A Place To Call Home

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Harry's POV

"Cissa!  We're home!"  I called out when Draco and I arrived back in the cabin.  We listened a minute until we heard her call back, "I'm in the living room!"  Draco and I smiled at each other before rushing off to that room.  "So, what's up guys?"  We ran into the room and sat down on the couch across from Cissa.  She looked at us with a happy gleam in her eyes.  A small laugh echoed through the room from her.  "You two are quite energetic, aren't you?"  I saw Draco roll his eyes as he moved his position to be laying on me.  "We bought a house!"  I exclaimed.  Cissa looked at both Draco and me one more time to make sure we were being serious and then she smiled and congratulated us.  "Oh, and it's quite beautiful if you would ever like to visit, though I was kind of hoping you would help move in.  You know, since we're new to it?"  Draco was pleading with her and it was adorable.  "Draco, of course, I'll help you two move in.  You don't have to ask twice.  I mean what's next?  Marriage?  Kids?  Whatever it is, I'll always be there to help."  Cissa smiled at us sweetly.  Her smile is always inviting and loving, it makes you feel like you belong.  "Thank you, Cissa,"  I said, moving Draco a little so that I could sit up better on the couch.  "Hey, Draco?"  I waited for a response, but all I got was a mumbled, "Hmm."  I rolled my eyes and tried again.  "Draco, we should probably start packing if you want to be moved into the new house by the end of the week."  I tried to be as stern as I could, and I guess it worked a little bit because I got Draco to get up and head to the room we've been staying in.  I quickly got up and ran after him, waving bye to Cissa on the way back to our room.  Once I got in there I looked around to see all of our stuff already packed.  Draco turned around and smirked at me.  My jaw dropped, and Draco came up to put his hands on my waist.  "How did you do that so quickly?"  I asked, leaning into Draco's touch.  "It's called magic, Harry.  You know we're wizards, right?  I mean, you did defeat the Dark Lord and all.  But I guess a muggle could've done that too."  I softly punched Draco's shoulder and he muttered, "You wound me, Potter!"  I laughed and buried my head in his neck.  "Of course I know I'm a wizard.  Didn't I just go to a school for wizardry for almost 7 years?"  I felt Draco shiver slightly from my breath on his neck before kissing the top of my head.  We stood there in each other's arms for a while before we decided we should go to bed.  In the morning we went to the dining room where Cissa was already sitting with food waiting for us.  "Good morning boys!  Are you two planning on moving into your new home today?"  We said good morning and nodded our heads.  We ate breakfast silently, all of us too enveloped in our own thoughts to communicate with one another.  I was randomly looking around when I noticed that Narcissa had a newspaper in her hand.  "Hey Cissa, what's that?"  I pondered, leaning closer to see what it said.  She looked up at me and then glanced at the newspaper that was still in her hands.  "It's the Daily Prophet.  Of course, it's a bunch of lies, but it is mildly entertaining."   I nodded and noticed that Draco wasn't eating any more of his food.  "Hey, Dray.  Are you done with your food?  We should probably head to the new place soon."  Draco looked up at me with a dazed look in his eyes.  "Huh?  Oh yeah, I'm done.  Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts."  He smiled at me and I smiled back.  I took out my wand and flicked it at his plate.  It cleaned itself and then soared back into the cabinet.  I did the same to mine and Narcissa's plates.  Draco looked at me impressed.  "Told you that I knew I was a wizard."  Draco chuckled while Cissa stared at us like we were crazy.  Draco and I excused ourselves from the table and headed upstairs while Cissa followed.  We all grabbed some boxes and headed towards the floo.  Once all of the boxes were there, we flooed to our new house.  Once we got there, we set the boxes down in the living room and I heard a gasp behind me.  "Beautiful isn't it?"  I heard Draco say, his tone dripping with confidence.  I could pretty much hear him smirking.  "It is,"  Narcissa replied with a happy smile on her face.  "Hey Draco, if you didn't mind, I wanted to invite everybody over for a party celebrating our new house.  We can do it either today or tomorrow.  It's up to you, you know.  If you want to?"  I don't know why, but I still got butterflies in my stomach when I was around Draco, even though we were together.  Draco smiled his beautiful smile in my direction, making the butterflies act up even more.  "Of course, lion.  I would love to.  They can stay the night too.  And of course, you're invited, Mother."  I smiled and saw Cissa smile as well.  After the exchange, we all went back to unpacking and putting things away.  Finally, the sheets were on the bed and the food was put away.  The boxes that remained were emptied and the house had become a home.  A place that Draco and I could call home.  Where we could hopefully live out a fulfilling life together where we get married and have children.  I ran over to Draco and hugged him.  He rested his chin on my head and relaxed as we were finally finished unpacking.  Even with magic, it took a few hours.  Narcissa bid us goodbye as she went home to rest.  "I'm so excited about all of the adventures this house will hold."  I nodded my head into Draco's chest and mumbled my reply, "Me too, Dray.  Me too."  I yawned signaling that we both should probably go to bed and hold the party tomorrow.  Draco gently held my hand as we walked upstairs and into our new bedroom.  We both changed into our pajamas and crawled into the bed.  I cuddled up next to Draco and he held me to his chest.  I quickly fell asleep with Draco following shortly behind.


Sorry, this chapter is really short.  I promise you the next chapter will be a lot longer, and I can promise that because I've already written it.  Love you guys and thanks for reading.  <3

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