. It was strawberry cream filled french toast with strawberries on the side and we had pumpkin juice to drink. "Mmm. This is delicious!" I praised the food and everyone agreed. It truly was amazing.

After breakfast, our long, but fun day, began. First, we decided we should hang out by the fire and chat so we could get to know each other. We played 20 questions with each other and figured out we all have a lot in common. We all became really good friends very quickly. I was glad that I could be friends with Draco's other friends and that they could be friends with my friends.

After we got to know each other, we decided to go to the ballroom and dance a little bit. We put on some music and partnered with each other to dance. I got Draco, Pansy was with Blaise, and Hermione was with Ron. We danced for a few hours laughing the whole time. It was hard for me at first because I've never danced before, but it was good practice once I got the hang of it.

We were all worn out by the time we stopped dancing and we were also all starving. There wasn't a formal meal prepared, so we snuck into the Malfoy's kitchen and got some sandwiches to eat. We ate in a content silence and then decided to open presents. I had something different for Draco today since I wanted to give him his special gift tomorrow.

We sat down by the huge Christmas tree and picked out our gifts. I was told to open mine first. I opened Hermione's gift first and she, of course, got me books for school. I then opened Ron's gift and he had gotten me candy from Honeydukes. Pansy got me some parchment and quills, and Blaise got me a book on creature inheritances. Finally, I opened Draco's gift. He got me some nice clothes that I would forever be thankful for because I really did need some new clothes. I thanked everyone and they opened their gifts. Hermione got books from everyone, Ron got mostly candy and a few school supplies, Pansy got some jewelry and parchment with quills, and Blaise got some candy and books. Finally, Draco opened his gifts. "Just so you know, I saved your real gift for tomorrow," I whispered in his ear so he wouldn't be disappointed with what I got him today. He whispered back "I did the same for you, I'll give you your actual gift tomorrow." we both smiled and he started to open his presents. From me, he got candy, books, parchment, quills, and some ink for school. From Pansy, he received some hair gel and a ring with a snake on it, from Blaise, he got some books on potions, then from Ron, he got candy, and Hermione got him a book on Veelas since she found out he was Veela.

We all thanked each other for the gifts and we went back to the dining room because a few more hours passed and it was time for dinner. We all sat down in the same seats we sat in for breakfast and another house elf came and served us dinner. It was a huge roasted duck with carrots, stuffing, beans, and mashed potatoes as the side. We ate in a content silence and then afterward Draco and I said goodbye to Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, and Ron.

"Draco can we get ready for bed? I'm really tired," I yawned while I said this and Draco replied by saying "Of course we can Har. I'm tired too," We both quickly showered and put on pajamas. We crawled into bed next to each other and snuggled into each other before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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