-25 The Decision

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Samantha's P.O.V
Elliot got up and looked around, noticing me and Lachlan.
"Hey! You guys didn't run? And Sam, you look... pale. Are you okay?" Elliot asked while getting up and rubbing his neck.
"I'm...im fine. Are you okay?" I replied wincing.
"I mean, I guess." Elliot said looking around and seeing Lachlan. They grinned at eachother. Awkward silence...
"Listen Lachlan.... Sam and I-" He was cut off by Lachlan.
"I know Sam told me already. I forgive you guys for lying. Just be honest with me next time?" Lachlan stated, slowly sliding towards me. His shackles prevented him from sitting close to me, and my shackles were short. He held out his hand and I held onto it. It was then we heard a door open, and Syran Entered.
"I see your friend is awake." He boomed, Elliot flinched as the man walked over to me and Lachlan. We still held hands, tighter. I secured my hand onto Lachlan.
"Let go of her, Lachlan. She's mine" His voice echoed through the small and cramped room. I held on tighter, Syran saw that.
"No.... this wont do..." he started, holding out a knife and walking closer.
"Leave us alone" I said in a low voice, I was losing to much blood and I knew it.
"Why... you belong with me, as queen of the karanas." He replied grabbing my wrist and pulling it off Lachlan's.
"And if you don't listen... well let's just say loverboy, won't see the daylight." Syran put the knife away and took out some keys. He unlocked my shackles.
  "Hey what are you doing with her!" Lachlan yelled our hands not in holding anymore.
  "Nothing you need to worry about" Syran replied, I tried speaking up or fighting back but I was losing strength. I looked down at my cut it was bleeding still. I broke out of Syran grasp and slapped him. Hard.
  "You'll pay for that" He held his cheek while coming at me with his fist. I blocked and punched back. I jumped him and took out the knife I had hidden in my boot. I jabbed his side like he had done mine. He knocked me off and got up holding his side.
"Guards! Bang her up..." his voice echoed as guards came in a beat the living crap out of me. I ended up knocking out 2 of them and took a gun and shot the others but more came and tied me up again.
  "Holy crap! Are you okay Sam?" Lachlan asked. I winced and looked at him.
  "You have a busted lip and a bleeding nose! Your eye is swelling up too..." Elliot remarked I took my already bloody shirt and wiped away at my face.
  "What was that?" Lachlan asked me still surprised at how I took down the guards.
  "I told you.... I was.... I was a karana, I know things." I replied taking in breaths that I didn't even have.
  "Hey, Save your breaths." Lachlan reassured me, but I wasn't gonna last long. I had bruises and blood all over my knuckles.
I felt heavy and my head was pounding. I looked around as my vision became blurry. Then i blacked out.


I woke up frantically and looked at my surroundings. Lachlan and Elliot were strapped up with gags as was I. However they were in front of me as if a ritual were to begin.

Then.... Syran walked in.

"Ah I see someone is awake...I'm giving you 2 choices." Syran spoke out walking towards me and takin off my gag.

"Neither." I spat out giving him a nasty glare.

"Believe me you'll want to hear them." Syran said with a smirk forming on his lips.

"Option 1, become my queen and I'll spare one of your friends. Or option 2 they all die in front of you. And then you'll die." Syran angrily went over to Lachlan placing a knife on his neck.

"I'll NEVER be your queen." I spat out blood from my mouth.

"Fine have it your way." Syran singed as he took the knife and started to slice through Lachlan's Neck. he winced and yelled out through the gag.

"Wait! Syran you can't—I can't— your CRAZY!" I yelled out as he took the knife from Lachlan's neck.

  "Crazy for you" He slowly whispered into my ear, I tried to jerk away despite being tied down.

  "But... if you can't see that, people will have to pay" Syran walked away and started to walk towards Elliot, he grew impatient.

  "I don't need to be your queen Syran, you know that. Pick someone else..." I grumbled making him put the knife to Elliot's throat this time. I shook my head before realizing what I had to do. What I had done.

  "Option one or option two, PICK!" Syrans voice got loud and menacing. Lachlan noticed my sudden change in mood almost as if he knew what I was gonna do. He shook his head as I mouthed 'I'm sorry' towards him and Elliot.

  "Alright, I'll be your—— queen." I muttered. I didn't want to, but despite that they were in trouble because of me. They could die because of me, this is my punishment.

  Syrans head popped up almost like a daisy from hearing my words, a tear trickled my eye but didn't fall.

  "But... they all leave Syran not just one" I seriously said, the tear now falling down my cheek. Lachlan's face only grew worse as did Elliot's, he shook 'no' but I did what had to be done.

  "Isn't that my decision?" Syran sarcastically said.

  "Please Syran, I know you still care for me. My dogs are still alive and the same commands are there for me and Elliot meaning no one took those dogs in." I tried to sound as sympathetically possible.

  Syran muttered something under his breath before telling his guards to untie Lachlan and Elliot. I was quickly untied as well, I ran towards Lachlan who was being led out of the room. He turned around with tears in his eyes and hugged me.

   "You can't do this Sam, Don't!" He barely got out heavy breathing and tears flowing like a river.

  "Look at me," I grabbed his face in my hands and put our foreheads together.

  "I made this mess, I'll fix it." I told him before kissing his soft and gentle lips and looking into his eyes. I grabbed Elliot's hand and pulled him into a a bear hug.

  "Don't let Lachlan go through this alone, please." My eyes got blurry signaling I was on the verge of a breakdown, but I kept it up.

  "I won't, thank you for everything. Even if it went wrong." A small smile formed on his lips before the guard forcefully pushed him out.

   Lachlan's last stretch of hope was leaping towards me pulling into one last hug, it broke me. I couldn't bring myself to hug back. My sniffles were quiet and muffled as my mouth was covered by his shoulder.

  I looked him in the eye before speaking.

  "I love you Lachlan, I do. But please.... please just.... live your life without me." I looked away not being able to tell him that in the eye without doing something I'd regret. I pulled him back into a hug before being ripped off my Syran.

  "No!" Lachlan screamed out as I was being held back.

  "Go, Lachlan please..." not being able to see him any longer without running after him I turned to Syran.

  "So my queen, what shall your first order be?" Syran questioned bowing as If making me feel any better.

  "Where are my dogs?"

A/N So I'll probably rewrite this in the future because honestly it's terrible and there will be a sequel so ya know this ain't the end. So uh yeah give me a follow and vote and comment. Thanks for reading!!!!❤️🤪😍

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