First Kiss

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Draco's POV

Harry and I have had a lot of fun since that one summer back in first year when we found out we were mates. We haven't really come out as a couple, but my parents know about us. I'm not sure if Hermione and Ron know yet, but I think they suspect us. I really want to be able to hold Harry's hand and hug him in public, but I don't really want people judging us. Every day I struggle not to kiss him, because I'm not sure he's ready for that yet, but I have been ready since I met him. I think I'm in love, but I also don't want to tell Harry and then scare him off. Every summer Harry has to go back to his house for a week or two but my parents and I always get him as quickly as possible. It was almost two weeks into summer when Harry finally wrote to me telling me he was ready for us to come and get him. I don't think that he's being abused anymore because if he was he would tell me, and I would feel it. As soon as I got Harry's letter, I rushed downstairs and handed it to my mother. "Mother! Mother! Harry says we can go get him now. Can we go get him, please? It's getting really hard being away from him." Every time Harry and I are away for a long time, it gets really hard for me because my whole body will start aching until he's around again. So technically, if he died, I would too, but it would be a slow and painful death because every day my body would start aching even more until it killed me. Yeah, ouch. My mother agreed and we both grabbed some floo powder and stepped into the fireplace. "Number 4, Privet Drive," I stated loudly and felt myself being tugged away until I looked up and I was in Harry's living room. I brushed off my clothing and ran my fingers through my hair and then looked back at my mother as she walked through the fireplace as well. I ran to the cupboard where Harry usually took up residence and started knocking on it. "Harry! Harry!" I yelled as I rapped on his door with my fist. I heard footsteps running down the stairs and looked up to see Harry, followed by his uncle and cousin. "Oh," I said dumbly as I looked at him and his other 'family.' I smiled and ran up to hug him. He smiled and started laughing, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you I got an upgrade, I live in his old bedroom now because I didn't fit under the stairs anymore," he pointed towards his cousin and I laughed as well and I looked up to sneer at his uncle and cousin as my mother, Harry and I all flooed through their fireplace. Once we got to Malfoy Manner, I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him over to me so that I could hug him. I smiled wider than before if that was even possible. "I missed you, Harry," I said to him as a house elf appeared and took his stuff to our room. "I missed you too," he replied as he hugged me again and my mother told us that she would get us some food if we wanted to go up to our room so we could have some 'alone time'. We both blushed but rushed upstairs to hang out. Once we got into the room Harry took me by the hands and looked into my eyes. My eyes went wide and I started getting really nervous because I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but to my surprise, he smiled and said: "I'm ready!" I stared at him dumbly, having no idea what he was talking about. Seeing the look on my face, he went on, "I'm ready to tell our friends about us, we can openly be together at school.... that is unless you don't want to," My jaw dropped as I registered what he said. I was so elated that I accidentally kissed him. Right. On. The. Lips. It surprised him too I think because he just kinda stood there as I kissed him. I realized what I just did and jumped away. "Oh, Merlin. I'm so sorry." I was terrified. You know that feeling you get when you think you're about to lose someone close to you, yea that's how I felt. Tears rushed to my eyes and I was about to leave the room until Harry grabbed my face and kissed me chastely on the lips. I stood still for a second before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back. Our lips moved in rhythm together and I could feel him smiling against my lips. He licked my bottom lips slightly and I gasped, giving him entrance to my mouth he shoved his tongue inside. Our tongues danced together until we ran out of breath. We both pulled back panting and held onto each other before he broke the silence. "So, we can tell our friends?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head and hugged him tighter than I had before. What was I going to do next? Tell him that I love him? Hopefully not, I'd rather him say it first so he doesn't run off because I said those three life-changing words. But, kissing him definitely wasn't a mistake. I think that's been added to the list of things we are allowed to do together.

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