-24 Clouded Mind

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Samantha's P.O.V
My breathing became rigid and hard.
  "How many shut down factories can there be?" Shannon asked. I sat down in Lachlan's car feeling the seats and remembering when we went out to eat and held hands and walked together. The seats where now cold and a tear shed from my eyes. It was my fault.
  "There's only 5 but 3 are quarantined, which means they can't be there. Too much radiation. It could kill a man." Elliot remarked.
  "Ok... so what about the other 2?" I asked unhinging the car so I could hot wire it.
  "The other 2 are far, very far" Lannan stated. He opened his phone and showed us the two places.
  "Ok so what now?" I asked turning on Lachlan's Car.
  "Now we separate, but remember I ain't going" Lannan repeated. That left me Elliot and Shannon.
  "I'll go alone." Shannon said. I was reluctant but we couldn't let Elliot go alone or me. I nodded.
Shannon got in her car and Lannan went home. We were on our way in Lachlan's, his car was smooth and surreal. As we were driving there I couldn't help but think, could Lachlan even forgive me at this point?
   "Hey, so what's the plan when we get there" Elliot asked me.
  "What we practiced I'll go in through the front doors distract, and you get Lachlan out of there." I told him, I had a nervous tone. He picked up on it.
"Lachlan will be okay, you know that right?" Elliot asked me. I wasn't listening, I was trying my hardest to concentrate but my mind hurt. I kept envisioning someone hurting or worse killing Lachlan. Elliot rubbed my arm, reassuring me that everything would be ok. I didn't think so.
As I saw the factory from far away I started imagining what would go down. My imagination got the best of me. I wish it hadn't. I parked a few streets back from the factory and opened the back trunk. I started putting on the gear as Elliot did the same. We put on bullet proof vests and pads on our knees. I slipped in 2 knives under my vest and on my side. I picked up the guns we got and extra ammo. I had a gun latch on my thigh and slip it there. Putting the extra ammo on the pockets of the vest. I looked at Elliot.
"You ready?" I asked in a serious tone. I knew what we were getting into but did he?
"Yes, so why side will I be going into then" he asked me, grabbing a blueprint I pointed to the left side. I heard a ding coming from my phone. I opened it and saw a text from Shannon.
Shannon- it's not this factory
Me- we are geared up and going inside this one
Shannon- alright be careful I'm on my way
With that I closed my phone and informed Elliot of what Shannon has told me. He nodded and we went over the plan again. I was to go in and give myself up while Elliot would find and rescue Lachlan, I would find my own way out. It's my fault Lachlan's here anyway.
"Alright lets go" I told him as he walked a different route then me. I walked towards the building, knife in hand.
As I walked up I heard multiple dogs barking. The karanas, they used dogs for protection and I had 2 of my own. When I left, they took them from me. I missed them, my two beautiful white German shepherds. Ghost and Rummage. Strange but whimsical names. I trained them way more than normal protection dogs. I trained them to have multiple attacks even to rely on each other for tricks. I wondered if they were even still alive. I pondered those thoughts and walked closer to the factory. I saw two guards blocking the entrance. I had to... end them. To get in and try to figure out a plan. There was a bunch of barrels and crates stacked together in a corner. I hid behind them and waited for the guards to get distracted. They dressed the same as me but they were talking, laughing even. I saw my chance and ran up and jumped on one of them. I pulled me knife and slit his throat as I tripped the second and snapped his neck. I walked up to the doors and opened them. I took a hat from one of the guards and covered my hair and face. Not trying to be seen I walked through and up a flight of stairs where a few more guards were walking. I walked by them and they didn't seem to notice I wasn't one of them. I walked through a hallway of corridors and saw through each of them were guard dogs sitting there. I tried to remind myself of the orders we used to give them. Thinking they'd be the same I walked up to a dog.
"Sona" I whispered. The dog stood and walked closely by me. It worked! Sona is a phrase said so the dog will walk closely by you and follow. I walked through the corridors with this dog not even knowing it's name. Seeing all of these hallways and doors, made me wonder which one Lachlan was in.
It was then, that I heard shouting and gunfire. I sprinted towards it with the dog still glued to my side. I looked corner to corner sill hearing shouting and yelling. I heard screams and yelps. I stopped and realized I didn't even know if I was heading the right way. I used another command to signal the dog to find the source of noise.
"Regal" I whispered. The dog looked up and ears widened. It walked through the hallways slowly until the noise got louder. The dog barked and ran towards it. BINGO! I turned the corner and saw a surprising sight. Elliot was taking on almost 10 guys at once.
"Attack!" I yelled as the dog jumped crates and logs on the floor and hooked on to one of the guys attacking Elliot. I ran up with a knife and cut up and tripped most of them. Elliot was lunging and kicking them when they were on the floor. The dog jumped on their backs and growled loudly. As they all went down I looked up at Elliot.
