Ron and Hermione's Secret

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Harry's POV

I woke up the next morning very happy.  I was curled up in Draco's arms and I knew that I would be seeing Ron and Hermione later today.  I could tell that Draco was awake because his breathing was not even like it would be if he were sleeping.  I tapped him on the shoulder, "Good morning, Dray."  I turned over in his arms and he smiled.  "Finally!  I've been awake for like an hour."  I chuckled and he kissed me.  "Are you ready to go over to Ron and Hermione's today?  I was thinking we could go over after we have breakfast.  And then maybe- maybe we could look for houses together?  I know your mother would like to have a house for herself.  I mean, we don't have to but,"  he cut me off with a kiss.  "Harry I would love to.  It would be lovely to have a home to ourselves.  And if you want, Ron and Hermione can help us look as well."  I smiled and kissed Draco on the lips.  We got out of bed and Draco hopped into the shower.  I started to walk to the other bathroom when Draco grabbed my shoulder.  "Where are you going?"  "To the other shower."  He chuckled and grabbed my arm.  "Harry, we can shower together, love."  I blushed and then took my clothing off to join Draco in the shower.  I think I'm going to get used to this.  He washed my hair for me and I returned the favor.  I hugged his tall, slender body and he wrapped his arms around me.  "I love you so much, Harry."  I looked up and kissed him on the lips.  "I love you too."   After we got out of the shower we went to the dining room to get breakfast.  "Morning boys.  I see you've decided to get out of bed today."  Draco and I chuckled as we sat down at the table.  It was a small circular table with three chairs around it.  It was perfect for the three of us.  For breakfast, Dobby served us a platter of pancakes and eggs.  We all ate and discussed what had happened in each other's lives since we hadn't seen each other in so long.  After a nice breakfast, we went upstairs to grab a few things before heading over to Ron and Hermione's place.  Since we were old enough now, we both apparated to their new house from our bedroom.  We arrived outside of a cute brick house with two stories.  There was also a little garden out front and a little white fence made of wood that surrounded the perimeter of the home.  We walked through the fence's gate and I knocked on the door.  After about a minute Ron came to the door and opened it for us.  He smiled, "Hi Harry!  Hi Draco!  I'm glad to see you could make it over!  Welcome to Hermione and I's humble abode.  Please, come in."  I glanced at Draco's smiling face and grabbed his hand as we headed inside.  Ron lead us through a hallway and to the living room where Hermione was sitting on the couch and reading a book.  She looked up, "Oh my goodness!  Hi!"  She set her book down to get up and hug us.  "It's good to see you 'Mione,"  Draco said.  I was really happy to see them.  "I'm so glad to see you!"  I said as I gave Hermione and Ron both a big hug.  "So, besides the fact that you both have a home together, what did you want to tell Draco and me?"  I asked as we sat down on the couch.  I leaned on Draco as he played with my hair and Hermione snuggled up to Ron.  "Hermione and I are getting married!"  Ron happily gushed, I held Draco's hand and squeezed it with excitement.  "That's great guys!  Do you have a date yet?"  Ron and Hermione looked at each other and Hermione answered.  "Nope, we're not sure yet, but I am hoping it'll be soon."  I nodded as Draco looked back and forth between Ron and Hermione as if trying to fit together a puzzle.  "I'm very happy for you two.  You know, I always knew you two would get together in the end."  Draco smiled happily at the two, still looking curious though.  "Now, I'm no stranger to people not telling the whole truth, and with my veela instincts, I can always tell when someone close to me isn't telling the truth, so what's up?"  Ron and Hermione, once again, glanced nervously at one another and then Ron looked down at Hermione's stomach before quickly looking up again.  I finally understood.  My eyes lit up as Draco glanced at me knowingly and smiled.  "Well, er- we're going to be having a child.  Hermione's pregnant."  Ron mumbled out.  Hermione smiled sheepishly as she held onto Ron's hand.  "That's amazing!  I'm so happy for you two."  I looked over at Draco and chuckled, "Draco, we're going to be uncles!"  Draco ruffled my hair and kissed me happily.  "Congrats guys!"  Draco said.  "Now Ronald, don't be rude.  Show them around.  Oh and, if you two would like to stay over tonight, you're more than welcome to do so."  I smiled at her and Draco spoke up, "We would love to stay the night guys.  Thank you."  We got up at the same time as Ron so that he could show us around, and to the room that we would be staying in.   Ron spoke a few times as he told us what certain rooms were and then finally showed us to the room we would be staying in.  "And, this is your room.  You guys can go and get your stuff from wherever you're staying if you want to."  Draco shook his head and then snapped his fingers and our stuff appeared next to him.  Ron stared at him with wide eyes and his jaw dropped.  "How in Merlin's name did you just do wandless magic?"  Draco chuckled sarcastically and waved his hand as he said, "I'm a veela, remember.  We can do certain magic that normal witches and wizards can't do."  Ron nodded his head, "Right,"  he said, still looking very confused.  I chuckled as Ron walked away, leaving us alone.  

