Chapter 4

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"Welcome back!" God exclaimed with joy. "I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much in that world." Yuna sighed, "I didn't think my 2nd lifetime was that great." He frowned at my negative response, "Why not? You helped so many people with your amazing inventions and you inspired so many kids during your stay."

Yuna didn't remember interacting with any kids, "I did?" God flashed his omnipotent smile at her, "Of course. You didn't speak to them personally, but your work has inspired many. Not just kids, but also adults." Yuna wasn't used to flattery, "I didn't do much."

God poked her arm playfully, "Come on, stop being so humble. I was shocked to find out that you were capable of so much more than what I expected." Yuna questioned, "And what did you expect?" He grinned, "I thought you would be like most. I thought you would use your ability for your own gain." She glowered at him, "You thought I would fail? Also, why do I feel like you gave this ability to other people as well?"

God desperately tried to explain himself, "I didn't think you would fail, I just thought that you would live your life a little differently than what I thought. I didn't know you would be so interested in studying. You weren't like that in your first lifetime. You seemed to enjoy more girly stuff. Also, I did give this ability to other people." Yuna scoffed, "I can't believe this. I thought that you bestowed a special gift only to me, because you felt bad about what I went through during my first lifetime."

God laughed nervously, "I did feel bad, but I never told you that only you were getting the gift. There is innumerable amount of people in this world and some of them were bound to get this gift. Haven't you seen or heard about other people that had perfect memory?" Yuna agreed, "Yes, I have heard of them, but I didn't think it was a gift like mine."

He sighed, "It technically isn't like yours. You have perfect memory forever, but these people have perfect memory only in that lifetime. I don't usually give this gift to people forever because it can be tough on some people. Being immortal isn't all that it's cracked up to be. People can go a little crazy after experiencing multiple lifetimes with this ability. It's mainly because of how they choose to use the gift. Unlike you, they want to use it for self-gain. I've seen many that used the gift to cheat their way through life. I was proud to know that you used this gift to change the world for the good and not for the bad. I also believed that you would use your best judgement to use the gift wisely."

Yuna felt pleased with his explanation. It somewhat explained why he chose to give the gift to her. He must've been testing her again. She couldn't help but wonder if God would test her throughout all her lifetimes and if it would ever end. "If what you say is true, don't you think I would go crazy too? I feel like I would probably go mad from boredom mostly."

God pondered for a moment before responding, "I don't think I should be telling you anything about what will happen in the future. You're still being tested, remember?" Yuna groaned, "Why? I've done so well this whole time. Can't I get a little sneak peak of what my future will be like? I just want to know if I go crazy." God roared with laughter, "You're so funny. You're just going to have to wait."

Yuna resigned to her fate, "Fine. I guess I could wait." Since she wasn't going to immediately get an answer for the distant future, she still wanted to know what type of world she would be reincarnated into next. Would she be reincarnated into those fantasy medieval worlds? Will she learn magic? Maybe she was getting a little too ahead of herself. Did magic even exist in other worlds? She didn't know. There were too many unanswered questions and not enough time to find out all the mysteries of the world. "So, where am I going to next?"

God didn't respond immediately, but he began observing her attentively. It almost felt like he was looking into her soul. "Hmm... I was going to reveal a little something about your next lifetime, but I think it would be best if I just sent you there." Yuna groaned, "Don't tell me you're going to send me to my next life without properly explaining like last time. Please cut me some slack here. I've done so much good. Can't you at least give me a hint?"

God decided to give her a little hint this time, because he felt that Yuna had long forgotten about her dark past. She has lived both of her lives as a good person. Although she lived a life of loneliness, she did indeed help improve the world into a better place. What amazed him was how she had discovered ways to counteract pollution in a way that was quick and efficient. She was praised by many for her innovative yet successful ideas. Her inventions were out of this world.

If she has any obstacles in the future, she will surpass all of them with pure hard work. He was proud of her. "I've decided to grant your wish because of how good you have been." Yuna was confused, "Wish? What wish?"

She had long forgotten about her wish to be reborn into her first lifetime for vengeance and assumed that it would never come true. God however knew that if she went back to her past life, she would use that chance to tie up loose ends. Moving forward, she would be able to live her days opening up to people. Because of all the heartbreak she has experienced in her first lifetime, she had closed herself to those that cared for her.

God felt that Yuna needed to go back for her to completely move on. He knew that she would not use his gift for darkness. This was proven when she had chosen to seek knowledge when she had multiple chances to become powerful. God had given this power to a select few, but almost all of them had gravely disappointed him. Majority of them had used that power to dominate the world. He was furious with the fact that they had used his gift for greed. He then stripped them of their powers.

God exclaimed, "Yuna, I will be sending you back to your past lifetime. I believe in you, so don't disappoint me." What god did not know was that she despised having to go back to that era. She would be stuck living an archaic lifestyle.

She would hate to have to take care of her *duties* in a wooden shack or a pot. She would have to suffer without any AC or a heater. Plus, she would have to sit in a horse carriage! She wouldn't have any rights as a woman, and she had to share her man with multiple other women. She didn't even have the chance to choose whether she wanted a husband or not.

Before she could voice out her opinions, god waved goodbye and snapped his fingers. This was the second time she had no say on her reincarnation. Why was this god so impatient? She went spiraling down the wormhole at the snap of his finger.

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