Chapter 3

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When Yuna regained consciousness, she could hear a woman cheering, "it's a girl!" The woman had a surgical mask covering the bottom half of her face. She resembled a ninja, but her clothes were too bright to be considered a ninja. She assumed that maybe it was normal to dress this way in this world. Yuna looked around and noticed a random metal box that kept making odd sounds. She had never heard anything like it. The ninja lady gently passed Yuna over to her mother.

Yuna's mother cradled her in her arms while gently stroking her hair. She didn't have much hair, but it felt nice. Yuna gazed into her mother's eyes and felt the warm sensation of a protective mother. She never had a mother figure in her previous life and so this feeling squeezed at her heart. Tears began to fill her bitter eyes. She was thankful to god for letting her experience a new life.

Her father came rushing through the doors with the same outfit as the ninja. As soon as he saw the child in his beloved's arms, he couldn't help but feel extreme joy and content. Her father's voice disturbed the quiet atmosphere with his obnoxious and lively voice, "I can't believe it! It's a girl! Honey, what should we name her? She looks just like you. I'm so glad she doesn't look like me!"

Yuna's mother pondered for a while before making her decision. "How about we name her Yuna? I just feel like that name resonates with her. I don't know why, but I just feel like she was destined to have Yuna as her name. Don't you think so? "

Her husband gleamed, "Yuna sounds like a fantastic name! I can't wait to take her home and spoil her!"

His wife glared at him, "Don't you dare spoil our daughter! If she becomes a lazy good for nothing, I will have no one else to blame but you!"

Her husband put on his best 'don't blame me I'm just being a doting father' smile. His wife couldn't help but shake her head in annoyance. This man is going to spoil her rotten.

Yuna watched the couple bickering at each other and couldn't help but laugh. 'My parents happen to be two idiot lovebirds that don't know a thing about parenting, but at least I'll know that they'll love me unconditionally as their child.' It's better than what she went through in her previous life. She didn't get half as much attention as she did with her new parents.


Yuna spent the last 5 years getting used to the modern world. She was amazed by all the high-tech objects that weren't in her previous lifetime. Who would've thought that there were boxes that flew in the sky and boxes that humans could get into and travel from point a to point b? She was determined to figure out how all these things were created.
Yuna was too busy trying to learn new things to realize that she had blown her cover too soon. Her parents were astounded by how fast she was learning everything. They noticed that she learned things much quicker than most children. They couldn't understand how she was able to memorize anything and everything. She could recall any information that she came across without any effort.

Her parents were planning on spending a long time teaching Yuna basic words and numbers with flashcards, but that only became a one-day thing. As soon as her mother took out the flashcards and flipped through each one, Yuna had already memorized everything within seconds. Her parents soon discovered that she had picture perfect memory.

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