House Shopping

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Draco's POV

I awoke to someone knocking on the door.  I quickly got rid of the silencing charm that was previously cast on the room so that the person outside our door could hear me.  "Who is it?"  I looked around and noticed that it was already morning.  Shit.  How could we have slept for so long?  "It's Ron.  You guys haven't come out of your room for a while and I just wanted you to know that breakfast is ready if you want some."  "Ok.  We'll be down in a few minutes."  I heard Ron's footsteps indicating that he left, and then I turned over to wake up Harry.  "Lion.  Hey, it's morning already.  Ron just told me that breakfast is ready."  Harry turned over and his piercingly green eyes fluttered open.  "Mmmm.  It's already morning?  We slept for a long time," Harry said groggily, still half asleep.  "Yes. That's why we need to get up.  And I was planning on looking for a house today, yea?"  This got his attention.  He sat up and looked into my eyes.  "Really?  We can look for a house today?  I love you so much!  Thank you!"  I chuckled and Harry kissed me on the lips.  Finally, we got out of bed and rummaged through our stuff to get on some clothes.  Once we were dressed, we walked hand in hand to the dining room where food was waiting.  We had to walk slowly though because Harry was sore from the previous night.  "Good morning you two."  Hermione stifled a laugh as she greeted us, and Ron just looked back down at his food.  I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Harry.  "Had fun, did you?"  Ron mumbled, nearly inaudible.  "What was that, Ron?"  I asked, testing his nerves.  He blushed and started eating his food again.  "Draco and I are going to be looking for a house today and I was wondering if either of you would want to come and help."  I smiled and gripped Harry's hand under the table.  Hermione piped up again, "I'll come.  I'd love to help you two find a house!  And I'm sure Ron would love to come along."  I smiled, and Ron looked incredulously back at his soon to be wife.  He looked back up again and smiled, his face still red.  "Of course I would."  This seemed to make Harry happy, "Great!"  he exclaimed.  I chuckled again.  "Thank you, guys.  I think it will be really fun with extra help."  Hermione nodded enthusiastically as we went back to eating our breakfast.  After breakfast Harry and I went upstairs to gather our stuff and apparate back to the house we were staying in.  After we apparated, we put away our stuff and went outside to wait for Ron and Hermione.  After a few minutes of waiting, we heard a popping sound and they both appeared.  "Hi, guys!"  Harry exclaimed happily, as he once again, greeted out friends.  "Hi."  They said in unison.  "So, because of my father,"  I sneered.  I hate that bastard.  "I know some wizarding realtors that will be able to help us find something.  Ok?"  They nodded their heads as I grabbed Harry's hand and we all apparated to the office.  "Hello?"  The man looked up at us as we ended up in the middle of his office instead of outside.  "Oh, I'm sorry, I think we were meant to apparate outside, but I guess this works too."  Hermione apologized.  "Hello, Mr. Alteo?"  "Yes, that's me."  I nodded my head,  "Good.  So, my boyfriend and I were looking to buy a house and we were wondering if you could help us find something.  We've previously discussed it and have decided that we wanted a house, that's not big, but has room for children and pets.  And also, if possible, a spare bedroom and a room that can be used as an office."  I said that with as much Malfoy as I could muster up.  "Well, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, I think I have the perfect home for you two.  I have a few that you can choose from though."  "Thank you, Mr. Alteo," said Harry who was trying to look as confident as he could.  "So, if you could just follow me to the floo room."  I smiled, happy that there was a floo station in the house.  The floo room was a small room that had a couch in it and a fireplace, which was probably the floo.  Its walls were grey with white trim.  It was a seemingly simple room.  Mr. Alteo told us the word we would use and then pointed to the floo powder that was sitting in a jar next to the fireplace.  We all individually walked up to the fireplace and flooed to the home, Harry and I went first.  When I stepped into the home I looked around in astonishment.  It was absolutely beautiful.  I looked over at Harry who had the same entranced look on his face.  The home wasn't too big but it was really nice and cozy.  Since we arrived through floo, we were in the living room instead of at the front door.  The living room was probably the biggest room of them all.  "Welcome to your possible future home."  Said Mr. Alteo.  "So, as you can see, this is the living room.  Make yourself at home.  Oh, and I usually don't give tours, so I'm going to be in here the whole time.  Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions."  Harry and I nodded our heads.  The living room had two leather couches with a dark green throw blanket and golden pillows. (The house was already furnished).  Next to the couches was a wooden side table with a small lamp on it.  The lamp had carvings on it and gave off an inviting golden glow.  There was also a dresser like table on one wall with what Harry called a "TV".  He says it's a muggle thing, so I don't know what it does.  It's just a weird black box looking thing.  The walls were a warm grey and had white trim.  There were also two glass doors on one of the walls that led to a balcony that overlooked a lake and the rest of a forest.  "This place is amazing,"  I heard Harry say as he was examing other rooms already.  "Hey!  Wait up!"  Ron said, looking in, what Harry called, "the fridge," for food.  I rolled my eyes.  "There's not going to be any food yet, Ron."  I said to him.  Hermione then seemed to notice her fiance.  "Ronald Weasley!  Even if there was food, it's not yours and you can't just take it!  And we're not even the ones who are looking for a house."  I chuckled and then ran off into another room to try and find Harry.  I finally found him in the upstairs master bedroom.  He didn't see me so I decided to sneak up behind him and snake my arms around his waist.  "Guess who?"  I said.  I felt him shiver and barely turn his head to look at me.  "My favorite veela boyfriend?"  he questioned.  I laughed and he turned around to look up at me.  "Yep!"  I said and he pecked me on the lips.  "I love you."  I smiled into his hair.  "I love you too."  I looked around and admired the room.  "So, do you think this is the one?"  I questioned as his gaze met mine.  He looked around and then back at me before nodding his head.  "Me too."  I grabbed his hand and we headed downstairs together so we could find Mr. Alteo.  Once we got there we realized we should find Ron and Hermione first so we split up and started looking for them.  Finally, I found them both together in the second bedroom.  "Hey guys, Harry and I have made a decision."  They smiled and then followed me back downstairs.  Harry was already downstairs in the living room when we got there.  "Hi, love."  I smiled back and greeted him as well.  Harry and I then went up to Mr. Alteo to tell him our decision.  "Mr. Alteo, Draco and I have made a decision.  We've decided that we really love this house and would like to buy it."  Harry sounded very confident, but I could feel his hand shaking.  Apparently, he didn't like talking to people that he didn't know.  Mr. Alteo smiled and congratulated us.  We then flooed back to his office to fill out paperwork.  Afterward, we flooded back to Ron and Hermione's house.  "Well, congrats guys.  I'm really happy for you."  Hermione smiled and held Ron's hand.  "You guys can stay here again tonight if you want."  Ron suggested.  "Nah, it's ok guys.  We should go and see Cissy and then start packing," Harry said. Ron and Hermione nodded their heads and then waved goodbye.  Harry grabbed my hand as we apparated back to the cabin we were staying in.  

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