All Is Well

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Draco's POV

I woke up the next morning with Harry laying in my arms.  I snuggled closer to him.  I loved that we could be together.  Nobody would have ever thought that Harry and I would be together and I know it's going to be in the Daily Prophet.  Probably some messed up version of it though.  Harry and I decided we would receive the Quibbler as well because it actually had true information in it.  The Quibbler was written and produced by Luna's dad, who was now a very good friend of ours.  Harry started to stir and then his emerald green eyes popped open.  He looked me up and down and smiled.  "Morning, love."  I smiled.  "Good morning."  He pecked me on the lips and started to get up.  "Heyyyyy.  It's the first day of peace, can we please just stay in bed?"  Harry groaned but jumped back into bed.  "Ok.  But only for you.  Have you heard anything new since yesterday?"  I shook my head no.  "All I know is that Ginny's in Azkaban, so are the majority of Death Eaters.  Umm, Snape's dead so is Sirius and Remus, and you killed Voldemort.  All is well.  Except for the fact that almost everyone that was a father figure to you is dead."  Harry smiled sadly as a teardrop rolled down his face.  I frowned and used my thumb to wipe the falling tear off of his face.  "All is well,"  Harry repeated quietly.  An owl tapped on the glass window and I got up to let it in.  "Hello.  And who might this letter be from?"  I rubbed the owl's head and Harry peaked over to see the owl.  "Oh, it's Ron's owl.  It must be a letter from him."  I grabbed the letter and gave the owl a treat before sending him on his way.  "Here you go."  I handed the letter to Harry and he read it aloud.

Dear Harry and Draco,                                                                                                       This letter is from Ron and Hermione.  We would like to invite you to our new home.  Yes, we bought a home TOGETHER.  We have important news that we would like to share in person.  Please be here tomorrow at noon.  Can't wait to see you and Draco.                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sincerely,                                                                                                                           Ron and Hermione   

I smiled as Harry finished reading the letter.  "I always knew they would end up together."  Harry looked up at me.  "Really?  I never saw it."  I rolled my eyes.  "Well, that's because you're completely oblivious to everything."  Harry laughed and pulled me back down into the bed.  "I love you so much.  Maybe we should get our own place.  You know, someday."  Harry had a dreamy expression on his face and I couldn't help but agree with him.  Our own place would be nice.  "Would you like some breakfast, I feel like I haven't eaten for my whole life."  Harry laughed at me and nodded his head.  "Breakfast would be nice.  I'm pretty hungry myself."  I snapped my fingers and Dobby (who is still alive because I love him too much for him to be dead) popped up in our room.  "How can Dobby help master Draco and master Harry?"  I looked down at the little elf and asked him for a big breakfast for Harry and me.  A few moments later he popped up again with our breakfast on two large trays that enabled us to eat in bed.  "Thank you, Dobby," Harry said as Dobby left us to our own devices.  We both started picking through all of the food.  There were eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and more.  The was also water and pumpkin juice.  We ate in a comfortable silence that seemed to linger like the rain that had started to drizzle right outside our window.  "It looks beautiful out today,"  I said admiring our location.  "Yea."  Harry agreed.  After we finished eating I snapped my fingers again and had Dobby take our trays away.  Once he was gone I flipped myself onto Harry, pinning him to the bed.  It shocked him at first but then he relaxed and let me kiss him.  I kissed his neck, sucking a bit to leave love bites, and traveled my kisses up to his jawline and he tried to stifle a moan.  I smiled and then kissed his lips.  He kissed me back and I licked his bottom lip begging for entrance.  He happily granted it to me and I explored his mouth as much as I could.  I moved my hands from his and up to his hair.  He copied me and used his hands to pull me closer to him.  We continued kissing and begging for each other's touch.  He moved his hands down to the bottom of my shirt and I let him remove it.  He stared at my toned chest and I smiled.  "Like what you see?"  He blushed and I chuckled.  I then pulled Harry to a sitting position so that I could take his shirt off.  He obliged and smiled as I stared back at him.  I pushed him down again and then traveled kisses down his chest and to his pant line.  He moaned as I pulled his pants off and.....

A/N                                                                                                                                       WHOA .... we'll leave it there.  I'm not about to write smut... but.. well, you can just imagine what happened.  Ok?  And if you're wondering, yes Harry's a bottom. ;)

I fell onto Harry, panting and smiling.  I kissed him on the lips once more as we both fell asleep.  I woke up to someone knocking on the door.  "Who is it?"  I asked.  Harry finally woke up to me speaking and then pulled the covers up over both of our naked bodies.  "It's your mother... the only other person in this house?"  I rolled my eyes.  "Come in."  Harry looked up and gave me a look as to say ummm, we just had sex.  should your mother really be seeing us in this state?  I chuckled at Harry and my mother walked into the room.  She looked at both of us and gave us a knowing look.  Both Harry and I blushed.  "Good evening Cissy,"  Harry said with an embarrassed smile.  "Good evening boys.  I see you've... settled in."  We both blushed even more and she chuckled.  "Well, we haven't seen each other for almost a whole school year and when we did I thought Harry was dead.  What do you expect?"  I stated as confidently as I could.  Harry seemed to be trying to sink into the covers and I laughed at him.  "Lion, it's fine.  You don't have to bury yourself in the bed."  Harry's face turned even redder if that was possible, and he sat up a little more.  "Well, I see you two had a good morning.  I just came in to ask if you wanted anything to eat."  I shook my head no and Harry did the same.  "Ok then, I'll leave you to it."  She chuckled and shook her head as she walked out of the room.  "You practically just told her we had sex!"  Harry whisper yelled.  "Trust me, Harry, she doesn't care.  She loves us both and would never get mad at us.  I love you."  I put my hand on Harry's face to calm him and it seemed to work.  He relaxed and nodded his head.  "I love you too.  But next time, try not to embarrass me in front of your mother."  I nodded my head and kissed Harry on the nose.  He smiled at me and I smiled back.  "Don't forget we have to go to Ron and Hermione's tomorrow, okay?"  I nodded my head and then yawned.  "I'm still tired, do you want to go back to bed."  Harry nodded his head and we both wrapped ourselves up in the covers and fell asleep.

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