Chapter 1 🌹

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2 months later*

I strolled through the streets of magnolia once again, nothing had really changed from the houses to the scenery.

But there was one thing I was looking forward to most of all, something I had been waiting for for months.

Sure the other guilds were nice but they just didn't seem right for me, I really hoped Fairytail could be the one.

I sighed as I plopped down on a bench that was all to familiar, it was were me, Natsu and Happy met and where we promised to meet.

I noticed something odd the flower stand that had been there 2 months ago wasn't there anymore.

I was a bit disappointed of course I really hoped to see that little boy again someday and that Rose.

I remembered it very clearly the unique couloirs of the flower and how beautiful and delicate the rose was.

I then removed the book I was currently reading from my satchel that I was carrying, it was dark brown.

I checked for the bookmark and began to read while I waited for Natsu and Happy.

About 10mins Later =_=

I heard rukus coming from around the corner so I closed my book and put it back in my satchel.

I decided to go check out what was going on around the corner. Which was a mistake because immediately I had turned the street a body collided into mine which made us both fall to the floor.

The person and I layed there sparwled out on the street side by side, I was about to give the person a piece of my mind until.

"Rose-Chan!" I heard someone yell I opened my eyes to see happy standing above me "You're Here!"

Happy was here and where there was Happy there was always


"Here I got cha" Natsu said pulling me up by my arms. I how had a headache.

Natsu's hair was now it's normal pink colour and no more green was there.

I smiled "It's nice to see your hair is back to being pink" I told him.

Natsu got an irk mark on his head "Its salmon not pink!" He retorted.

"Suuuuurrrrreeeee" Happy said sarcastically which made me laugh.

"Anyway ready for that tour Rose" Natsu asked me. I nodded

"Yes, I've been looking forward to it for a while now " I said smiling

"Then let's go!" Natsu said taking my hand as we sprinted down the streets of magnolia.

I could notice people looking at us as we ran and I couldn't help but blush.

"First up we have the park, there is someone I want you to meet" Natsu said.

I gazed upon the park and saw lush green and and beautiful trees and flowers and a small stream.

Natsu once again took possession of my hand as we began to run through the park Happy flying over us , we stopped at a big Oak tree in the middle of the park.

"This place is really beautiful, Natsu" I said taking in the beautiful scenery.

"Aye!, and it's the perfect place to eat Fish!" Happy exclaimed bringing out a fish from his small green bag.

"We happy put that thing away it's not even cooked!" Natsu said pinching the bridge of his nose as he pointed at the foul smelling fish in question.

"Never!" Happy yelled as he spread out his wings and flew up into the skies with the fish.

"Happy come back!" I yelled after the blue exceed but it was too late, he had already flown off into the sky.

"He'll be back" Nastu reassured me. I nodded.

He sat down under the oak tree with his hands behind his hard and his legs Criss crossed and his eyes closed. I sat down next to Natsu and began to look around the park once again.

I narrowed my eyes at him "This is not what I had in mind of a tour" I told Natsu frowning.

His mouth opened to say something but was stopped because some one beagn to shout his name.

"Natsu, Natsu!" Someone yelled as she made her way over to Natsu and me.

She had blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes some gold keys and a whip by her side.

The girl had her hands on her knees as she bent over and panted "I-i hope i-m n-not late " The blonde said to Natsu.

"Not at all Luce, I'd like you to meet my friend Rose!" Natsu said as he stood up and brought me along with him to come face to face with the girl.

I blushed.

"Nice to meet you Rose I'm Lucy" Lucy said as she brought her hand up to meet mine and I graciously took it.

After exchanging pleasantries and talking for a few minutes. Natsu had explained to me that we were to wait for Lucy so he could be introduce me to his guild.


Hello my beautiful readers.

I hoped you like this chapter the second one will be slightly longer.

Don't forget to leave a vote and comment on things you want me to improve about me Writing.


Rose •FairyTail // DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now