Chapter 2

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Yuna's eyes fluttered open to a piercing light that caused her eyes to water. She slowly began walking towards the light. The light flowed out through the elegant doors that led to somewhere mysterious. Are these the doors to heaven? Where was this?

She pondered for a moment, before trusting her instincts. Her instincts told her that the light usually meant good things. So, she followed her instincts and went through the door. While walking for a while she noticed clouds under her feet that were so thick that they were no where close to transparent as she thought it would be.

She was so focused on the clouds that she didn't notice an enormous pedestal in front of her. She stumbled into the pedestal that was attached to giant marble white stairs. The stairs were enormous to the point that Yuna looked like a tiny ant.

Before she could figure out how to get up those stairs, a tiny bit of cloud detached from the floor and flew towards her. The cloud lifted her up into the air and began rapidly flying towards the top of the stairs. She couldn't help but stare in wonder at herself flying across the giant sky.

At the very top of the stairs, sat a man as enormous as a giant. He sat on a chair that was meant for kings. He was extraordinarily beautiful even though he had long white hair. Not that white hair is a bad thing. He resembled god so much that it almost felt like hearing a choir of angels singing in the background.

The cloud slowed down and began to expand beneath her feet. It was sort of weird floating in the air like that, but it was an interesting experience. Yuna observed the man that resembled god and couldn't help but ask, "Are you perhaps, God?" The man's attention landed on Yuna, causing him to flash an ethereal smile at her. His white garbs that covered his body swayed gracefully. It looked very unnatural because there was no wind. The wind must be coming from him.

There was also a golden glow that surrounded him. He embodied this warm atmosphere that brought a sense of calmness and peace. His reply came a bit late, but it was because he was admiring her like she was his daughter. "You are correct. I've been waiting for you. How was your journey here?"

Yuna didn't feel like she went through much of a journey to get to him. "I didn't really do much. The cloud did most of the work." God laughed, "Not the journey after death. I meant the journey called life. How was your last life, my dear?" Yuna scrunched her eyebrows together trying to remember her last life. After a bit, she recalled everything that happened and how she died.

Yuna frowned, "It wasn't that fun, seeing how I had to go in such a gruesome way. My head was chopped off and that was a horrifying experience. I can't forget how my two most trusted companions betrayed me in such a terrible way (Minho and Haemi)." God observed my expression curiously. "Do you seek revenge for how they treated you?" I nodded, "In honesty, I'm not that sort of person, but yes I do want to get revenge. I'm not usually violent, but I just feel like I didn't deserve any of this. The ones who deserve this is them."

God said, "You've got a point there, but please give me a second, while I transform so that it'll be easier to communicate." His body soon became transparent and it looked to be shrinking to her size. He cleared his throat suddenly and the air beside her changed. He was standing right next to her on the cloud that had expanded.

God spoke beside her, "I wanted to praise you for living a good and moral life. I commend you for your efforts. Although it seems that you did experience a tragedy towards the end. I'm deeply sorry for the pain you had to endure. I hope that this doesn't deter you from your righteous path."

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