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*September 1st*

I packed all of my stuff for Hogwarts last night.  I was so excited to get away from this torture house.  I'm also really excited to see Draco again and sit with him on the way to Hogwarts.  

Hagrid burst into my room and interrupted my train of thought.  "Hi, Harry.  Come on let's go.  We need ter get you to the train station.  Here's your ticket."  He handed me a ticket that said 9 3/4 on it.  He took me to the train station and then said he had to go.  "Wait! Wait! Hagrid! Where is platform 9 and 3/4?"  I looked behind me to where Hagrid was and he was gone.  I sighed and became really nervous when I realized I had no idea where I was supposed to go.

I went up to one of the people who worked at the train station and asked where platform 9 3/4 was.  "Think you're funny do ya?"  he asked and sneered at me.  I started to tear up because 1. I had no idea where to go and I really didn't want to go back to the Dursley's where I was abused and 2. the way that man sneered at me reminded me of my uncle.  

I looked around and saw blond hair in the crowd that looked just like Draco's.  I ran over to the three blonds and instantly cheered up when I saw it was, in fact, Draco with his mum and dad.

"Hi, Harry! It's so nice to see you!  You'll sit on the train with me, right?"  I smiled and sighed in relief that I had someone to sit with and talk to.  "Of course.  I'm so glad I found you because I was starting to freak out.  I had no idea where to go."  Draco smiled at me and motioned for me to follow him.

I followed him until we reached the wall in between platforms 9 and 10.  "Now what?  I don't see any platform 9 and 3/4" I looked at Draco confused but he just laughed.  "What?"  he laughed again.  "Harry.  Of course, there's no platform 9 and 3/4 in the muggle station.  It's a magical walkway to get to a magical train that takes magical students to a magical school.  You have to walk through the wall."  Draco's eyes lit up in amusement in my lack of knowledge.  "Oh." was all that I said.  I then ran after him and through the wall.


Harry ran after me and through the wall that leads to platform 9 and 3/4.  "Wow!" I heard him say in exasperation.  It was honestly amazing.  I'm so glad that I can have Harry as a friend.  Though he doesn't have much knowledge of the wizarding world, I can help him and I'm sure he'll get the hang of it all.  "Are you coming?" he asked motioning towards the train.  "Yea, hang on.  I just need to say goodbye to my parents."  I saw him become a little sad, probably at the mention of parents.

"Bye mother.  Bye father."   I was hugged by both my parents and they told that they loved me and would see me during the winter holiday.

"Okay, Harry lets go,"  I said and Harry excitedly ran after me.  We found an empty train car and sat down.  I had already told my other friends I wouldn't be sitting with them on the train and they said it was okay.  

I sat down with Harry and we started talking.  We became best friends really quickly and I started talking about life at home.  I wanted to know all about how great his home life was.  I mean it must be great cause he's the great Harry Potter.  "So Harry....." I looked at him  "Hm?" was all he replied.  "What's the golden life like at home?"  he looked like he was about to cry but I didn't understand why.  "Harry?" I saw tears well up in his eyes and I got up to sit next to him instead of in front of him.  "I- I don't want to t- talk ab- bout it.  P- please."  I felt really bad.  I never meant to upset him.  I thought that he would've had a good life since he was Harry Freaking Potter!  "Oh.  Merlin.  I'm so sorry Harry. I just thought because you know,  you're the great Harry Potter, that you would have a great life.  I didn't know."  He replied by saying it was okay but then he burst out crying.  Merlin what did they do to him there?! 

 I didn't really know how to comfort people, but I put my arm around his shoulder and let him cry into my chest.  "I'm sorry,"  he said and I couldn't help but feel protective of Harry.  "It's okay.  It's okay.  It's my fault.  You don't have to apologize.  You did nothing wrong."  Harry looked up at me with tears still in his eyes and smiled a sweet, sad smile.  "Maybe I can tell you about my home life some other time.  But, I'm not ready yet, to ya know, have to relive the horrible memories."  He was looking straight into my eyes as he said that, it brought me so much joy to know I had made a new friend who wants to trust me and tell me about them.  But I'm also angry to know that whatever those muggles did to him, hurt him.  Maybe he can come home with me during the winter holiday.

*Time Skip To Sorting*


There was this old lady named Professor McGonagall who was calling people up to get sorted and I was really nervous.  I was only friends with Draco, and he got sorted into Slytherin, so I kinda want to go there but he said I would probably be in Gryffindor.  "Harry Potter," she called my name and I heard a collective gasp go around the great hall.  Wow, apparently Draco wasn't kidding when he said I was famous in the wizarding world.  I walked up to the hat and Professor McGonagall sat the sorting hat onto my head.  It scared me at first when he knew my thoughts and could talk to me through my head, but I got used to it after a few seconds.  Wherever I go, I just hope I can make friends.  "Gryffindor!"  the hat yelled it out and the Gryffindor table clapped and cheered.  I was excited but still sad that I wouldn't be with Draco.

I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to a redhead boy and a girl with bushy brown hair.  "Hello.  My names Hermione and this is Ron.  Are you really Harry Potter?  Do you have the scar?"  The girl, Hermione, started to bombard me with questions while the redhead, Ron I think was his name, tried to stop her and not scare me away with so many questions.  Hopefully, I could become friends with these people because they are at least trying to be friendly.  I was nervous so I looked over to the Slytherin table and saw Draco smiling at me.  I smiled back and Ron noticed and asked who I was smiling at.  "My friend, Draco."  Ron looked surprised and then he sneered.  "You mean the slimy git, Draco Malfoy.  His family and him are all gits, they call my family blood traitors."  I looked back at Ron, surprised he would say such horrible things about my friend.  "Draco is not a horrible person, nor is he a slimy git.  Your family probably did something mean to his family because I met his parents and they are really nice, just like Draco is, so please don't talk badly about him and his family, or I don't want to be your friend.  Okay?"  I looked at Ron and Hermione both pleadingly because I really did want to be their friend.  Ron looked back at me and said okay, so did Hermione, although she never said anything bad towards Draco.

"First years, follow me!"  the Gryffindor prefect led us all to the Gryffindor common room and said the password to get in through the fat lady.  When we got in, the prefect also told us the rules and then showed us all where we would be sleeping.  I shared a room with Ron, Neville, and another guy named Seamus.

Hopefully, I'll be able to see Draco again soon, maybe I'll be able to hang out with him tomorrow since it's Sunday.  I hope so.  I went to bed thinking about Draco and my new friends Ron and Hermione.

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