Chapter 13

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Team: Year One
July 4th, 10:35
The Cave

Even in just her beach dress, Parker felt completely insecure. Completely exposed were her arms. She kept them crossed, even though she had promised Dick that she would flaunt to the best of her ability.

He must've noticed her. His gentle hands gripped her wrists firmly, bringing them down to her sides. "You've got this." He whispered reassuringly.

Her long hair flowed down her back, and it was hot. The thick layers seemed to collect sun and heat her to a boiling point. Still, Dick had mentioned that he liked her hair down, and she felt obligated to comply.

The air was humid, but not horribly so. The ocean smell greeted everyone pleasantly, the sound of the waves inviting. Parker loved the salt spray enough to want to one day live near a beach.

"Nali!" The resident speedster waved them over. He was sipping lemonade under an umbrella next to Artemis, a little bit of suntan lotion on their noses.

Zatanna was sitting in a towel, a drink in her hand, too. Thick sunglasses sat on the top of her head. Remembering that she had bought a new swim suit, Parker noticed the thin, revealing bikini and immediately hugged herself.

Kaldur was already in the water, and M'gahnn and Konner were in the kitchen loading up trays of lunch. Raquel had her feet in the ocean, but she obviously did not like the idea of a vast, immeasurable body of water. Captain Marvel was snacking in a plate of nachos.

All eyes were friendly, yet maybe that was the problem. Parker almost wished they would tease and laugh at her. It would have been easier to deal with.

"You're gonna be fine," Dick spoke softly. "I, for one, am very excited to see you in your suit."

His comment made her flush again, but this time with embarrassment instead of insecurity.

"Hey, guys," she greeted the loungers as she opened her chair, trying to get away from the previous comment.

Zee eyes the couple suspiciously. "So are we still supposed to pretend that you two aren't a thing?" She pointed to Parker and Dick.

"I guess there's no point in hiding it at this point." Boy Wonder admitted. "Besides," He flopped down in his chair. "I'm not about to pretend that she doesn't look hot as hell." Wally elbowed him playfully.

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "Rich kid gets a new bikini every time she goes swimming?" She may have been sarcastic, and her smirk nodded approvingly.

"Let's see it!" Zee ordered.

Parker pursed her lips together. It's now or later, she told herself and swung off her covering.

"Girl!" Came a voice from by the shore. "If I was gay, I'd date you!"

"Girl, I'm gay," Zatanna decided. "Date me."

Dick flung his arms around her and pulled her down onto him. "Sorry, ladies, but this one is mine."

Her arms clung to her sides. She noticed how no one batted an eye at Robin or KF's scarred arms, and how no one so much as glanced at her's. Gratitude flooded her and filled her with confidence.

Megan and Konner came out with more food than even Wally knew what to deal with. They ate and laughed and swam and had an amazing time.

Dark came faster than expected. Soon, the sounds of fireworks echoed throughout the mountain as colors danced in the sky.

"Happy one year anniversary, YJI!" Wally shouted.

"Happy one year anniversary!" Everyone chorused back.

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