-12 Explanations

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Lachlan's P.O.V
I was in my room trying to listen in and see what Elliot and Sam were talking about. I couldn't hear anything though. I opened my door just a crack to see if they were still even there. I saw absolutely nobody so I walked through the house and they were gone. I texted Samantha and Elliot to ask where they were and got no response. What were they possibly doing and why wouldn't they tell me or at least text me?
Samantha's P.O.V
   "Ok so what's your story?" I asked Elliot making sure not be loud even though we were in the cafeteria.
   "When I was 17, my parents were killed because I had killed one of the primary leaders. Kara was her name." He replied putting his elbows on the table and holding his head in his hand.
   "Why'd you kill her?" I asked shaking my head.
  "She assaulted and kidnapped my ex girlfriend, we broke up because of it." Elliot remorsed.
"Oh I'm so sorry Elliot." I told him while putting my hand on his shoulder.
  "Anyways what's your story?" Elliot asked me looking up.
  "Well, when I was 16, my parents were killed because I killed Sentra, the boss/ main leader. And it was because she attempted to kill my best friend Shannon who snitched on them to cops about a cocaine trade." I explained.
  "Do you think he knows where we are?" Elliot asked looking around paranoid.
  "No, they would have come for us by now if they did." I replied.
  "But they knew you number and my address?" Elliot said to me in confusion.
  "Then what are they waiting for?!" I said a little louder.
  "Shhh keep it down! Their waiting for a better opportunity I guess. They'll strike when we're not paying attention." Elliot said looking around.
   "What about Lachlan and Lannan?" I questioned because what would happen to them?
   "I don't know but I think for now we can't tell them." Elliot remarked.
  "How will we protect them?" I said with worry in my tone.
  "I don't know, we don't even know who to trust." Elliot told me.
  "How do we know we can even trust Lachlan and Lannan?" I asked him.
  "Your right, don't tell them anything personal from now on." Elliot told me.
  "Alright." I agreed. We turned our heads to see a door open in the cafeteria. It was Lachlan and Lannan. They walked towards us and greeted us as they sat down.
  "Oy! Why did you all leave me in the dorm?" Lachlan asked chuckling.
  "Elliot wanted to tell me something personal and also wanted food so we came here." I said emphasizing personal so they knew not to ask.
  "oh alright mate, I'm gonna go get something to eat want something Lachy?" Lannan asked as he got up from his chair.
"No I'm alright thanks mate" Lachlan replied while sitting in a closer chair to me.
"So... Sam we should finish this conversation another time." Elliot remarked making sure to look at Lachlan.
"Ay don't look at me mate, if you guys had told me where you were going and why I wouldn't have looked for ya." Lachlan told us.
"Yeah but Lannan still would have." I replied back.
"Speak of the devil." Elliot said as Lannan started walking back from the lunch line. We really needed to finish the conversation, and what would our excuses be?

Writers Note- I know I know it's a short chapter but I have writers block
Again sooooo not funnn

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