35: A leap of (Faye)th

Start from the beginning

     "Yeah, an amazing one."

     "He can visit. We have a guest house by the beach. You can stay in it instead of a dorm if you like and-and he can come to visit and stay with you sometimes. I just want to fix this." He said desperately.

     "Guesthouse? Are you loaded or something?" I said in disbelief.

     He laughed, "Something like that. We're well off. Your mother has always been stubborn about taking money. I've tried to give you some through her at times. When your birthday would roll around I would ask her what you wanted and how much it was, but she always refused.

     "Wow...really? Why the hell would she do that? Are you telling me I could have a telescope if it weren't for her being stubborn?"

     "All I can tell you now is that I'll make it up to you. Okay?"


     "Talk to you soon, Arabella. Bye."

     "Bye." I put down the phone and plopped down onto Daniela's bed.

     "Well, that was intense." She sat down beside me. "So...he has money?"

     "He has money, money," I said staring at the ceiling.

     "Girl, you're about to get spoiled rotten. Like eighteen years worth of presents rotten. Did I hear you mention a guest house?"

     "By the beach."

     "BITCH! You're taking me, right? Let's go tomorrow!"

     "I'm in shock. How is this my life right now?"

     "I don't know but do you know what this means?" She asked with excitement.


     "All of your problems are going to be SOLVED. Well you know, financial problems. Do you think he'll buy you designer stuff?"

     "Dani, I got a scholarship for Cal Tech, I'm only paying for the dorms and books...which is still a lot, to be honest."

     "Maybe he'll take care of it! Take advantage of this, Arabella. It's the least he can do."

     "I don't know. It just feels wrong. I don't want him to try to buy my love or respect."

     "Then don't let him. Let him buy stuff just because he can and you're his daughter. You think Faye is living large?"

     "I don't know. I know nothing. I'm guessing she's cool, I'd hope so. I could use an older sister that can be like a friend. It would make moving easier. And as if on queue, my phone began buzzing frantically with text messages.

Uknown Number: Is this Arabella?

Apparently, I'm your sister

well half-sister

and no one decided to tell me?

So hi.


I just want you to know my dad and I have something special over here in cali

I don't have a mom, and you do. A mom AND a dad.

I only have my dad.

and I don't want you to come to ruin what life we have

I'm sure you're great and I'm excited to meet you

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