"Did you find him?" I asked, taking in deep breaths and patting the dog.
"I think so, but the hallway was crawling with guards." He replied looking at the dog confused. He muttered a word and the dog got excited, I couldn't tell why.
"What?" I asked him still confused.
"You brought my dog! Ranger!" He yelled, how could I have just picked his dog?? I looked happy and thought maybe my dogs were around here somewhere as well.
"As well as this reunion is, we really have to find Lachlan" I reminded Elliot, he looked up and nodded. I followed him through the hallways as we entered one with multiple guards. He was right. We walked closer and the guards seemed to notice something was up.
"Hey!" I heard on of them yell. I looked at Elliot as we charged them. 14 versus 2 and a dog what could go wrong? I ran up and dragged 3 down with me. I punched and pounced my way through them hitting soft spots so they would go down. I looked up a Elliot seeing he had done the same. I heard multiple men shouting and making their way over.
"Come on!" I shouted, Elliot took the keys off of who I'm assuming was the main guard and opened the door.
"Got it!" He excitedly said throwing open the door. I looked around and saw shackles leading up to a dark figure sitting in a corner. I took out my phone and then the flashlight. I saw... golden blond hair? It was Lachlan!
"Lachlan?" I asked as the dark figure turned around. I saw the ocean blue eyes and his tall stature. It was Lachlan.
"Sam? Elliot?" He asked. I took the keys and unlocked his shackles and cuffs. He stood up and hugged me. It felt amazing to be in his arms again.
  "Uh guys hurry up!" Elliot said looking at us and holding the door open."
  "You came for me?" Lachlan asked, hope in his eyes.
  "Always." I assured him as I grabbed his hand and headed for the door.
  "Finally, let's go-" I heard before a The came against the ground. I turned around and saw a tall buff figure and Elliot knocked out on the dirty floor.
  "Lachlan, when you get the chance, RUN" I whispered. The man stepped into the light and I realized who it was.
  "So you've finally come for your lover, hmm?" I heard Syran say as he walked closer. Lachlan's breathing got heavy and shivered. I held him behind me.
  "I knew this would be the perfect trap" Syran chuckled to himself as he picked up Elliot and chained him.
  "What do you from us?" I asked, my voice shaking and breathing rigid.
  "You" Syran said walking closer a few feet between us. I clenched a fist and whispered to Lachlan.
  "Run" I whispered as Lachlan left my grasp and headed for the door. I darted at Syran but he slit my side making me drop to the floor. Lachlan headed out but was thrown back in my 4 guards standing outside. I weezed and grunted as I tried to get up. Syran grabbed me by my neck choking me.
  "I want you as my queen, I'm leader of the karanas, and I want you by my side. Not this skinny, idiotic excuse of a man" Syran said pointing to Lachlan with his free hand . I took heavy and hard breaths as he put me in shackles. He left my hands free but I didn't bother to know why. As he let go of my neck I struggled to breath. I put my back up against the wall and examined where he had cut me. It was deep, and was bleeding every time I took breaths.
  "Lachlan...are you... are you okay?" I said struggling to breath.
  "I'm fine, are you?" He asked me, he had worry written on his eyes.
  "It's ok, im ok, check on Elliot." I told him. He slithered toward Elliot and nodded. He was just knocked out cold thank god.
  "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I told Lachlan letting a tear shed through, not from the pain. From what had happened.
  "For what? Cheating on me, lying to me, or getting me kidnapped?!" He practically yelled the last part.
"I'm only sorry for 2 of those things, I never cheated on you." I assured Lachlan, he looked at me confused.
  "What, but-but-but you said" Lachlan started.
  "I know but it wasn't the truth.." I stopped to wince, I looked down and saw my cut was deeper than I thought.
  "Whoa are you sure your okay?" Lachlan asked me I nodded and continued the conversation.
  "The truth is, I used to be in a gang. The gang that kidnapped us is the Karanas. I killed their leader and they killed my parents. I fled going to another school, restarting. I didn't mean to like you or get you involved. And Elliot and Shannon were also in the gang." I stated, he looked at me shocked and surprised.
  "So, You didn't cheat on me?" He replied with hope in his eyes that I'd say no I didn't.
  "No, never. I'm surprised you believed it." I exasperated. I chuckled as I applied pressure to my cut.
  "I believed it... because it's happened before." A tear shed from his eye as he looked up.
  "Did you mean what you said?" I asked.
  "What?" He replied.
  "That you... that you loved me" I asked wincing. He looked to the floor and tried to shift closer to me.
  "Of course I do, you make me feel at home, make me feel myself, make me feel better" He renounced playing with his fingers.
  "In that case... I love you too" I said in a soft voice locking eyes with him. For once things started to look up. Even Elliot's head as he started to wake up.

Writers Note- So this was a long chapter hope y'all liked it :)
Peace ✌🏻

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