I Love You. Always

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Draco's POV

I woke up with Harry in my arms.  I smiled knowing he didn't hate me, but that he loved me.  It made butterflies fly through my belly.  "Harry,"  I tapped him on the arm and he stirred.  "Good morning."  He turned over and smiled at me.  I couldn't resist the urge, so I pecked him on the lips, and I swear to any god out there, Harry giggled.  I smirked, "Did you just giggle?"  He blushed, "So what if  I did?"  I rolled my eyes at my Harry.  MY Harry.  It felt so good to be able to say that.  I heard a door open and saw Madam Pomfrey walk out and come over to me and Harry.  "Mr. Potter, I see you've decided to stay with Mr. Malfoy.  Now, now, get up.  I'll have breakfast ready for you soon, Mr. Malfoy."  Madam Pomfrey gestured for Harry to leave.  "Wait!  Madam Pomfrey, I know this is crazy because Harry is the one that hurt me, but he did it on accident, and I know he could take it back if it was possible, but, can he please stay with me, I don't think I would be comfortable if he didn't."  I pleaded with the witch until she finally gave in and let Harry stay.  "Well, are you just going to stand there?"  I laughed at Harry who was just awkwardly standing next to my bed.  Finally, Harry climbed back into the bed with me.  "Er, excuse me, Madam Pomfrey,"  Harry asked, "Yes, dear?"  "Er, you're ok that Draco and I are together right?"  What was Harry doing?  Madam Pomfrey looked up from what she was doing and stared at us.  "Of course dear.  It didn't really cross my mind that you two were a couple, but it makes complete sense.  And you know that people in the wizarding world, not always including muggle-borns, are completely fine with gay couples, especially ones like you two, who are mated."  I could see Harry visibly relax and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.  But then I realized something,  "Madam Pomfrey, how did you know that Harry and I were mates,"  I could tell that Harry hadn't even noticed that until I pointed it out.  After some thought, she replied, "Well, some people already knew that the Malfoy family had veela blood, so, umm, there's been lots of rumors that you and Harry are mated and have been a couple for a long time."  My face burned red and Harry buried his head in my neck.  Madam Pomfrey walked away to get us our breakfast and Harry groaned.  "What's wrong, lion,"  I could feel Harry get goose-flesh when I called him 'lion,' it's been such a long time since I've called him that.  Finally, Harry moved his head from my neck and looked at me,  "It's just that I know that once we 'officially' come out of a couple, it's going to be in the Daily Prophet, and they're probably going to lie about a lot of things.  They like drama, so they're probably going try and break us up.  And not because they don't like us as a couple, that's just what they do."  Harry looked like he had tears in his eyes, and he looked guilty.  "Harry, look at me.  Just know that I really do love you.  I love you with my whole entire being and will always love you.  No matter what the daily prophet says.  It shouldn't worry you if you and I both know that what they are feeding us, is lies.  Okay?  Lion, look at me.  What's wrong?"  Harry still didn't look at me, so I cupped his face in my hands and I moved his face to be looking at me.

Harry's POV


 I walked back up to the common room like every other day this week and fell into one of the big chairs.  Ron and Hermione were on their way to dinner, and there weren't that many other people in here either.  Most people were heading to dinner.  "Hey Harry,"  a specific redheaded girl said, as seductively as she could, making me cringe.  She didn't know that Draco was my mate and that I only had eyes for him, even if we were fighting.  "Hello,"  I said back to her, super awkwardly.  She came over and sat on the arm of the chair.  She flipped her long red hair back and looked at me with her piercing dark brown eyes.  "You know Harry, I'm not with anyone right now, and neither are you, so I really think we could make a wonderful couple.  If you're interested."  I could smell something amazing on her.  I realized it was Draco.  She was wearing amorentia.  That bitch.  "Umm, actually Ginny, I am with someone, and I wouldn't be interested in you anyways."  Her seductive look flickered from her face for a moment and went to anger before it flickered back.  She kept trying, "Well, we can change that can't we?"  I had no idea what she was planning, but I cowered into the corner of the chair, as far away from her as I could get, without causing a scene.  Ginny flipped herself off of the armchair and flung herself onto me.  I tried to push her off, but she grabbed my arms and pinned them to the chair.  She started kissing my neck and left love bites.  I was furious and extremely upset.  Only Draco was allowed to do that.  I was starved of his loving, and it was making me needy, but not for this.  I would wait for Draco.  The girl moved her kisses to my jaw and then to my lips.  She had already drawn the line, and she was miles past it now.  She was kissing me and I was trying to keep my mouth closed so she couldn't make the situation even worse.  I was in great pain to, probably from kissing someone who isn't my mate, but I don't really know how that works.  She bit my bottom lip, causing me to gasp from the pain.  I tried to shut my mouth as quickly as possible, but I was too late.  She shoved her tongue into my mouth and started to explore it.  I hated Ginny so much.    Before this, I actually thought she was a decent girl.  Luckily, she was in the moment and moved her hands up into my hair, freeing my arms from her slutty grasp.  I pushed her off of me and I got out of the chair.  I was NEVER sitting there again.  "You BITCH!  You cannot do that!  I have a mate and a boyfriend!  You go spread your rumors about that.  I don't care.  But you crossed a line that should never be crossed.  You should be glad I don't report you for rape."  I was furious and Ginny looked even more so.  "RAPE?  That wasn't rape!  And admit it, Harry, you enjoyed it!  And maybe I will spread those rumors so I can say that we hooked up."  I paused for a moment, trying not to punch her in the face.... too late.  I swung my fist at her jaw and knocked her to the ground.  "I didn't enjoy any of that.  And if you spread those rumors, I WILL get you a cell in Azkaban for raping someone who is already mated.  Because not only is rape already bad, but the one your raping and their mate will be in great pain.  Even though you didn't fully rape me, I was still in great pain.  So fuck off, Ginny.  I don't ever want to see you again."  I hit her with a healing charm so there was no evidence that I punched her, and I stormed away.

*End of flashback*

Draco took my face in his hands, forcing me to look him in the eyes.  "Lion, look at me.  What's wrong?"  He looked very concerned and I knew I should tell him.  He wouldn't be mad... well, at me.  So I broke down crying and told him the whole thing.  And I was right, he was furious at Ginny. He was trying not to show it so he could comfort me though.  "I love you so much.  Please don't be mad at me.  I love you and I always will."  Draco looked shocked.  "Lion, I'm not mad at you.  I'm mad at that bitch, Ginny.  Nobody knows about this right?"  I shook my head.  "Good.  I love you too and I always will, Harry.  I love you, always."  He rubbed my back and we stayed like that for the rest of the day.  Cuddled together and loving on each other.  Occasionally we kissed or made out, but we were really just trying to make sure the other was really there to stay forever.  I went to sleep that night knowing that I was truly going to be loved by Draco for the rest of our lives.


I know I'm supposed to post on Saturday and today is Sunday.  So I'm really sorry that I'm a day late.  Thank you all for reading my story.  Please share it and vote.  Love you guys.  And I'll post next week.

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