Chapter 17

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Team Year Two
February 10th
Gotham's 10th District

The truck stayed until 4:00. Then it took off for the night. She followed from a good distance, using a tracker for optimal efficiency. The sun wasn't quite up yet, and she blended into the dark city background.

Her costume hadn't changed much since her beginning, but her mask was now full-faced. People would now recognize that she was connected to the Batman. They wouldn't mess with her quite so easily.

About half an hour later, she arrived at a house outside the city. From the outside, it looked like just a normal suburban house.

"Alfred," she said into her com. "Can you get me schematics for 411 Tins Avenue, North Gotham?"

"Coming right up, ma'am."

The layout was normal. An attic. No basement. Two story. Three bedrooms. Two bathrooms.

She clicked a button on the data pad on her arm, activating x ray vision. "Can you see this?"

"Unfortunately, yes, Miss Parker."

The house was just for holding their merchandise: unmoving, half-dead creatures.

The sun was beginning to rise, and she needed to make herself scarce. She planted three cameras across the way, one infrared.

Everything inside Parker wanted to rush in then and there.

But she didn't.

She had to wait.

She needed more information. When did the truck leave? Were there more? Where are the four leaders? Where are the rest of their victims?

"I'm calling it a day." She announced.

Alfred sighed. "I'm sure you're torn up inside, Miss Parker, but please understand that you're doing all you can."

Her best wasn't good enough in this situation.

"Take a left down that alleyway," Alfred instructed. "You're a bit out of the city. Not a lot of y'all buildings to grapple onto. So I thought I'd call in a surprise for you."

Parker dropped down into the alleyway, coming face to face with the Batmobile itself. She chuckled, feeling a little better.

"Don't get the wrong idea, now," Alfred warned. "I'll be driving it."

She jumped in. "Thanks, Alfred."


"As far as I can tell," Parker said, adding dots to a map. "The only way to go about this is little by little. We can't hit them all at once. We're not an army."

Bruce nodded in agreement. "I had the same thought. My best idea is to take down the house and see where the truck goes after that."

"Just make sure Commissioner Gordon understands that this is a coordinated attack." Parker enlarged her schematics. "He can't get antsy and go in before you're done."

"He'll go for it." He assured. "As long as the other police don't react."

She thought another minute. "Treat it like a hostage situation. Not a rescue operation. Tell him to drill that into the minds of his guys."

Bruce sighed. "You sure you're up to this?"

Her face mellowed seriously. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life." She pulled down her cowl, mounting her cycle. "I let these girls suffer another night. I want them to never suffer again."

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