Chapter 14

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Yuna and her parents spent the whole morning enjoying their trip to the marketplace. Her parents were different from her expectations. They were caring and attentive like normal parents. She didn't have a break from her studies for a while.

Today was a day that felt like a vacation. She wanted to live a life that was fun every day. She spent her previous life working, but she never really had a vacation. Now that she recalls her past life it felt bland and boring. It would be great if every day were like today.

After spending her time shopping and eating, she grew tired. Yuna was a homebody and she wasn't used to exercising. She hadn't gained weight either because she never had an appetite. It was normal for her to get lost in her books. She was either working or studying.

Yuna decided it was time for her to go home. While trying to grab her mother's sleeve to gain her attention, she was interrupted when a creepy man walked in between her mother and her.

He grinned at Yuna which brought shivers down her back, "Little girls shouldn't be here. If you want to be a part of this line, feel free to join the party." Yuna looked behind him and saw a line of slaves that were chained behind him. Majority of them were beaten and they had injuries all over. Every single one of them were facing the floor without any eye contact.

They looked like war slaves that were just arriving to the capital. When Yuna thought about the war slaves, she couldn't help but recall memories of a girl named Sun. She was a war slave that was bought by her family. She was around 12 years old when she met Sun. It occurred to Yuna that this was around the time when she met Sun.

Sun was her personal maid that was bought by her father to be a spy. At least that's what Yuna thought. She wasn't close to her father in her past life. There was only one reason she could think of for Sun becoming her personal maid. It was only for her father to spy on her. She wasn't really given a choice to choose which maid. She was constantly trying to avoid Sun and she definitely didn't trust her.

Overtime, Yuna began to realize her mistake. She treated Sun like any other maid and she hardly had the chance to get to know her. The only thing she remembered about Sun was that she was from the Kingdom of Ezra.

The Kingdom of Ezra was similar to medieval England. The majority of its population contained people with blonde and blue eyes. They were located on the eastern coast and their country thrived off of the massive ocean that surrounded their continent. Yuna always dreamed of visiting Ezra's beaches with Minho, but she never got the chance to leave Guwon.

The citizens of Ezra were hardly ever on good terms with the Guwon's citizens. Before Yuna was born, her father was busy leading an army that was at war with Ezra. The Emperor disliked Ezra's culture and how they were vastly different from Guwon. The religion in both of these countries were completely different and the Emperor could not afford for his people to start believing in a religion that could potentially ruin his country. He could not accept change.

The war had eventually ended when General Junho came back victorious from the war. The King of Ezra surrendered and offered a peace treaty to the Emperor of Guwon. The Emperor decided it would be best to keep Ezra's citizens away from his people. He did not want the majority to start believing in their religion. He chose to ban Ezra's citizen from crossing the border.

The Emperor accepted war slaves and gold from the Kingdom of Ezra as payment for him to sign the peace treaty. It took an extremely long journey from Ezra to Guwon. The war slaves were still being transported from Ezra to Guwon even after 9 years. Sun was among those war slaves.

Yuna searched through the slaves to find a similar profile of a girl not much older than herself. It was Sun. She had bruises covering her skin and she was so malnourished she resembled a skeleton. The poor little girl had a black eye and blood dripping from her forehead. She was in worse condition than the rest of the slaves.

It was extremely difficult to recognize her face from her memories. She was so malnourished and abused that her appearance didn't resemble Sun from her memories. Yuna felt her eyes tear up when looking at Sun's beat-up form. She couldn't help but recall the reason why Sun was so important to her.

Yuna was faced with a difficult situation. She got married to her beloved Minho secretly, while her father was out on the front lines fighting the country of Miyon. Her father supported the Emperor, and he would not support her getting married to Minho. She thought it was wise to keep this information from her father.

She was 19 years old at the time and majority of girls her age were mothers that had multiple children. The normal age for women to get married was at 15 years old. If she didn't get married soon, her marriageable age would long be gone. She decided it was best to get married to Minho while her father was at war.

She was happy to be married to her love, Minho. Nothing mattered to her, just as long as she was with him. She was willing to sacrifice everything to make Minho the next emperor. She blindly trusted in him and thought that the Emperor had died naturally. She didn't find it suspicious that both Emperor and Crown Prince had died. She should've suspected something when both of them died from unusual deaths.

Minho murdered his father and brother to become the next Emperor. He fooled not only Yuna, but also the whole entire kingdom. Minho rose to power and took Yuna as his empress. After only 1 week of becoming Empress, she was deemed as a criminal. The citizens bought both Minho and Haemi's lies so easily.

Yuna had been resting in her bedroom when the guards came barging into the enormous courtyard that led to the Empress' quarters. Sun was quick with her reaction and she blocked the front door. She immediately opened the window that led to the back courtyard for maids.

Sun whispered, "Miss, you must run away. That window leads to the back courtyard. If you follow the path you should see a well. It would be best if you hide inside the well to keep the guards from finding you." Yuna had no clue what was happening, and she asked, "I'm the Empress. They are under my rule. There's no reason for me to run from them."

Sun laughed, "That's what you think, but you don't know the full truth of the matter. It would be best if you just listen to me." Yuna did not budge and she couldn't understand the situation. The guards broke through the door. Sun immediately shoved Yuna towards the window while blocking the entrance. Yuna didn't believe Sun. She stood there watching as the guards made their way into her room.

Sun did everything she could to protect her, but she ended up failing. The guards barged in and slashed her front. She staggered to the floor with blood spilling out of her lips. Yuna could never forget the desperate look in her eyes. She bravely stood before the guards even though she knew it would be her last. Yuna stupidly stood there, watching as her personal maid gave up her own life.

Remembering the past made Yuna emotional. If it weren't for her stupidity, she wouldn't have lost such a loyal maid. She could've gotten away, and she could've saved so many people.

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