Chapter 32

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Yuna had her head bowed for a while, but the boy ignored her. It soon became awkward when he didn't say anything to her apology. Her neck started to hurt after having her head bowed for a while and so she looked up at him.

He wasn't glaring at her, but he was staring at her awkwardly. She noticed that his hair was sticking up and there were leaves in his hair. Looking at his appearance, it seemed that the thing that she tripped over earlier must've been him. His eyes indicated that he was sleeping earlier. Why would someone sleep behind bushes? She was curious.

She lifted her hand to remove the leaves that were in his hair but stopped when she noticed him flinching. She instantly put her hand back down and stared back at him in apology. She broke the silence with her apology, "I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll take my leave."

Before Yuna could walk away, his beautiful hands wrapped around her wrist lightly. He finally responded to her, "Wait." She looked down at his hand and felt her face burn up. She's never had any physical contact with

men, except her father. He abruptly let go of her wrist, almost as if he were disgusted with her touch. She felt irritated by his action. She didn't react to him negatively because she didn't know his circumstances. Maybe he just didn't like touching people or was a germaphobe. She had no clue.

He dug through his sleeves and pulled out an ointment bottle. She realized instantly that he stopped her so that he could take care of the wound on her arm. The wound seemed to be deeper than she thought, blood was dripping down her arm. She couldn't have him dress her wound. She shook her head at him, "It's okay. You don't need to do that. It's just a tiny scratch."

He didn't listen to her and tore the bottom of his expensive quality shirt. He then poured the contents of the medicine into the cloth. He dabbed the wound on her arm lightly. She winced when the cloth touched her skin. After cleaning out the wound, he tore off a bit more of his shirt to wrap her wound.

She felt herself turning a bright red when she noticed that the boy was showing his abs. She tried her best not to stare, but it was right in front of her. How could she look away when it was in plain sight? When he tightened the shirt around her wound, she yelped in pain. He instantly

regretted tying the shirt too tightly. He apologized, "I'm sorry. Did that hurt?"

She saw the worry in his eyes and decided to forgive him. It wasn't really a big deal and he was helping her dress the wound on her arm. She coughed to cover up her awkward behavior, "It doesn't hurt that much. Thank you for helping me. I can pay you back for the medicine. How much should I give you?" She began looking for the bag of money that was tied to her waist.

He shook his head, "I don't need any money." She couldn't accept that she would end up owing him. She hated that feeling so she argued, "I don't like owing anybody anything. I can't just let you help me without giving you anything in return. Let me pay you." He continued to refuse her, "I don't need you to do anything. I would feel happier if you healed quicker." He instantly looked away from her after rejecting her offer.

She noticed that his ears were turning red when he looked away. It usually indicated that someone was embarrassed or shy when their ears turned red. She kept trying to see what his expression was, but he wouldn't look at her. At first, she assumed that he would be cold and aloof, but after interacting with him for a bit, she realized that he was just really shy. For some odd reason, Yuna felt the urge to tease him.

It was her first time feeling this way. She hardly wanted to interact with anybody, but strangely, she wanted to stick around and see his reaction. If she teased him, she would get the opportunity to see his embarrassed expression.

The way he said he would feel happier if she healed quicker made her feel loved. It was a weird feeling when a stranger phrased it that way. Yuna didn't know how to respond to him for a while. It was dead silent, and she could hear both of them breathing. She had an idea when she got a slight glimpse of his embarrassed expression.

She declared, "Since you won't accept my money, I'll do one favor for you. You could ask me now or you can ask me in the future. It's up to you." The boy seemed to be pondering about her statement in great detail. He then gave Yuna an 'aha' look. Before regretting his decision and deciding on another idea. He kept doing that over and over again until he decided on a decision.

His clear, but soft-spoken voice was heard, "I don't have a favor now and I don't know if I'll ever have a favor, but it's a lot better than taking your money." Yuna was a bit disappointed in his answer. It felt like he didn't really plan on meeting her again.

Yuna was about to say something, but he spoke first, "Now that your wound has been bandaged, I should go." He pointed east and began walking. After thinking about how to get back to the party, she had no clue how to get there. She was so engrossed in looking at the flowers, she wasn't paying much attention to where she was going.

It'd be best if Yuna asked the boy to help her get back to the party. She could get lost here forever without getting home. She dashed towards him and got a hold of his sleeves. He instantly stopped walking, causing her to run into him. She found herself with her face touching his chest when he turned around abruptly. Luckily, he still had his shirt on or else she would've accidentally kissed his chest.

She felt butterflies in her stomach and her hands became clammy. Her body froze when she felt this feeling. The boy asked, "Are you always this clumsy?" After experiencing the previous emotion, now she felt her face glowing hot. She instantly jumped out of his embrace and stammered, "I.. I didn't.. mean to do that. Sorry. I... I didn't know my way around the palace. I need to get back to the main courtyard for Princess Ara's birthday party. Mind helping me?"

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