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"I think I'll have to climb up there." I looked up at Elle and I's bedroom on the second floor. "It won't be bad, it's just one floor."

"You scare." Taehyung spoke from behind me, holding Daegu tightly to himself.

"N-no." I spun around to face him, trying to convince him otherwise. "I'm not scared at all."

"Mhm." Taehyung hummed and placed Daegu in my bag. "I climb...below you. Make sure you not fall."

How sweet

"You're so nice." I punched his shoulder lightly, my fist getting wet with his wet clothes. "Don't let me fall." He rolled his eyes and signaled for me to climb, a trusting smile on hsi face. "Hold on tight Daegu." I patted his head as he sat in my bag. "We're going on a ride." When I went to jump into the room after climbing, my foot got caught on the ledge and I tumbled into the living room. "Shit." I rolled on my back after I fell.

Hopefully Elle isn't back yet.

"Yo, you good Theo?" I saw Taehyung's head appear from the window, a concerned look on his face. I opened my mouth to speak, but the one voice I did not want to hear right now spoke.

"What the hell?!" Elle exclaimed, staying by the doorway where she is. I turned quickly, still on the floor and widened my eyes, 100% guilty.

"Oh hi Elle." I shot to my feet and hurried over to where Taehyung was at, hoping she didn't already see him. Without thinking, I shoved Taehyung's head down, concealing him from Elle. "I was only looking at the stars."

"Theo!" Taehyung cried out as his hand slipped.

I leaned out the window to see him regain his posture and climb back up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just fine...and dandy." Taehyung sounded a bit pissed as he sat on the window ledge, his legs dangling inside my hotel room. "I almost, fell. But no cares."

"Um, excuse me? Where were you?"

Shit. I forgot about Elle.

Now I have to face the lectures.

"Paris." Taehyung answered for me, smiling happily. Elle didn't like the sarcastic answer and glared at me.

"We just went for a walk!" I laughed slightly, my nervous habit coming out.

Elle touched my hair, frowning even deeper. "Why are you both wet? Go for a swim?"

Ding ding ding.

"Yes and no." Taehyung jumped in, making me close my eyes, wishing he would let me take care of it. "We fell, then swam out." I opened my eyes and smiled apologetically, hoping she would drop it

Daegu's bark saved us.

My eyes widened when I saw him clamber out of my forgotten bag, shaking his fur out as well.

Then he sneezed.

"Daegu." I hurried over to him and picked him up. When I turned around again, I almost ran into Taehyung. He and I both smiled slightly and he petted Daegu's head.

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