Chapter 31

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Once everyone was done performing for Princess Ara, the palace servants began serving elaborate dishes. Each dish was carefully designed to appeal to the royals and nobles. Most of the food came with alcohol. There was no age limit for drinking alcohol in Guwon, so many of the teenagers were found drinking shot after shot.

Yuna wasn't interested in drinking so she focused on her meal. She especially enjoyed eating the vegetable dishes that were served. Her mother noticed that Yuna hardly had any meat, so she kept piling her plate with various foods. She ate her food elegantly and didn't feel the need to rush. After a few bites, Yuna felt full.

Yuna felt uncomfortable after sitting in her seat for a long time throughout the whole party, so she decided to ditch the party and walk around the garden. Plus, she was too young to enjoy alcohol. She didn't plan on sticking around and socializing any longer. The royal garden had a stunning view with the many flowers and pagodas. There was even a lake that contained colorful fish. The lake was decorated with paper lanterns that were shaped to look like a flower.

When Yuna got up from her seat, Prince Minho was the first to notice that she was leaving. This was his chance! He was constantly waiting for the opportunity to catch Yuna when she was alone. Luckily, Prince Jimin was occupied with drinking alcohol with his buddies. He wasn't paying any attention to Yuna at that moment. Minho got up from his seat hastily to catch up with Yuna.

Yuna on the other hand, had no clue. She wandered into the garden to view the flowers. She followed the pathway that led her throughout the garden. She was so focused on the stunning view that she didn't notice when the path became more complicated. The palace had a complicated design, and most people would become lost if they weren't normally living in it.

As time passed, Yuna became worried. She had no clue where to go to get back to the party. While trying to remember the way back, she felt someone's presence behind her. It felt like someone was watching her secretly. Yuna didn't like the feeling of being watched. She turned around and saw Prince Minho leisurely strolling through the garden towards her.

Her eyebrows knit when she saw his handsome face in the flowers. Although he was handsome, she didn't see it. She used to praise him for his looks, but after getting to know his true self, he grew uglier to her. His personality shaped a hideous monster and that led her to see him as nothing but a monster. He was such a narcissist and a sweet talker, she felt like vomiting when she saw him.

Yuna fled in the other direction in hopes of finding a good hiding place. She wasn't mentally prepared to deal with Minho. She didn't want to be stuck catering to his wishes. He would probably use his position to trap her into his web. She had so many plans for a different future and she definitely didn't want to get married to Minho again.

Minho grew more curious about Yuna when he saw her running away from him. He's never encountered any female that chose to run away from him. It was usually the opposite. They would be running towards him, but why was she running away like that? Maybe she was being shy? He found himself chasing after her. She was extremely fast.

He shouted, "Why are you running away? I just wanted to talk to you." Yuna ignored him and kept sprinting. She had no clue where she was going. All she could think about was getting away from this monster. She frantically looked around to find any place that could serve as a good hiding spot. She looked behind her to see that Minho was far away.

There was an enormous tree with shrubs that sprung up everywhere around the tree. This is the perfect hiding spot! Yuna dashed through the shrubs to hide behind the tree. She ran with all her might and ended up tripping over something. She faceplanted into the shrubs. The prickly branches scratched her on her way down.

She groaned in pain when she noticed the scratches on her arms and her hair was tangled in the shrubs. She began untangling her hair when she noticed another pair of hands helping her. She was so surprised, her body jerked to the side and her hair untangled itself.

She looked up at the mysterious person that helped her untangle her hair. There was a boy not much older than her that gazed down at her unkempt hair and face. She had dirt smudged on her face and clothes. She looked horrendous.

On the other hand, this boy had a pristine complexion with beautiful features that resembled an immortal. He looked like some mystical angel that came down to earth. The sun reflecting down on him, made it seem like there were sparkles surrounding his figure. His eyes, nose and lips were aligned perfectly without any flaws. He had a manly charm that made her think of super models in modern Korea. Although he looked like an innocent beauty, his expression showed a completely different feeling.

His expression showed that he was someone that didn't like to socialize very much. He looked cold and stand-offish when he stared down at her. He didn't seem to be a dangerous person though. She could sense that he didn't have any ulterior motives.

Yuna admired his appearance for a bit, before realizing that she was in a difficult situation. She didn't have the time to be checking out pretty boys when there was a monster chasing after her. Before the boy could utter any words, Yuna shoved her hand on his mouth to prevent him from speaking.

The boy frowned at her actions, but he didn't shove her hand away. They sat there quietly while listening to someone's footsteps grow closer. Minho was frantically looking around to find where Yuna had run off to. He called out, "Yuna! Don't run away. I've been wanting to talk to you." He circled around the area in hopes of finding her. He saw her run into the garden, but he lost her when there were trees surrounding the area.

He wasn't familiar with the area, because a part of the palace was connected to the forest. He wasn't usually in this forest. He had better things to do than roam around a forest. He wasn't very outdoorsy, and he enjoyed being around women. Women weren't usually found in the forest, so why would he spend any time there? She was bound to be somewhere around here. She couldn't have run that far. She was just a little girl.

Yuna and the boy were silent for a long time until they heard Minho's footsteps growing distant. Yuna sighed in relief when she heard him leaving. The boy lightly tapped her hand to let her know that it was okay. Yuna was startled and instantly withdrew her hand from his lips. The feeling of his lips on her palm was still clearly in her mind.

She felt embarrassed by her rude behavior. She stared down at her hands without looking at his expression. She hurriedly bowed her head and apologized, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that." She felt his gaze on her. He was probably coldly glaring at her about now. If he was in the palace, he probably had a high status. Hopefully, he wouldn't give her a hard time for shutting him up with her hand.

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