Chapter 35

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The ninjas were elated when the outcome of their battle was leaning towards their favor. The queen had hired a group of ninja assassins to eliminate Prince Jimin and Yuna. She thought it would be good to get rid of both at this party. It would be like killing two birds with one stone. She pretended to be a victim while watching the ninjas fight off the royal guards.

This whole incident started with Prince Jimin getting shot by an arrow. Luckily, the arrow did not hit a vital spot in his organs. It had shot him on his right arm. The nobles that were having a great time became terrified. They were frightened by the hordes of ninjas that leaped over the walls in great numbers. The palace became a mayhem. There were people running for their lives while ninjas were killing people left and right.

During the fight, General Junho acted by slaying many of the assassins that threatened the royal family's lives. She didn't expect that the general was so formidable. She thought his victory on the battlefield was just rumors, but after watching Junho fight off a group of assassins by himself, she felt irritated. He was getting in her way. While General Junho was distracted with a horde of assassins, there were a few that began to chase his daughter.

She grinned at the situation. Yuna did have a strong weapon, but she could not overpower the ninjas. They eventually tackled her to the ground and there was no chance she would survive. Too bad that her father was busy fighting off hundreds of ninjas. He did not see the dangerous situation Yuna was in. She kept hitting the ninja with all her strength, but it was not enough.

Just when his sword was aimed at her heart, a boy leapt towards the ninjas that threatened Yuna's life. He kicked the sword out of the ninjas grasp and delivered a punch to his skull. The assassin KO'd with one hit to his temple. The boy was extremely strong. His moves were so deadly, that the ninjas couldn't even fight back.

Yuna watched him as he fought off the hordes of ninjas that came running towards them. He was lying earlier when he said he wasn't that good at martial arts. He was exceptionally talented in martial arts. He fought them off without much effort.

Yuna remained close to the boy while he fought off all the assassins. The number of assassins dwindled greatly after both General Junho and the boy fought. The remaining ninjas retreated when they noticed that the battle had turned and both the general and the boy were gradually killing off their brethren. They attempted to flee, but the General captured all of them.

General Junho grabbed the ninjas mask to quickly discover their faces and to question them. He would get them to confess who their leader was. If he had to resort to torturing these assassins, he would do so without any hesitation. Before he could begin the torture, the ninjas all bit into something. The captured ninjas all dropped to the ground dead.

General Junho observed the corpses to discover that they had bitten into poison and committed suicide. These assassins were trained to take their own lives if they were captured. The leader was experienced. He had to find the mastermind behind this attempted assassination at all costs. He quickly took order of the situation by ordering his guards to investigate.

His guards spread throughout the main courtyard, in hopes of discovering any ninjas that weren't killed. They were lucky, because the few that were hit with Yuna's taser were not killed, but some had fainted from shock. They quickly took out the ball of poison that was placed in the assassin's mouth.

The Empress' eyes grew cold when she witnessed the general's guards that captured her unconscious subordinates. It was only a matter of time before they would reveal her plans. She clenched her fists with anxiety.

The birthday event was over after the ninjas made a mess of everything. Yuna wasn't given the chance to thank the boy for saving her life. Her parents were eager to get her home after encountering assassins. Her father had to remain in the palace to investigate, so he sent a large number of soldiers with Yuna and his wife.

When they got home, Sun was waiting for them. She had a worried expression on her face. She dashed towards Yuna and blurted out, "Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere? I've been worried sick about you." Yuna had no clue how Sun knew what happened, so she asked, "How'd you know what happened? Weren't you at home the entire time?"

Sun scratched the back of her neck nervously, "I just happened to find out." Yuna could sense that Sun was hiding something. She didn't pressure her to answer with her mother next to her. She would probably have to ask Sun when her mother wasn't around.

Yuna decided to drop the questioning and just reassure her, "I'm okay and no one in our family was hurt. I'm glad that you didn't go. It was extremely dangerous and I'm sure that you wouldn't have had a good time going. Princess Ara's birthday party ended up in disaster after the assassins arrived."

Sun nodded in agreement, "You're right. If I went, I'm sure I would be a suspect of those assassins. It sucks that everyone thinks I'm a bad person because I'm Ezraen. Let's get inside. I don't feel comfortable talking about this outside." Yuna agreed, "Yeah, let's go inside. Mom, I think you should go to your room and rest a bit. I'm sure you're emotionally drained after experiencing something horrible at the palace. Rest up."

Yuna's mother agreed and went to her room with the maids. Yuna then grabbed Sun's hand and led her to her personal bedroom. When they arrived, Yuna immediately began questioning her again, "Tell me, how you know. Don't tell me that you snuck out?" Sun grew nervous, "I didn't mean to. I was just so curious about what would happen. I've hardly seen you go out to any events. Please don't be mad at me."

Yuna sighed, "I should've known that you would sneak into the palace. How were you able to get past the palace guards?" Sun quickly explained herself, "It was pretty easy to get in when there were large groups of women that got through. I was able to stick to the crowd without being caught."

Yuna asked, "And how were you able to be so inconspicuous? Your hair is so different from Guwon citizens. There's no way that no one would have noticed." Sun grinned at Yuna excitedly, "I got myself a wig." She took out a black wig and put it on Yuna. She stared at herself in the reflection. She looked ridiculous with the black wig on top of her hair.

After looking at herself in the mirror, Yuna felt embarrassed. She had dirt smudges all over her face and clothes. Her hair was a disaster and she looked that way the whole time she was with that boy. Yuna's thoughts were interrupted when Sun called her many times to get her attention, "Yuna... Yuna... Can you hear me?"

Yuna shook her head to clear the thoughts about the boy. She nervously replied, "Sorry about that. I was lost in thought." Sun hadn't been in the household for too long, but she knew how Yuna was. It was normal for her to get lost in thought, but she never knew what she was thinking about. She finally decided to ask, "About what? Mind telling me?"

Yuna grew flustered when she thought about telling Sun about the boy. She lied, "It's nothing. I was just wondering about the investigation and if father will find the mastermind." Sun didn't suspect anything, "I'm sure they'll find out who was behind it all." Yuna knew that her father wouldn't find out who it was. The person behind the assassins was probably extremely powerful. She suspected it was either Minho or the Empress that was behind the attempted assassination.

It seemed like the ninjas were targeting Prince Jimin. She had no clue that she was also a target. Sun didn't feel the need to talk about the assassins any longer because she trusted in Yuna's father. So, she changed the topic, "So, are you going to be Princess Ara's new teacher? Does that mean you won't be home as much?"

Sun looked a bit sad when she thought about being apart from Yuna. Yuna felt that Sun was finally growing to accept her as a sister. It made her happy to know that Sun wanted to be close to her, "It's okay. I'm probably only going to visit her like once or twice a week. I'll be busier, but that doesn't mean that I'll be moving into the palace."

Sun frowned, "You do know that teachers of the royal family are supposed to live in the palace, right?"

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