Chapter 15

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Authors note: So... yeah this is a time skip cause I didn't like where the last storyline was heading and it's been so long since I've updated that no one probably even remembers that this series exists...

Team: Year One
Christmas Day/December 25th
Wayne Manor

(Six months later)

Christmas was not complete without egg nog. Dick had never had any before he came to Wayne Manor. He and Bruce began the tradition of trying different spices in the drink every year. Nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom, chili powder... they used strange things sometimes. This year, though, Bruce received Father of the Year award when he introduced his children to bourbon and rum egg nog.

Dick tried to appear as if the stuff was strange and foreign to him, like the hundred thousand parties he'd attended hadn't served hard drinks. However, Parker didn't try in the slightest. On her fourth round of bourbon (rum was not her favorite), she hardly looked tipsy, much less like the drunk she should have been.

There was no one in the room with an IQ below 140, so Dick figured that Bruce simply didn't care. The eccentric young billionaire got up early, worked all day, and stayed out late. Dick Grayson was always lower on his priority list. Robin was vital to Batman, but just Dick held only slight importance.

He shook his head and sighed.

It was Christmas. Now was not the time to be remarking about his father-figure's interesting parenting decisions.

"How do ducks learn how to fly?" Parker said out of the blue. Perhaps she had decided to be drunk, and he mind was playing those terrible tricks on her. "I mean, birds push the baby birds out of the nest, and they learn on the way down, right?"

Bruce seemed slightly amused at her interesting choice of conversation. "I would think so."

"Then do ducks build nests in tree?" She continued, taking another sip.

"Nope." Dick replied. "They live in reeds and tall grass and stuff."

Parker looked at him for a long time, like she was trying to come up with an impossible answer. "Then where do ducks get pushed out of?"

Bruce, obviously amused at his drunken daughter, smirked at the notion. "Maybe the mama ducks throw them into the air and hope that they don't splash on the way down."

"That makes sense." She nodded, reality completely gone from her mind. Over the past few months, after the Deathstroke incident, using her meta abilities became like an obsession. Maybe it was Dick's own decision that had had an effect on her as well, but ever since then, the amount of control Parker had over her own mind was astonishing.

After a month of playing around with her mind thing, often with the help of M'gann, Parker realized that her ability more specifically was controlling her own neurological pathways. In essence, she could manipulate her own reality. Not the most useful ability in the field, but it was amazingly cool.

At the moment, Dick watched drunk Parker was some amusement, realizing that she had actively allowed the alcohol into her brain. She wanted this.

Life was so much different for the both of them. He could only imagine the stress that Parker was constantly under. Was the Team helping her? Was Bruce?

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