A/N. It's about to get a lil'... a lot,  steamy just warning you...

"So, we're alone now,"  Draco said suggestively as he walked over to me and planted a kiss on my lips.  "Me veela wants you, Harry.  I want you, Harry.  I didn't mark you the other night as I should've.  It makes me needy."  I blushed as I tried to tell Draco off, but I couldn't help but submit to him.  I melted into his arms as he kissed my lips and then moved his kisses down my neck.  I moaned and then grabbed my wand to cast a quick silencing spell.  I wouldn't want Ron and Hermione hearing us in there home.  That would be embarrassing. I threw my wand behind me as Draco slid his hands to the hem of my shirt.  He grabbed it and peeled it off of me.  I did the same to Draco.  He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me onto the bed.  He crawled in with me and continued kissing me.  He kissed down my abdomen, caressing my sides.  I shuddered and let out another moan.  "Draco,"  I moaned out breathlessly.  Draco's legs were on either side of me and I bucked up my hips, hoping to get some friction.  He pulled on my belt buckle and took it off.  He then pulled on the waistband of my pants before I lifted up my hips, letting him pull my pants off and leaving me in only my underwear.  I was very needy by now and sat up to undo Draco's pants as well.  I unclasped his belt and threw it aside.  He pulled his pants off the rest of the way and threw them to the ground.  I admired his body for a moment before Draco pushed me back down onto the bed.   He planted his kisses back up to my lips.  He kissed them tenderly at first before licking my bottom lip.  I gasped at the pleasure, letting his tongue inside of my mouth.  He explored my mouth and then he moved his kisses back down to my neck.  "Harry,"  he panted.  His voice was husky and deeper than usual and it made me crazy.  "Yea?"  He looked up into my eyes and I shuddered.  "I'm gonna mark you now, and it might hurt a little bit, ok."  I nodded and let him do whatever he needed to.  I felt his tongue trail over a piece of my neck.  It made me shudder and moan beneath him.  I then felt sharp teeth on my neck.  I was a little bit scared but I knew that it wasn't going to be that bad.  Veela's are loving creature's and would never hurt their mate.  Like, it's literally impossible.  His sharp teeth sunk into my neck and I moaned in the surprising amount of pleasure it gave me.  I writhed and he finally pulled his teeth out of my neck.  He then licked the wound and started sucking on it.  "Draco,"  I moaned out again.  "Mm,"  he said as he laid down next to me.  "Draco please, I need more."  I looked at him hopefully, and he gladly obliged.  He crawled back on top of me and ground into me.  He pulled off my underwear, leaving me naked beneath him.  He smiled and pulled off his underwear as well.  He stopped so we could admire each other's bodies before going back at it.  Draco came down on me and started kissing me again, pulling at my hair to get me closer to him.  Finally, we were mated and this would be a lot more enjoyable...  

A/N. I'm gonna leave it there, cause I really don't want to write full-fledged smut.  I think that's enough for now...  Also, that's the end of the spiciness for anyone who wanted to skip it.

Draco and I were both sweating and I kissed his lips again as he fell down beside me and laid caressing my side and admiring my body.  I smiled widely at him and kissed him some more.  Finally, I was too worn out for anything else and just let Draco hold me in his arms.  I was a little sore, but the pain was washed away at how loving Draco was.  "I love you so much, Harry.  Promise you'll never leave me."  There was a pause.  "Not that you could though, you know, now that we're mated and all.  It's an unbreakable bond."  I smiled at my lover.  His voice was gentle and was lulling me to sleep.  "Dragon, I would never leave you, even it was possible.  I love you too much to leave you.  I have a love for you that I can't describe in words."  I saw a single tear run down his face and I wiped it off with tears filling my own eyes.  "I don't know what I did to deserve you, Harry.  Whatever it was though, thank Merlin I did it."  I chuckled and hugged Draco as my eyes fluttered closed and I fell asleep.

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