Chapter 16

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Team Year Two
February 9th
The Bat Cave

"What are you working on?" Parker waltzed into the Cave that morning. Patrol ended just before sunrise, and it was nearly 6:00am.

Bruce was sitting in front of tons of monitors, reviewing lots of information. "Commissioner Gordon asked me to look into something."

"Can I interest you in some espresso, Miss Parker?" Alfred asked. On his tray were small cups and one of those coffee makers just for espresso. This was just part of their daily routine.

"Double shot, please." She nodded, eyes glued to some of the monitors. "Some important person missing again?"

Bruce furrowed his brow. "It's a sensitive topic. Just a single shot for me, Alfred."

"Heavens knows you need four, Master Bruce." The butler ignored.

"What could be so sensitive?" Parker asked, blowing on her cup. "And just take the quad so he can make more."

Not arguing, Bruce took it.

"Master Dick wakes up in twenty minutes," Alfred notes. "He'll want a cappuccino, no doubt."

"You're the barista, Alfred." Parker complemented.

"I don't want you getting involved." Bruce explained.

Parker downed the shots, immediately jittering from the caffeine coursing through her. "Saying that just intrigues me more." Her eyes scanned the screens, looking for clues that might tell her more about what Bruce was hiding.

Bruce said nothing.

She found several names that she had never heard before. "Antoine Germaine, Timothy Crown, Gerard Beneduke—who are these people?"

"Like I said," Bruce repeated. "Something I don't want you involved in."

"Why?" It was times like this that Bruce must have remembered that she was a child.

He had no idea how to deal with kids. "Because I said so."

"I'm going to find out one way or another." Parker threatened.

The cave was quiet except for the sound of the waterfall below them. It helped them think.

After a long minute, Bruce sighed. "It's the largest human trafficking ring in Gotham. The commissioner finally found a solid lead that could take it down for good."

Parker nodded. "And you don't want me involved because I was a victim of human trafficking, is that it?"

"Yes." Bruce didn't beat around the bush.

She stared at the screens, now connecting things in context. "These names," she pointed. "They're the primary sourcers?"

"That's what it seems like." He presses a few buttons. "They target teenagers and young adults, men and women, from seven different countries. And they come directly to the Gotham City port."

Parker cocked her head. "Do you think I came from a foreign country?" It was more of her wondering aloud.

The Batman seemed uncomfortable, which was difficult to do. "Who knows. You were younger than these kids, so maybe not. And the man who had you didn't seem connected to any larger organization."

"Let me have this project." She demanded. Bruce opened his mouth to protest, but she quickly interrupted. "I can get into places like this where you can't go. I'm a young teenager. I'm a girl. And I'm a meta human."

He raised his eyebrow. "What does that have anything to do with it?"

"Drugs—organizations like this addict their victims. But I can instantaneously shut off that function in my brain and still be useful on the inside."

Inaspirical >>>(Young Justice/Dick Grayson)<<<Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora