Preparation Part 1

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I was in the med tent with an Apollo camper who was working on Leo's arm.  He hadn't been severely hurt thanks to the harness but one finger was broke and for the upcoming battle we needed everyone healthy.

"The Hudson has a disturbance in the water," Leo shuffled as Cady, a daughter of Apollo, fit his finger into the splint. "It looked like a Whirlpool and monsters were emerging. The usual monsters and some I've never seen before. One shot a metal needle and it happened to hit Festus's internal wiring. Long story short, we managed to get here before crashing."

"Do you have any idea we're their troops we're centering? The info could really help," I asked him as Percy entered the tent.

"Sorry, Annabeth. They didn't seem to group just spread out."

"Thanks, Leo. Percy, have the troops from Camp Jupiter arrived yet," I questioned as we left the tent.

"They arrived five minutes ago and Frank sent Reyna too," Percy paused thinking of the right words, "inform us of another enemy."

Annabeth turned her head, "what is that supposed to mean?"

Percy answered while still scanning the troops we were gathering, "it appears as if the military is now being called in around Central Park. We knew something like this would happen, but it is another group we need to avoid. The mortals do not need to be put in more danger than needed and we don't need their interference."

"I don't understand why the government would send their troops so close to the battle when they don't know what is going on," I shook my head in frustration, "you'd think they would just form a perimeter then hang back to analyze the situation."

"They are  scared and out of their league. For all they knew up until a year ago the gods of mythology did not exist. Not the world is being shown monsters and gods, not to mention people who look just like them but have the blood of gods walking among them. Its like their science fictions books came to life," he said it in a calm tone. Wed all gone through it when we were younger. "Could you imagine if you woke up one day to discover that supernatural beings existed and were in the middle of a war and you could do nothing? At least in our case, we could fight it."

Once again, I was reminded that Percy was not an idiot and had been through more dangerous situations than any demigod before him. I was close, but Percy had more expectation and responsibility on him due to him parenthood.

"I know. We need to keep them out of this. It's not their world, they shouldn't die for it," I grabbed Percy's hand firmly, giving it one squeeze, before turning and making my way to the Athena tent leaving Percy behind me in the clearing.


I led a small team of demigods along the barrier hiding in the undergrowth. The Stoll brothers, and my half brothers, were behind me with Hope, a child of Hecate, and Bella, a daughter of Aphrodite. Hope controlled the barrier to strengthen it around us and Bella chose the movement. She was one of the best hunters because she could detect different color tones that no one else could see. With her help and the Hermes kids thieving ability, we were nothing but invisible.

As we reached the edge of the woods, the trees opened as we could see a starling mixture of mortals before us. Men in uniforms, who I assumed to be military personal, tried to control a large mass of people. I could see one man in an apron with grease smears everywhere, a young girl holding her mother's hand as her mother yelled at an officer, a woman in a business suit followed by a news team, and in the far back looking right at me was a satyre.

His crutches leaned uselessly against him for a moment and a tip of the hat verified that he knew I was there. I watched as he snuck around to the edge of the group closest to one of the woods. He turned and readied himself before running point blank at the woods like a bat out of Tartarus. His cap blew off after the first couple steps. The crowd had taken notice and a few people started yelling. In their minds, he would hit the barrier and bounce right off. A second later a shoe fell off and the yells of worry changed to yells of rage. The men in uniforms drew their weapons and started firing, knowing he was not human. About ten feet from the barrier, a bullet connected with his lower hindquarter and he staggered. He fell just beyond the barrier and the bullets bounced off creating a horrifying scene.

Not thinking, I leapt forward running to help him. As a neared the barrier, the men switched their attention on me. The bullets couldnt harm me as long as I stayed in the barrier walls, but that wasn't where I was heading. I lunged through the barrier grabbing the satyre. A second later Bella and Travis appeared helping me haul him to safety. Conner was in back giving us protection as Hope worked to hide us.

Finally pulling the bleeding satrye through, I heard a hiss behind me. Bella had been nicked by a bullet and she was working to stop the bleeding with her shoulder. I wasnt life threatening, but it would leave a nasty scar. The Stoll brothers were working on bandaging the satyre's leg. Hope was frantically trying the cloud the barrier and hide us from the mortals, but her energy was quickly depleting.

"We need to get back to camp and the med bay." I grabbed Hope's arm and draped it over my shoulder. Can the two of you carry him," I motioned to the Stoll brothers, "Bella is hurt and I don't want to put more stress on her arm than needed." I hesitated before sighing, " I'm sorry for putting you all in danger."

Connor looked up, "You didn't put us in danger. We would have done the same thing, you just beat us to the punch."

Bella nodded next to him, her arm bandaged and supported in her other arm. "We don't blame you, Rose. Right now we need to get him back, and I would appreciate some pain medication. Lets go."

Nodding, I supported the now limp Hope and followed our beaten party back to camp.

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