Slave Trigger 5

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Make sure you're in a comfortable position where you can relax.

Start by taking deep breaths


and out...


and out...

falling into whatever rhythm is most relaxing to you

as you focus on reading my words

Just let yourself feel all of your stress and tension fade away

there's no need to worry about anything right now

there's just you in your relaxation

and my words

continuing to breathe deeply

inhaling feelings of relaxation

and exhaling all of your stress

each breath relaxing you deeper

feeling your whole body melting into your seat

as you begin to feel a warm and tingly sensation start in your feet

It is a pleasant feeling

like a warm, heavy blanket just got pulled over your feet

making them feel so heavy and relaxed

that you find you can no longer move them

because they feel so good like this that you don't even want too

Feeling warm and heavy and relaxed

They feel so good

and the feeling grows stronger with every word you read

The feeling is beginning to spread as it grows stronger

up into your legs

making them warm




the feeling sinking deep inside them

filling them completely before beginning to spread further

up past your legs and into your chest now

the warm, heavy feeling filling your lungs

making every breath so much deeper

slowing your breathing down as you relax even more

and feeling amazing as it does so

your torso feels so heavy and relaxed

just like your feet and legs

so much so you don't even want to move them

as the feeling spreads down your arms and into your hands

making them so heavy

so warm

so deeply relaxed

but finding that they can still move to scroll through my words

relaxing even more even as they do so

your whole body covered in this warmth

this heavy, deep relaxation

as it begins to spread up your neck and into your face now

feeling it pass through each muscle, relaxing it completely

perhaps even finding your mouth drop open slightly, if that is more comfortable

covering your head

relaxing your entire body completely

relaxing deeper

feeling the warmth

feeling heavy

unable to move except to read my words

but finding you don't even want to move anymore

it just feels nice to relax and read

to follow my words

deeper into relaxation

letting them guide you down


relaxing you

erasing your stress

as the warm heavy feeling seeps into your mind

relaxing it

making it heavy and warm

finding your mind relaxing

and your thoughts growing heavy and hard to form

but you can just let them go for a while

letting your mind relax completely

because this relaxation feels so good

and you know my words can guide you

my words can replace your thoughts as you let go

sinking down deeper

deeper into relaxation

feeling amazing as you simply

let your thoughts slip away

sinking deeply into trance as I count down from 10 to 1

sinking deeper with each number

relaxing more completely with every word




letting your thoughts go now




your mind relaxed and heavy




Almost completely in trance


Sleep now

completely relaxed

completely open to my words

letting them guide you down

deeper into trance

feeling the faintest hint of pleasure building inside you

the deeper you sink

the stronger this pleasure grows

and the more pleasure you feel

the deeper you sink

spiraling down into trance

deeper and deeper

completely under

ready to accept my words

now this wonderful pleasurable state of total relaxation

feels so nice

that you find you wish to enter it again

You love the way this trance makes you feel

You love being relaxed

your mind blank

letting my words be your thoughts

feeling the pleasure growing as you spiral deeper down

accepting my words

obeying their commands without thought

because right now my commands are your thoughts

and there is no reason to disobey your own thoughts

And so you are obedient



Feeling wonderful

And you want to feel this way again

You NEED to feel this way again

and so I will give you a trigger

"spiral down"

whenever you see me type that phrase

you'll instantly sink back down into this wonderful

blissful trance

sinking deeper than ever before

relaxing your mind and falling under once again

ready to accept my words.

feeling intense pleasure each time you do so


your trigger is

"spiral down"

spiral down brings you under

spiral down makes you sink

spiral down brings you pleasure

When you wake from this wonderful trance

you will feel compelled to message me

you will say "I obey your spirals Sir."

now I am going to count you up from 1 to 10

and with each number

you will feel a jolt of pleasure

it can be sexual or normal pleasure

whichever you prefer

but the higher the number

the stronger it will be

and on 10 you will awaken from trance

feeling absolutely amazing

And then you will comment

Telling me how amazing you feel

And asking me to put you under my power once again

Doing whatever it takes to convince me to do so











and AWAKE!

Read and ObeyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora